Bulletin N° 1005

“Paths of Glory”




During World War I, commanding officer General Broulard orders his subordinate, General Mireau, to attack a German trench position, offering a promotion as an incentive.

Though the mission is foolhardy to the point of suicide, Mireau commands his own subordinate, Colonel Dax, to plan the attack.

When it ends in disaster, General Mireau demands the court-martial of three random soldiers in order to save face.





Subject: Cultural hegemony and "critical class theory".




Grenoble, October 16, 2021


Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

A popular refrain often heard in school when I was studying history was: "There are no social classes in America." The idea that we were all "free individuals" possessing equal opportunities in a classless society was a popular mantra that had been intensified into a battle cry during the cold war with such slogans as: "Better dead than red!" 

The authors of the artificially enhanced Covid virus and the owners of the experimental Covid-19 vaccine know what individual sacrifices are necessary if class power and privilege are to be maintained. Wealthy individuals are sometimes sacrificed in time of war. In Greek mythology, the story of Saturn devouring his children captures ingeniously this reality and was told in ancient times to illustrate this universal trait of holding on to power at all costs. Social class rules society, not individuals - they never have, and they never will. On occasion, sub-classes have been created to dissolve this understanding.

Today, according to many social critics, we live in truly morbid times. We are warned that Dr Fauci, like Bill Gates and many others, are front men for the inventors of the military grade Covid-19 virus and administrators of the illegal, experimental vaccines which are being increasingly administered "by mandate" (and not "with informed consent"), injections the ill-effects of which include thousands of permanent mutilations and deaths, not to mention life-time dependencies. Officially, biological weapon production is legal, with the restriction that the bioweapon "must be intended to only incapacitate the enemy target and not cause death." [Please see Dr. Robert Malone's comments in the informative two-hour+ discussion by specialists at The Awareness Foundation Covid 19 Roundtable webinaire in the August 23, 2021 Ceimsa Bulletin N° 992.]


If this is true, it is not completely unprecedented, though in scale the world has never known such a massive crime. Even in times of global wars, there were unaffected regions of the planet. And in smaller historic microcosms, we can see the moving parts working similarly together to produce collaboration in self-destructive policies initiated from above, by those “superiors” in control of the planned operation, and eagerly administered by many of the victims.

Howard Zinn once recounted at a talk in Madison, Wisconsin, that at the time of the  Nuremberg trials, Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels was interviewed by U.S. Army psychiatrist Leon Goldensohn (1911-1961), posthumous author of The Nuremberg interviews: An American Psychiatrist's Conversations with the Defendants and Witnesses (2006), where he was asked how were you able to convince the German people to undergo such terrible sacrifices for this war. Goebbels answered enthusiastically, that it was easy. You could do it, too, in a democracy like America! You simply must tell the average slob that his home or farm is threatened by an enemy. He will follow your line of self-defense. Goldensohn got to know Goebbels and his family well in Nuremberg and insisted that he was always an affable person in the interviews.

Then, there is the microcosm of Jonestown 1978, where over 900 people were under the influence of a psychotic demagogue who prepared them to live in an insulated reality bubble of his making and to die for his ideals. In short, another psychotic experiment in what happens when people do not question Authority.


We return, now, to Barrington Moore, Jr’s exemplary history of the German working class between 1848 and 1920, where we find other lessons in a study which stands as a model for social historians, comparable to E.P. Thompson’s classic work, The Making of the English Working Class (1963). Moore devotes six chapters - the entire second part his work, Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt (1978) - to this careful, comparative examination.


In the preface to his study Moore explains his reasons for selecting Germany for this case study.

Without claiming that German working-class history is prototypical, one can see that some of the most important things that have happened to workers in other countries happened also in Germany, but in a more intense form. Guilds were far more important in Germany than elsewhere in Western Europe: their decay and the creation of new industrial forms of organization presented especially severe and revealing problems. In the second place, Germany before 1914 had created a powerful industrial establishment for its time and had managed to integrate its workers into the capitalist order to an extent that astonished radical Marxists. But there were obviously forces working against capitalist integration too. In addition, Germany had undergone two revolutionary experiences, that of 1848 and that of 1918-1920. Perhaps because both were unsuccessful, the prospects of learning something new seemed to be especially enticing.

     Furthermore the primary sources on Germany, though far from completely satisfactory, are usually rich in the type of data necessary for the problems at hand. There were more workers’ autobiographies than apparently existed for England, the United States, France, and Russia, the other countries whose language I could read. There were several sociological investigations of factory life prior to 1914 and even one primitive, but in many respects highly revealing, investigation of workers’ attitudes. Used with critical care, such sources can tell us a great deal about how a variety of workers actually thought and felt about contemporary issues, the categories and concepts through which they diagnosed their situation, the forms of cooperation and antagonism on the job and off it, and similar matters. To set such information in its general context and as a check on its representative character, I found invaluable the German census reports, supplemented by those of the factory inspection service, neither of which so far as I know has yet been the object of critical scrutiny and interpretation.

     The explanation in Part One of central elements of conceptions of injustice, their relationship to recurring aspects of division of labor, and of the range of variations in Human willingness to put up with oppressive social relationships suggested many questions that should be put to the German materials and some of the possible answers. But I had no intention of forcing the facts of German history through a conceptual sieve in order to “test” hypotheses. Historical facts have a certain patterned relationship to each other that such a procedure would obliterate and destroy. It is the task of the investigator to elicit this pattern through careful and critical attention to the evidence. It is necessary to proceed delicately, patiently, listening for contradictory clues and signals, much as a skilled diagnostician tries to understand the state of organs and tissues in a live human patient while searching for patterns that will reveal a state of health or a specific disease. Dissection and hypotheses are necessary in both forms of inquiry at certain points. But they are nowhere near enough.

     Furthermore it is a provincial and philistine notion to “relevance” which requires all worthwhile knowledge to be relevant to either political action or scientific theory or both. Historical inquiry can have other purposes without falling into mere antiquarianism or the manufacture and distribution of admirable ancestors for a usable past. One of these is to uncover and assess the main causal links in a unique chain of events that has had powerful consequences all over the world. What German workers tried to do during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and what they failed to do or were not even interested in trying to do, are a set of related events with consequences on this order of magnitude. These are important facts in their own right with their own patterns of causal connections, which carry vital implications for the issues discussed in this book. Finally, historical inquiry enables, indeed almost forces, one to perceive and raise questions missed by a static analysis.

     German history during the period under consideration from the Revolution of 1848 to the capture of power by Adolf Hitler in 1933, was a contest among the forces of conservatism – including eventually reaction in its mass form of National Socialism – liberalism, and revolutionary radicalism. As best I could, I have tried to understand and portray the changing lives of ordinary workers living through this contest, the extent to which they were and were not aware of it, and the nature of their contributions to it.(pp.xv-xvi)

General background.

 The next to last chapter in Part Two of this book is titled “The reformist revolution, 1918-1920.” Moore begins by providing “a general background”:

The strains of the First World War, the shock of the defeat that destroyed the monarchy and temporarily discredited the dominant strata and institutions of German society – Junkers, military leaders, the civilian bureaucracy, big business – created conditions that enabled a diffuse revolutionary movement to surface in 1918. The reformist wing of the labor movement took power peacefully on November 9, 1918, partly because both the reformists and the leaders of the old regime were anxious to head off a radical upsurge. At this point those committed to a revolutionary transformation of the existing order were still a small minority. The leader of this movement was Rosa Luxemburg, who subsequently attained a worldwide reputation, though it would be hard to prove that she was the dominant figure at the time. A much larger group among those traditionally called radicals were unsure of what  they did want and mainly agreed on what they did not want, a return to the status quo of 1914. These were the Independent Socialists, or USPD, from the German initials for Independent Socialist Party of Germany, who had broken off from the SPD in 1917. Still, revolutionary radicalism, which before the war had been mainly a ferment among left intellectuals, had begun by 1918 to acquire a mass basis. This mass basis grew very rapidly, partly because of the policies adopted by the SPD leaders and partly for other and more fundamental reasons. Whether the SPD could have handled the situation in a different manner, and with less disastrous results, is a difficult question, to be discussed after we have seen what actually happened. Moderate and reformist elements among the industrial workers did manage to contain and defeat the radical impulse – or rather several radical thrusts which came at different times and from somewhat differing sources. But they bought this success at the price of an alliance with the conservative and antidemocratic forces in German society. The Pyrehic and limited victory of the moderates created a legacy of bitterness within the industrial working class and a liberal capitalist regime with very few liberals. Within a decade and a half that regime succumbed to Hitler.

     In capsule form this is the historical tale that forms the framework for the remaining historical portion of this book. This chapter and the next will analyze certain aspects of the part played by the workers in this major tragedy of modern civilization.

     The war and its aftermath thoroughly disrupted the ordinary daily routines of life of practically every industrial worker in Germany, as it did no doubt in the rest of Europe. The fact by itself goes a long way toward explaining the political turmoil of the immediate postwar period. A huge number of workers changed jobs. Others joined the armed forces, many of whom became casualties. Women and children did men’s work but left the labor force at war’s end. For those men who stayed in the same job the conditions of work changed markedly. Taken together, these changes meant that the familiar social networks and sanctions that had tied individuals to the status quo underwent sever strains and had to be re-created – or else broke down altogether. The occupational statistics give some indications of the major dimensions of the changes.(pp.275-276)


Here Moore presents statistical tables, which covered firms with ten or more employees, cited in Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsch Reich, Vol. 42 (1921/22), 96-97, and are based on reports of the Gewerbeaufsicht or Factory Inspection Service. “At first glance,” he observes, “it might appear that the war had greatly accelerated the trend toward the making of a modern industrial proletariat and in this fashion created the social basis for postwar “proletarian” upsurges.”

The war industries – from mining to chemicals – are those most characteristic of a modern indusial economy. The total number of workers in this sector increased by 26 percent between 1913 and 1918. Meanwhile the intermediate category of industries lost 37 percent of its workers and the civilian category’. On closer inspection this plausible hypothesis loses most if its force. Even in the war industries the number of males declined, as the composition of the labor force changed sharply. The proportion of females and youths rose from 13 percent in 1913 to 34 percent in 1918. As 112,000 men left the war industries, presumably for the trenches, 982,000 women and youths streamed in to create the increase in workers in this sector of the economy.

     Between 1918 and 1920 most of these dropped out of the work force and could hardly have been a source of radicalization. Indeed it is worth noticing that by 1920 the proportions of women and youthful workers under 16 returned to one very similar to that of 1913 in all three sectors. In 1913 it was 13 percent in the war industries, 18 percent in the intermediate sector, and 52 percent in the civilian sector. By 1920 the respective proportions were 17 percent, 23 percent, and 56 percent.

     After the war, to be sure, in 1920 the wartime sector still had a net gain in employment of 15 percent, with machines . . . showing the largest absolute gain of any occupational category by the addition of 247,000 workers. Hence an explanation of radicalism in terms of the growth of the sector most characteristic of a modern industrial sector is not to be discarded out of hand. But, as the rest of the table shows and as I have already suggested, the basic fact of industrial life was not by any means just growth. Instead, it was wild fluctuations in the type and conditions of employment. Hence it will be more useful to notice what some of the major changes were in specific industries, especially because the overall total for industrial workers and even the subtotals in the wartime, intermediate, and civilian sectors mask such changes.(p.279)

Shifting from quantitative changes to qualitative changes, Moore seeks to explain the political developments influenced the German workers following the First World War.

     The war generated strains not only in the pattern of occupational choices open –to workers but also the social contract governing the just reward for labor. What happened to the notion of an extra reward for skill is quite revealing. This moral assumption came into conflict with other moral assumptions, as well as the imperatives of a war economy. If these imperatives were at bottom the imperatives of the dominant classes, they were also to a degree shared by the workers until the sacrifices made by the workingmen began to seem to them unfair. In several sectors of the economy – notably railways, construction in certain cities, and in several Bavarian industries – there is evidence to support the familiar claim that wage differentials between skilled and unskilled workers declined. Severe rises in the cost of living created the ‘necessity’ to protect the lower-paid workers in these sectors. The ‘necessity’ evidently reflects not only upper-class concern about disorder but also popular beliefs to the effect that there should be some sort of a minimum or living scale along with differential rewards for skill and effort.

. . .

     With these observations it is time to raise some questions about the significance of straightforward material hardship in the whole upheaval. There is no reason to doubt that there was very severe material hardship among many workers toward the end of the war and during the chaotic years that followed. In some areas there was outright starvation. Real wage rates for selected occupations show declines of 25 to 50 percent between 1913 and 1917. In 1918 and 1919 there was a surprising recovery that brought some real wages to levels higher than in 1913, but with severe fluctuations to follow between 1919 and 1923. During that time there were drops of as much as 50 percent. The figures suggest a world of very unstable expectations – if indeed it made sense to have any expectations – and fortunes that rapidly changed for reasons completely beyond the control of any individual worker. On the other hand, in the series reported, real wage rates for the unskilled held up better during declines and rose higher during recoveries than did the rates for skilled workers. In this sense, then, there was some cushioning to the dizzying lurches of the wheel of fortune.(pp.282-283)  


Moore concludes this introductory discussion of the “general background” of the “reformist revolution of 1918-1920” with a subjective account to workers’ experiences in this period of turmoil.

     To sum up what material hardship meant, and did not mean, in political terms, three pointes stand out clearly enough to deserve emphasis. The data on changes in real wages demonstrate that periods of increasing material hardship do not coincide closely with periods of political upheaval. Real wages were lower in 1917 than in 1918. Material hardships were very necessary but quite insufficient cause for social upheavals. Secondly, those at the bottom of the economic heap, the unskilled, were not by and large the ones that suffered the most. Finally, the radical thrust from the ‘masses,’ a questionable but occasionally usable term, originated in its most privileged sector, the Berlin metalworkers. (p.284)


The duel between the SPD and the radicals.

What I have called here the Reformist Revolution of 1918-1920 was in fact a bitter duel for the allegiance of the industrial working classes and control over them. The main contest was between the moderate and reformist leaders of the SPD and a heterogeneous series of opponents who shared little more than a common disillusionment with SPD policy during and immediately after he war. A third actor, and a very important one, in this tragic drama was the Army and its key officers. For the historian to state the issues before describing the contest is to risk a degree of falsification, because many of the contestants only became aware of the issues as the situation developed and choices had to be made to the sound of crackling rifles, rumbling trucks, or the roar of excited crowds. For this reason too it is necessary to present a fairly detailed chronological account of the main events. Nothing else can hope to do justice to this fascinating and tragic example of escalation and polarization as the contestants reached out for stronger and more effective weapons against their opponents.

    Still, if the reader keeps this risk constantly in mind, it is helpful to realize what the contestants could not always see: that the struggle was over the possibility (and desirability) of transforming Germany into a much more humane society by methods that remained within the framework of liberal traditions. By and large, the radicals became convinced that liberal and parliamentary methods and institutions were totally incompatible with this objective. Liberalism was something many radicals came to reject, both as a means and as an end, partly because of what they saw was happening as the moderate socialists tried to behave and sound like liberals. Other radicals of course felt that liberalism was inevitably and inherently part of the capitalist system. They started out with an attitude of suspicion mixed with contempt. Long after the events themselves both moderates and revolutionaries have been inclined to argue from quite different postulates that each side followed a basically correct policy or the only one that was possible under the circumstances. In this manner they have imparted an air of inevitability that may actually have not been inherent in the events themselves. Only recently has a new generation of German historians begun to probe gingerly at this veil of inevitability. When the record is before us, we shall return to this issue.

     Though only a narrative account can hope to recapture the way in which issues actually arose and appeared to the participants, there can be no such thing as a complete narrative. Even the most naïve chronicler is guided by principles of selection. In turn these principles are related to the problems to which one seeks answers. It will be both appropriate and helpful, therefore, to indicate very briefly what the questions are and the themes that govern the narrative. First of all, how could it happen that the socialist leadership concluded a working alliance with key sectors in the discredited dominant strata: the military, the administrative bureaucracy, and big business? On what assumptions and perceptions of the existing situation did the reformist strategy rest? In the second place, what was the radical challenge to the reformist strategy, and how did it fit into the larger contest of both German and international politics? Finally, what kinds of support could the contestants muster? How and why did this support very as the struggle proceeded?

     The outbreak of the war had only temporarily and superficially healed the divisions within the SPD. Most socialist leaders did support the war. So for some time did an overwhelming majority of the industrial working classes, at least in the sense of providing willing services and not making trouble for the authorities. At first, disputes were limited to the leadership and to the theological issues of whether socialists could in good conscience support the German war effort, whether this effort was fundamentally a defense of the fatherland (which might permit at least some justifiable border rectifications and even a small dose of annexations for the sake of security), or something quite different. Leaders who opposed the war did manage to establish political organizations and distinct identities. The Spartacists did so as a small revolutionary group under the leadership of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht as early as January 1, 1916. The Spartacists continued as an oppositional nucleus within the general framework of a larger and more moderate group, the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD), which was set up on April 6, 1917, at a point when Germany’s situation had begun to weaken visibly. The line between those willing to work for change within the prevailing order and those who sought to overthrow it ran through the USPD rather than between the USPD and the Spartacists. Actually it ran through the heads of some members of the USPD, who had great difficulty in making up their own minds in the turmoil of the times. Though the USPD attempted to become a mass political party after the end of the war, it failed to establish any very clear and effective political identity largely because its leaders, and very likely a large proportion of its following, could agree on very little beyond objecting to the policies of the majority socialists. Until the last year of the war all these leaders of the opposition remained generals without an army to follow them. When any army did put in an appearance in the form of open opposition to the war from significant sectors among the workers, the generals proved unable to command it.

     To a considerable degree the workers developed their own leadership, organization, and methods of action. As early as the first year of the war a group of local officers in the Berlin Metalworkers Union, later known as the Revolutionary Shop Stewards, began their first attempts to organize. These were local union officials opposed to the union’s official policy of economic and political truce during the hostilities, a policy followed in all the unions. At first they directed their efforts to the turners’ branch of the union, made up of the most highly skilled workers. Later they gained control of almost the entire armaments industry in Berlin. This was of course the most privileged sector to the German economy. Richard Müller, a major leader of the Revolutionary Shop Stewards emphasizes that the labor aristocracy of highly skilled workers was the driving force behind the radical movement at this time. There was little or no radicalism among the bottom strata of the workers. Indeed, the last elections to the Reichstag in 1918 demonstrated, according to Müller, that the mass of workers had not broken away from reformist and democratic illusions. That was true even among Berlin workers, as shown by elections held there on October 15, 1918, less than a month before the outbreak of what I have called the Reformist Revolution. On the other hand, these highly skilled workers were often willing to join battle not merely on behalf of their own interests but also in order to help those categories of workers whose position was weaker. If that is so, it hints at the possibility of a sense of guilt among the privileged armament worker’s. There were other factors too behind their radicalism. If they were highly skilled and highly paid, they were also in other respects definitely proletarian. They worked in big plants such as AEG, Borsig, and Siemens. They were also thoroughly urbanized. In their case the bonds with rural, petty-bourgeois, and artisan existence had dissolved.

     From 1916-1917 on, the Revolutionary Shop Stewards managed to extend their influence and connections outward in a rather loose manner throughout Germany. They had only very tenuous connections with the Spartacists because they did not trust the Spartacist inclinations toward a premature revolutionary putsch. They also distrusted the USPD for the opposite reason: its excessive reliance on parliamentary methods. The Revolutionary Shop Stewards were not a large group. Its core amounted to no more than fifty to eighty individuals with shared political views, confidence in one another, and strategic positions in a particular plant. Individuals in this core, on the other hand, cultivated connections with generally like-minded individuals similarly placed in other factories. In this informal manner they were able to exercise a very powerful influence as deteriorating conditions produced disenchantment with the war among wider sections or the workers.

     Even if a minor current within the working class as a whole, the Revolutionary Shop Stewards movement does represent an authentic expression of indigenous working-class radicalism. Since it arose among the labor aristocracy, we can leave to others the debate about whether or not it deserves to be called proletarian radicalism. It put in an appearance and gained mass support only as a consequence of the war. But it is impossible to argue that this form of radicalism was an accident or the result of something external to the development of modern industrial society unless one is prepared to believe that the war itself was an accident. (More precisely one would have to believe that, given the political and economic configurations of the early twentieth century, the prospects of peace were at least as good as those of global conflict – a proposition I find impossible to swallow.) To be sure, this was an inchoate and uncertain radicalism: the Revolutionary Shop Stewards had few if any ideas about what should happen after the seizure of power. Their main tactic was to put pressure on the government through strikes. In this they became increasingly successful, though they were able to mount a strike only when some specific event sparked latent discontent among the workers.

     The first important strike occurred on June 28, 1916, when Karl Liebknecht was tried for treason. Then the turners stopped their machines. In Berlin 35,000 workers, it is claimed, came out on strike to express their solidarity. In April, 1917, a much larger strike followed when the government ordered the bread ration to be cut by one-quarter. By far the largest and most important of the wartime strikes, that of January, 1918, began for the same reason. That one started in Austria with a cut in the meager flour ration. From Austria it spread slowly to Germany. In Berlin perhaps 200,000 workers were out on strike by January 28, 1918. The political temper of the movement appears in the action committee that the strikers elected. There were eleven Revolutionary Shop Stewards, three representatives of he USPD, and, significantly, three members of the SPD, which was still officially very much in favor of continuing the war. The election of three members form the SPD indicates that even militant workers were reluctant to cut their ties with their traditional leaders, an attitude that persisted after the end of the war. Characteristically the strike started with consumer grievances, reflecting experiences much more widely shared than those in the workplace which would vary from job to job and plant to plant, and quickly picked up very specific political demands for the immediate situation. The strike spread rapidly to several other German cities. Its major demands were the rapid conclusion of peace without annexations and indemnities on the basis of the Russian offer at Brest-Litovsk. Only in Berlin and Munich did the strike last for as long as a week. It ended when the government placed the armament factories in Berlin under martial law. It was also the only mass movement on a national scale until the outbreak of the November Revolution later in 1918.

     Meanwhile as unrest increased and the prospects of defeat replaced the hopes of victory, the dominant elements began to make concessions and even to seek a dam against disorder by making arrangements with ‘responsible,’ working-class leaders. As early as April, 1917, the day after the official formation of the USPD, Kaiser Wilhelm issued an Easter decree promising reform after the war. His announcement that ‘there is no more room’ for the three-class suffrage system amounted to a promise to grant one of the main prewar demands of rather moderate socialists. Up until October of 1918, on the other hand, the big employers had hoped for a military victory that would strengthen the authoritarian regime and hence their own position in relation to organized labor. By October the prospect of defeat was plain. Business leaders therefore abandoned, at least for the time being their traditional connections with the Junkers and the authoritarian state to seek an arrangement with labor. At this point they were unwilling to terminate their support of yellow (company) unions, though they did agree to recognize the nominally socialist unions as representatives of labor, and the general notion of parity between labor and management. Precedents of a sort for such arrangements had already been established under government pressure during the war, though the power of labor representatives was slight. Toward the end of October, 1918, sighs of dissolution were becoming ominous and included the prospect that the SPD might lose control over its own following. Speed and further concessions by business would be necessary if business and the organized labor movement were to stem the tide. On November 2, 1918, both parties managed to agree on the demand for a demobilization office with extensive executive powers. In itself this agreement turned out to be more important as a symptom than anything else. By the next day a mutiny in Kiel was well under way. It ignited a spontaneous revolutionary movement that spread over most of Germany, taking on different forms and displaying different degrees of radical ardor in different parts of the country. On November 12, 1918, in the midst of this upheaval Hugo Stinnes, the industrialist, and Carl Legien, chef of the labor unions, did conclude a major formal bargain. The industrialists agreed to discontinue financial support of the yellow unions; they also accepted the application of the eight-hour day to all industries (but with overtime permitted) and the general introduction of collective wage agreements. In the Stinnes-Legien agreement organized labor achieved major goals that labor movements have sought in all countries. This is true even though the employers managed to protect themselves with ambiguous language and secret protocols, and were able to prevent any interference by organized labor in the operations of their plants or the conduct of business affairs.

     The pattern of events from the Kaiser’s proclamation through the Stinner-Legien agreement was not a new one in Germany. In the Stein-Hardenberg reforms, the limited constitutionalism of 1848, the partial democratization of 1918, and its extension in 1945, Germany experienced institutional changes that in other Western counties were the product of acute internal and even revolutionary struggles. In Germany, on the other hand, they were the consequence of bureaucratic reform from above, in a setting of defeat or abortive revolution or both. That is one important reason why there has been difficulty in making the reforms take hold or become an accepted part of German institutional life. The Stinner-Legien agreement was not a sign of the unions’ maturity and strength, but of their weakness in a time of turmoil and crisis. It did not represent the acceptance by labor and capital of methods for settling disputes within a larger framework of agreement on fundamental institutions. It was a temporary switching of alliances, more a diplomatic minuet amid the smoke of battle than an alliance, a flirtation rather than a marriage.

     The Revolution of 1918 began with the mutiny of the sailors in Kiel. On October 28 the sailors had refused to obey admiralty orders to go to sea and fight the British. By November 3rd the mutiny had become a revolt and begun to spread to shore installations and to other cities. As it spread, those in revolt formed workers’ and soldiers’ councils. Though the names and the basic idea first appear in Russia, these bodies were essentially a German response to German conditions. Most were quite moderate, anxious mainly to cooperate with the military and civilian officials in maintaining order during a period of transition the outcome of which was highly uncertain. But not all were this way.(pp.285-291)  

. . .

The radical thrust.

The failure of the Spartacist revolt introduced a new element into the workers’ situation: massive and bloody repression of the left. It was only after January of 1919 when the revolt was crushed and Noske and the Freikorps swung into action that the workers rose in massive ranks throughout the main industrial areas of Germany. The first wave of the revolution that had begun in Kiel in November, 1918, with the sailors’ revolt had been predominantly a ‘people’s’ revolution, with limited liberal objectives. It was a general popular upheaval directed almost entirely against the military, the monarchy, and anything that smacked of the continuation of wartime discipline, suffering, and sacrifice. Though the workers played a major role, those who sought to turn the popular revolution into a radical or proletarian one were a small and scattered minority. Had not Ebert and his colleagues forestalled them by taking power in Berlin, they might have mounted a coup but hardly a revolution. The local workers’ and soldiers’  councils that sprang up spontaneously after the Kiel uprising might have become the organs of a popular’ democracy or at least agents to break the institutional hold of the dominant classes – the Junkers, big business, the higher levels of e judiciary and the bureaucracy. But this did not happen. One obvious reason is that the reformist leadership of the SPD  was afraid of letting it happen, lest the movement get out of hand and turn into a socialist revolution, which they believed should have disastrous consequences for all of Germany, including the industrial workers. Another reason why nothing resembling a democratic dictatorship emerged from the council movement is the fact that by and large the peasants would have nothing to do with the councils.

     Thus the popular revolution failed to bring about any of the social transformations that have been part of the establishment of liberal democracies in England, France, and the USA. The second revolutionary wave that gathered force after the failure of the Spartacist revolt was very much a reaction against the shortcomings of the first wave – and they were shortcomings even by a liberal standard. The second wave of the revolution was proletarian in the sense of being based on the industrial workers. Even rhetorically there was hardly any attempt to dress it up as a movement of the whole people. To put the point in a slightly different light, the articulate elements in the second wave saw or defined the industrial workers as the mass of people. This was statistical nonsense. The census of 1925 shows the workers to have been only about 29 percent of the German population. Even in the Ruhr the industrial workers were slightly less than a majority (48 percent), though they would have formed a slight majority by adding similar elements from commerce and transportation. That, however, hardly matters. Amid the euphoria and anger of the times neither revolutionaries nor their opponents could be expected to spend a great deal of time going over statistics.

     In terms of strict chronology the radical wave actually had its origins in the wartime factory strikes discussed in the preceding chapter. It continues along side of, but was largely submerged by, the wider popular wave that began with the sailors’ revolt in Kiel and overturned the Kaiser. Sometimes the two waves flowed together. But at least some of the leaders remained conscious throughout of conflicting objectives. The reformist, popular, or democratic revolution came to a halt when the first Congress of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Councils, December 16-21, 1918, decided on elections to a National Assembly at the earliest possible date and by this action wrote finis to this form of the council movement. By the time that Noske crushed the Spartacist rebellion a few weeks later the popular movement had already lost its revolutionary impetus. By having provoked repression instead of revolution, from that point onward through 1919 and 1920 the radical thrust had a strong defensive component. It was defensive even though it acquired a much larger mass basis. Indeed, the fact that it was a defense against a resurgence of military force in the service of big business appears, as I read the evidence, as the main reason for mass support of what are loosely called radical movements at this time in Germany.

     To sum up, the fundamental causes of the radical surge were these: long-term change in the structure of the economy, evident already before the war, had begun to enlarge the burden placed on the main institutions for integrating the industrial worker into the capitalist order. The importance of craft and small productive units in provincial cities, where the SPD and the unions had their firmest roots, had begun at long last to decline, while the importance of big factories and metropolitan life increased. The war gave a temporary spurt to these trends. It caused much hardship and a general disruption of traditional social bonds and familiar routines. The war was also the reason for the quite sudden appearance of huge concentrations of workers in certain plants and areas. In many parts of Germany the shortages of housing, fuel, clothing, and especially food – which occurred in such a way as to discredit the authorities and to emphasize the gulf between rich and poor – made industrial workers irritable and angry. Disappointment and abortive putsches, of which the Spartacist revolt was only the most dramatic and important, led to the use of troops to quell revolts. After the failure of the Spartacist uprising many workers lost hope in any form of political activity. They trended to fall back on their own devices, particularly the movement for plant operations to be discussed in more detail shortly. When these devices failed, or were encouraged to fail by suspicions and foot-dragging from above, or were used as the justification for direct government and military interventions, the protests turned into open revolt.

     If these were the causal condition, what types of workers were attracted to radical movements? Obviously not all of them were , and it will best to begin with a few comments on these. With the important exception of the metalworkers, to be discussed in a moment, radial movements did not take hold in areas where the trade unions had established deep roots. Nor were they likely to occur where the traditions of the artisan were still strong, a notable contrast to the situation in 1848. Finally, the areas of textile mills with their large number of unskilled and female workers stayed aloof, though they were against the collaborationist policies of the unions during the war and later developed a strong Communist minority in their ranks. Since a sympathetic and very perceptive student of the movement for factory councils reports that it failed to appeal to the majority of German workers, it is a safe inference that many workers even in big urban industries and in mining likewise resisted radical appeals.

   Where then did radicalism find favor? Different types of radicalism appealed to different types of workers. Starting at the bottom, the rejects of the social order – called variously das Lumpenproletariat, die Unterschicht, die Ausgestossenen – provided numerous recruits for various forms of utopian activism and terrorism. This stratum contained the unemployed and nearly unemployable, as well as casual labor. The harbor workers in Hamburg, who erupted on occasion into the political arena in a violent demonstration only to disappear into apparent apathy shortly afterward, constitute a good example . Such men were only superficially attracted to the council movement.

     In marked contrast to the new workers, who entered new industries during and after the war, especially, for example, the chemical plants, and who lacked prior traditions and connections, flocked readily to the movement for plant councils. The same was true of several other sectors that had not been under union control before the war and into which new workers flooded during the war – railroad employees and state employees generally, also shop clerks. Plant-council radicalism also gained a very powerful footing among miners and foundry workers. Aside from generally harsh working conditions the immediate predisposing factor appears to have been the workers’ reaction to what they viewed as highly authoritarian and irrational forms of managerial authority.

    The metalworkers, whose Revolutionary Shop Stewards played so important a role, constitute the last and perhaps the most instructive example. The metalworkers had a long and successful tradition of trade unionism (except in the heavy iron and steel industries in the Ruhr). They were also highly skilled and especially well paid during the war. Why then did demands for radical social change – with admittedly vague and fluctuating objectives – take such a strong hold in their ranks? One possible reason is that the coming of the big factory meant that the possession of skill was much less a guarantee of security than it had been. But other factors were probably more important. In the metalworkers’ union the shop stewards were experienced trade-union officials whose job kept them on the shop floor in contact with rank-and-file workers. There appears to have been a crucial difference here, since in other unions minor leaders were generally drawn off into the union bureaucracy and hence subject to a much more conservative social network that favored a cautious approach to all problems. On the plant floor under wartime stress and early postwar conditions, on the other hand the conflict between employer and worker appeared in its sharpest form. Therefore these men were daily exposed to experiences that could turn them in a radial direction.


     Hence some generally predisposing factors, which very sharply from case to case, are apparent all through the working classes from the lowest ranks of the social rejects, up through the modern proletariat of unskilled workers in big cities and big factories, reaching up even to highly skilled and highly paid workers. The only area where radicalism seems to have had no appeal to speak of was in the small artisan shops. Very likely that was due to a situation where the employer was not sharply differentiated either in social status or economic function from the workers at the bench. In this situation the employers performed tasks that appeared to the workers as both inevitable and necessary, much as they would, say, in a small plumbing or machine shop in modern America.

     Two general observations about the underlying or predisposing causes of working-class radicalism are in order at this point. Both of them indicate the need for caution in making judgments about such causes. The different forms of radicalism all appear to have been a minority current among German workers most of the time. The true extent of freely given allegiance to radical movements is, on the other hand;, extremely hard to judge. Where its overt expression is risky and dangerous due to repression by employers or the state, there can be a great deal of latent support for radicalism. The other side of the coin is the fact that in time of excitement and of shaky political authority, the opposite kind of situation is likely to prevail. Then there is liable to be a good deal of bullying by militant to force laggards into line and sustain the appearance of solidarity. Though some ordinary workers may spontaneously assume heroic risks it is no more likely that the mass of ordinary workers in inclined in this direction that any other segment of the population. Ordinary soldiers in the army under fire require the social corset of military discipline even when they believe in their cause. Revolutionary bullying plays a somewhat similar role. Even if reactionaries and conservatives overstress this aspect of popular upheavals, there is no reason to doubt its significance under certain circumstances. This difficulty in judging the extent of feely given allegiance to militant and radical programs under conditions of both repression and deteriorating authority can create the illusion of a sudden burst of radical sentiment where in fact there has actually been very little change.(pp.316-321)


Moore concludes this section on German working-class history with a historical prognosis of what the future bodes . . . .

  Despite the initial shock of defeat in 1918 the old regime had by no means lost all of its appeal and legitimacy. The existence of the army, made up at first of picked volunteers, shows that there was a substantial number of men who wanted to get out and fight for the restoration of something like the old order. In the early, critical phases Ebert had done nothing to neutralize this body and in fact had turned to it immediately for assistance. Yet there is more to the situation than Ebert’s policy, disastrous though that prove to be. The old order was temporarily defeated and discredited. But it was not completely rotten – not morsch, to use the apt German expression – as it had become by 1917 in Russia. In Germany, the peasants, the urban middle classes, and even large segments of the industrial workers had turned on their leaders for losing the war, not for reasons that had much to do with domestic policies. Among these strata the right could find its recruits. The far left was just enough of a threat to swell their numbers. Before long the right would cease to be monarchist and noble, and take on for its own uses a populist and egalitarian hue. With that mutation the Nazis were on the road to power.(pp.352-353)


The 20 + items below reflect current debates and analyses which should encourage readers to “sift and winnow” this material in order to better identify and understand the material realities with which we are now faced. As no one has a monopoly on truth, propaganda can be identified; these articles and essays offer us the opportunity to enter into a meaningful dialogue with friends and neighbors, who are influenced by information and arguments on current events coming from different sources and new perspectives. This bulletin will have been successful if it has facilitated our speaking to one another candidly in the language of our choice, for the clearest understanding possible.

For pedagogical reasons, we have no intention here to indoctrinate, but rather to encourage research and collective critical thinking on important and often controversial issues which will continue to affect our lives in the years to come.




Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau's Vaccine Jab

by Michel Chossudovsky

Navy Announces Plans To Expel Those Refusing Covid Vaccine, Revoke Benefits

by Tyler Durden

At the end of August the Pentagon initially announced a mandate for military personnel across all armed service branches, ordering them to "immediately begin" Covid vaccination. A memo issued by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the time directed the Secretaries of the Military Departments to "immediately begin full vaccination of all members of the Armed Forces under DoD authority on active duty or in the Ready Reserve, including the National Guard, who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19."
However, when the mandate went out it remained unclear precisely what repercussions military members would face if they don't comply - this also as a number of lawsuits have since been filed against the DoD by troops arguing that the order violates individual medical freedom. On Thursday the US Navy made it clear to their personnel: receive the jab by November 28 for be expelled from the service. 


The Vaccine Mandate Is a Hoax

(Several links to the unfolding horror of the "vaccine" mandates)


by Paul Craig Roberts


How 3 Indians cracked the Wuhan Code and exposed the origins of Covid-19




57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID


Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations - Global




by Dr. Roxana Bruno, Dr. Peter McCullough, and et al.


The Case for Natural Immunity vs. COVID Shots

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/10/15/covid-vaccine-vs-natural-immunity.aspx?ui=16ffacbab8fe00a7a80fb43e8fc0419cd5e8d4732c8e99e4a93505e1afa83400&sd=20210925&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20211015_HL2&mid=DM1009080&rid=1292924127Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola



Story at-a-glance


During a September 30, 2021, U.S. Senate hearing, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., went head to head with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. Paul called out Becerra for ignoring the science of natural immunity.

Becerra, who is neither a medical doctor nor a scientist — Paul pointed out that Becerra doesn’t even have a degree in science — is traveling the country calling people “flat-earthers” for believing that if they’ve already had COVID they don’t need the vaccine, Paul said.

“We find that very insulting. It goes against the science,” Paul said. And, Paul added, Becerra is doing this in spite of an Israeli study1,2,3 of 2.5 million people that found the vaccinated group was actually seven times more likely to get infected with COVID than those with natural immunity from a previous infection.

When Becerra said he wasn’t familiar with that study and “would have to get back” to Paul on it, Paul chastised Becerra for his ignorance, saying he was making decisions for 100 million Americans who already had COVID when he isn’t even keeping up with the science.

“You alone are on high and you’ve made these decisions, a lawyer with no scientific background, no medical degree. This is an arrogance coupled with an authoritarianism that is unseemly and un-American,” Paul said. “You, sir, are the one ignoring the science.”

Another Israeli study4 that included 700,000 people, posted August 25, 2021, on the preprint server medRxiv, found those with prior SARS-CoV-2 infections were 27 times less likely to develop symptomatic infection for a second time, compared to those who were vaccinated.

A June 11, 2021, Public Health England report5 also showed that as a hospital patient, you are six times more likely to die of the COVID Delta variant if you are fully vaccinated, than if you are not vaccinated at all.

October 4, 2021, Project Veritas released a video6 (below) in which Pfizer scientist Nick Karl states, “When somebody is naturally immune … they probably have more antibodies against the virus,” correctly explaining that “When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus … So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination.”

Yet another senior associate scientist at Pfizer, Chris Croce, is caught saying that “You’re protected for longer” if you have natural COVID antibodies compared to the COVID vaccine. Croce adds that he works “for an evil corporation” that is “run on COVID money.”


Natural Immunity Appears Robust and Long-Lasting

As noted by Paul, there are dozens of studies showing natural immunity from a previous infection is robust and long-lasting, something that cannot be said for the COVID shots. Natural immunity is typically lifelong, and studies have shown natural immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is at bare minimum longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity.

Here’s a sampling of scholarly publications that have investigated natural immunity as it pertains to SARS-CoV-2 infection. There are several more in addition to these:7

Science Immunology October 20208 found that “RBD-targeted antibodies are excellent markers of previous and recent infection, that differential isotype measurements can help distinguish between recent and older infections, and that IgG responses persist over the first few months after infection and are highly correlated with neutralizing antibodies.”

The BMJ January 20219 concluded that “Of 11, 000 health care workers who had proved evidence of infection during the first wave of the pandemic in the U.K. between March and April 2020, none had symptomatic reinfection in the second wave of the virus between October and November 2020.”

Science February 202110 reported that “Substantial immune memory is generated after COVID-19, involving all four major types of immune memory [antibodies, memory B cells, memory CD8+ T cells, and memory CD4+ T cells]. About 95% of subjects retained immune memory at ~6 months after infection.

Circulating antibody titers were not predictive of T cell memory. Thus, simple serological tests for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies do not reflect the richness and durability of immune memory to SARS-CoV-2. A 2,800-person study found no symptomatic reinfections over a ~118-day window, and a 1,246-person study observed no symptomatic reinfections over 6 months.”

A February 2021 study posted on the prepublication server medRxiv11 concluded that “Natural infection appears to elicit strong protection against reinfection with an efficacy ~95% for at least seven months.”

An April 2021 study posted on medRxiv12 reported “the overall estimated level of protection from prior SARS-CoV-2 infection for documented infection is 94.8%; hospitalization 94.1%; and severe illness 96·4%. Our results question the need to vaccinate previously-infected individuals.”

Another April 2021 study posted on the preprint server BioRxiv13 concluded that “following a typical case of mild COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells not only persist but continuously differentiate in a coordinated fashion well into convalescence, into a state characteristic of long-lived, self-renewing memory.”

A May 2020 report in the journal Immunity14 confirmed that SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing antibodies are detected in COVID-19 convalescent subjects, as well as cellular immune responses. Here, they found that neutralizing antibody titers do correlate with the number of virus-specific T cells.

A May 2021 Nature article15 found SARS-CoV-2 infection induces long-lived bone marrow plasma cells, which are a crucial source of protective antibodies. Even after mild infection, anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies were detectable beyond 11 months’ post-infection.

A May 2021 study in E Clinical Medicine16 found “antibody detection is possible for almost a year post-natural infection of COVID-19.” According to the authors, “Based on current evidence, we hypothesize that antibodies to both S and N-proteins after natural infection may persist for longer than previously thought, thereby providing evidence of sustainability that may influence post-pandemic planning.”

Cure-Hub data17 confirm that while COVID shots can generate higher antibody levels than natural infection, this does not mean vaccine-induced immunity is more protective. Importantly, natural immunity confers much wider protection as your body recognizes all five proteins of the virus and not just one. With the COVID shot, your body only recognizes one of these proteins, the spike protein.

A June 2021 Nature article18 points out that “Wang et al. show that, between 6 and 12 months after infection, the concentration of neutralizing antibodies remains unchanged. That the acute immune reaction extends even beyond six months is suggested by the authors’ analysis of SARS-CoV-2-specific memory B cells in the blood of the convalescent individuals over the course of the year.

These memory B cells continuously enhance the reactivity of their SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies through a process known as somatic hypermutation. The good news is that the evidence thus far predicts that infection with SARS-CoV-2 induces long-term immunity in most individuals.”

Another June Nature paper19 concluded that “In the absence of vaccination antibody reactivity [to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2], neutralizing activity and the number of RBD-specific memory B cells remain relatively stable from 6 to 12 months after infection.” According to the authors, the data suggest “immunity in convalescent individuals will be very long lasting.”

A September 2021 paper20 in the European Journal of Immunology assessed the persistence of serum antibodies following wild-type SARS-CoV-2 infection at 8 and 13 months after diagnosis in 367 patients. At 13 months, neutralizing antibodies against the wild-type virus persisted in 89% of cases, and SARS-CoV-2 spike immunoglobulin G (S-IgG) persisted in 97% of cases.

What Makes Natural Immunity Superior?

The reason natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity is because viruses contain five different proteins. The COVID shot induces antibodies against just one of those proteins, the spike protein, and no T cell immunity. When you’re infected with the whole virus, you develop antibodies against all parts of the virus, plus memory T cells.

The COVID jabs actually actively promote the production of variants for which they provide virtually no protection at all, while those with natural immunity do not cause variants and are nearly universally protected against them.

This also means natural immunity offers better protection against variants, as it recognizes several parts of the virus. If there are significant alternations to the spike protein, as with the Delta variant, vaccine-induced immunity can be evaded. Not so with natural immunity, as the other proteins are still recognized and attacked.

Not only that, but the COVID jabs actually actively promote the production of variants for which they provide virtually no protection at all, while those with natural immunity do not cause variants and are nearly universally protected against them.

Those With Natural Immunity Have Higher Risk of Side Effects

In addition to having the best protection available, those with natural immunity also face higher stakes when taking the COVID shot, as their preexisting immunity makes them more prone to side effects.

An international survey21 published in mid-March 2021 surveyed 2,002 people who had received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, finding that those who had previously had COVID-19 experienced “significantly increased incidence and severity” of side effects, compared to those who did not have natural immunity.

The mRNA COVID-19 injections were linked to a higher incidence of side effects compared to the viral vector-based COVID-19 vaccines, but tended to be milder, local reactions. Systemic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, flu-like illness and breathlessness, were more likely to occur with the viral vector COVID-19 vaccines.

Based on these findings, the researchers called on health officials to reevaluate their vaccination recommendations for people who’ve had COVID-19:22

“People with prior COVID-19 exposure were largely excluded from the vaccine trials and, as a result, the safety and reactogenicity of the vaccines in this population have not been previously fully evaluated. For the first time, this study demonstrates a significant association between prior COVID19 infection and a significantly higher incidence and severity of self-reported side effects after vaccination for COVID-19.

Consistently, compared to the first dose of the vaccine, we found an increased incidence and severity of self-reported side effects after the second dose, when recipients had been previously exposed to viral antigen.

In view of the rapidly accumulating data demonstrating that COVID-19 survivors generally have adequate natural immunity for at least 6 months, it may be appropriate to re-evaluate the recommendation for immediate vaccination of this group.”

Natural Immunity Has Become a Political Problem

By the looks of it, the refusal to acknowledge the reality of natural immunity appears to be rooted entirely in some sort of geopolitical agenda. There certainly are no medically valid reasons to claim vaccine-induced immunity is the only way forward. That narrative is clearly based on financial considerations alone. As noted by Ryan McMaken in a recent Mises Wire article:23

“Since 2020, public health technocrats and their allies among elected officials have clung to the position that absolutely every person who can possibly get a covid vaccine should get one.

Both the Mayo Clinic website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, for example, insist that “research has not yet shown” that people who have recovered from covid have any sort of reliable protection …

This narrative is reflected in the fact that the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates are a one-size-fits-all policy insisting that virtually all adults, regardless of whether or not they’ve already had the disease, receive a covid vaccine …

The regime has attached itself closely to a vaccinate-everybody-no-matter-what policy, and a sudden u-turn would be politically problematic. So it's no wonder there's so little interest in the topic …

Indeed, in a September 10 interview, senior covid technocrat Anthony Fauci claimed that the matter of natural immunity was not even being discussed at government health agencies …

But some physicians aren’t as obsessed with pushing vaccine mandates as Anthony Fauci, and the evidence in favor of natural immunity is becoming so undeniable that even mainstream publications are starting to admit it.

In an op-ed for the Washington Post24 last week, Marty Makary of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine argues that the medical profession has hurt its credibility in pretending that natural immunity is virtually irrelevant to the covid equation.

Moreover, the dogmatic ‘get vaccinated’ position constitutes a lack of honesty about the data … The policy bias in favor of vaccines ignores many other facts as well, such as the relative risks of vaccines, especially for the young.”

COVID Jab May Damage Your Heart

Indeed, Israeli data show myocarditis (heart inflammation) occurs at a rate of 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 6,000 among men aged 16 to 24 who get the Pfizer shot.25 This condition can cause symptoms similar to a heart attack, including chest pain, shortness of breath, abnormal heartbeat and fatigue.26

When myocarditis occurs, it reduces your heart’s ability to pump and can cause rapid or abnormal heart rhythms that can be deadly. In severe cases, myocarditis can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle and lead to heart failure, heart attack, stroke and sudden cardiac death.27

Another Israeli study28 published in The New England Journal of Medicine, which looked at all age groups and genders, found the Pfizer mRNA jab is associated with a 3.24 times increased risk of myocarditis,29 leading to the condition at a rate of one to five excess events per 100,000 persons.30

Other elevated risks were also identified following the COVID jab, including lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), appendicitis and herpes zoster infection.31

While health authorities are shrugging myocarditis off as an acceptable and negligible risk, as most cases are “mild” and “transient,” some medical doctors vehemently disagree, noting there’s nothing “mild” or “transient” about myocarditis.

Among them is Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, who warned health officials about the ramifications of myocarditis.32 About his young, male patients, Hoffe explained, “They have permanently damaged hearts”:33

“It doesn’t matter how mild it is, they will not be able to do what they used to do because heart muscle doesn’t regenerate. The long-term outlook is very grim, and with each successive shot, it will add more damage. The damage is cumulative because you’re progressively getting more damaged capillaries.”

Risk-Benefit Analysis Is a Personal Undertaking

If a person has a negligible risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 — such as children, those who do not have chronic comorbidities and, really, anyone under the age of 60 — then the risks associated with the jab may well outweigh any potential benefit. But the only one who can really make that determination is the patient (or parent in the case of children). As noted by McMaken:34

“In the real world … many medications — including these new vaccines — come with risks that must be weighed against potential benefits. These decisions can only be made at the individual level, where patients must make their own decisions about what substances to put into their own bodies.

In other words, blanket policies proclaiming ‘everyone must receive this medical treatment immediately, or else’ contradicts the realities of the uncertainties and varying risk levels that affect individuals.

The facts of uncertainty and informed consent were once considered a mainstay of medical ethics — and of any political ideology that actually respects self-determination and basic human rights. Unfortunately, the philosophy of ‘public health’ appears to be uninterested in such trivialities.

At this point, it would be embarrassing for the regime to admit what actual scientific inquiry has shown: that natural immunity is generally superior to receiving the vaccine. The regime doesn't like to be embarrassed, and neither do the countless doctors and nurses who have long toed the regime's political line. So expect more of the same.”

While we can expect irrational rhetoric from our so-called leaders to continue, we must never resign ourselves to their Orwellian version of reality. They’re wrong, and eventually, the truth will become so obvious that their narrative will simply fall apart.


Christian Perronne, l’histoire d’une chute


par Anne Jouan et Pauline Delassus


Rand Paul Attacks Dr. Fauci (Again) Over Vaccines, Covid Mandates




Senator Rand Paul, a longtime critic of Dr. Anthony Fauci, went after the latter once again in a Senate speech last week.


Wuhan And US Scientists Planned to Create New Coronaviruses

October 5, 2021

by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor


(Telegraph) -- Scientists from Wuhan and the US were planning to create new

coronaviruses that did not exist in nature by combining the genetic codes of other

viruses, proposals show. Documents of a grant application submitted to the US

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), leaked last month, reveal

that the international team of scientists planned to mix genetic data of closely

related strains and grow completely new viruses.


A genetics expert working with the World Health Organisation (WHO), who

uncovered the plan after studying the proposals in detail, said that if Sars-CoV-2

had been produced in this way, it would explain why a close match has never been

found in nature. So far the closest naturally occurring virus to Sars-CoV-2 is a

strain called Banal-52, which was reported from Laos last month and shares 96.8

per cent of the genome. Yet scientists expect a direct ancestor to be around a 99.98

per cent match – and none has been found so far. The Darpa proposals, leaked to

the pandemic origins analysis group Drastic, show the team had planned to take

sequences from naturally occurring coronaviruses and use them to create a brand

new sequence that was an average of all the strains. The grant application,

submitted in 2018, states: "We will compile sequence/RNAseq data from a panel

of closely related strains and compare full length genomes, scanning for unique

SNPs representing sequencing errors. "Consensus candidate genomes will be

synthesised commercially using established techniques and genome-length RNA

and electroporation to recover recombinant viruses." Explaining the proposal, a

WHO collaborator, who has asked not to be named for fear of reprisals, said: "This

means that they would take various sequences from similar coronaviruses and

create a new sequence that is essentially the average of them. It would be a new

virus sequence, not a 100 per cent match to anything. "They would then

synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus

genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural

viruses. "Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it. This

creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new 'backbone' that didn't

exist in nature but is very, very similar as it's the average of natural

backbones. The source said it was noteworthy that the cut-off for generating such

an average sequence was viruses that only had five per cent genetic divergence

from each other. Last year, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology said they

had found a strain named RaTG13 in bat droppings in a cave in Yunnan province

in 2013 which was a 96.1 per cent match to Sars-CoV-2. It means RaTG13 could

have been included in a set of viral genomes to help create an average sequence.

Although the grant proposal was rejected in 2018, the Wuhan database of viral

strains was taken offline prior to the Covid outbreak some 18 months later,

meaning it is impossible to check which viruses the team was working on or had

created. Wuhan scientists have consistently denied creating Sars-CoV-2 in a lab.


The WHO source added: "If Sars-CoV-2 comes from an artificial consensus

sequence composed of genomes with more than 95 per cent similarity to each

other… I would predict that we will never find a really good match in nature and

just a bunch of close matches across parts of the sequence, which so far

is what we are seeing. "The problem is that those opposed to a lab leak scenario

will always just say that we need to sample more, and absence of evidence isn't

evidence of absence. Scientists overall are afraid of discussing the issue of the

origins due to the political situation. This leaves a small and vocal minority of

biased scientists free to spread misinformation."


The proposal was submitted by the British zoologist Peter Daszak on behalf of a

consortium which included Daszak EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of

Virology, the University of North Carolina and Duke NUS in Singapore. The

plans are in addition to other proposals made in the Darpa documents, including

inserting a section into existing viruses to make them more infectious to humans

and inoculating wild bats with aerosolised engineered spike proteins from viruses.


Experts said if the ultimate aim of the proposal was to create a pan-coronavirus

vaccine, constructing an "ideal" average virus would have been a good starting

point. Mr Daszak, currently a member of the WHO team investigating the

pandemic's origins, was also behind a letter published in The Lancet which

dismissed suggestions that Covid did not have a natural origin as a conspiracy

theory. The WHO source said he had struggled to raise the issue of a lab leak with

other scientists and had been warned not to go on the record with his



The proposal team has been approached for comment but had not responded at

The time of publication.




"The horror in Australia"

Melbourne Australia…October 14, 2021



by Deb Brown



The False Narrative Takedown Episode 1:


COVID vaccines have killed over 200,000


with Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund



RumbleThe False Narrative Takedown Series #1 explains how to calculate the number of American killed by the COVID vaccines.

Latest slides: https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Killed.pdf

If you agree with my video, please follow me at https://www.gab.com/stkirsch


The Truth About the Gates Foundation


with RJ Eskow and Tim Schwab



They Were Planning This All Along! | Aldous Huxley


& The Fabian Society




The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State


with Chris Hedges



Imprisoning the David to Chevron's Goliath is the latest outrage by a US judiciary now engineered to always favor the interests of capital.


On this week’s “On Contact,” Chris Hedges discusses the ongoing persecution of human right lawyer, Steven Donziger. Judge Loretta Preska, an advisor to the conservative Federalist Society, to which Chevron is a major donor, sentenced the human rights attorney and Chevron nemesis Stephen Donziger to six months in prison on October 1st for misdemeanor contempt of court after he had spent 787 days under house arrest in New York. Preska’s caustic outbursts—she said at the sentencing, “It seems that only the proverbial two-by-four between the eyes will instill in him any respect for the law”—capped a judicial farce worthy of the antics of the presiding judges at the major show trials of the Great Purges in the Soviet Union or the Nazi judge Roland Freisler who once shouted at a defendant “You really are a lousy piece of trash!” Donziger, a graduate of Harvard Law School, has been fighting polluting American oil companies for nearly three decades on behalf of indigenous communities and peasant farmers in Ecuador. His only “crime” was winning a $9.5 billion judgment in 2011 against Chevron for thousands of plaintiffs. The oil giant had bought Texaco oil company holdings in Ecuador, inheriting a lawsuit alleging it deliberately discharged 16 billion gallons of toxic waste from its oil sites into rivers, groundwater, and farmland. Since the verdict, Chevron has come after him, weaponizing litigation to destroy him economically, professionally, and personally. The sentencing came a day after Donziger petitioned the court to consider an opinion by the United Nations Human Rights Council that found his house arrest a violation of international human rights law. The U.N. Human Rights Council said his house arrest counted as detention under international law and it was therefore illegal for Judge Preska to demand an additional six months in jail. Amnesty International also called for Donziger’s immediate release. Donziger and his lawyers have two weeks to appeal the judge’s order that Donziger be sent immediately to jail. Preska denied Donziger bail claiming he is a “flight risk.” If the Federal Court of Appeals turns down Donziger’s appeal he will go to jail for six months. The irony, not lost on Donziger and his lawyers, is that the higher court may overturn Preska’s ruling against him, but by the time that decision is made he will potentially have already spent six months in jail.


Funeral Rites for COVID Zero


by Dr. Binoy Kampmark



Practical Reasons Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely Reported

 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/10/08/vaccine-injuries-vaers-whistleblower.aspx?ui=16ffacbab8fe00a7a80fb43e8fc0419cd5e8d4732c8e99e4a93505e1afa83400&sd=20210925&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20211008_HL2&mid=DM1003147&rid=1286306847analyses analyses by Dr. Joseph Mercola


Story at-a-glance

·         Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant, is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries are rarely reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as required by law

·         The purpose of VAERS is to detect possible signals of adverse events associated with vaccines

·         Collecting data on side effects is particularly crucial when dealing with a never before used medical product such as mRNA and DNA-based COVID injections

·         Conrad saw a dramatic rise in several different health problems as the COVID jabs were rolled out. One of the most surprising problems has been a sudden rise in cancers among vaccinated patients whose cancer had gone into remission before the jab

·         Other conditions that have dramatically risen among vaccinated patients include heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, pneumonia, sepsis, gastrointestinal complaints and bleeds, appendicitis and pancreatitis



During a September 30, 2021, U.S. Senate hearing, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., went head to head with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. Paul called out Becerra for ignoring the science of natural immunity.

Becerra, who is neither a medical doctor nor a scientist — Paul pointed out that Becerra doesn’t even have a degree in science — is traveling the country calling people “flat-earthers” for believing that if they’ve already had COVID they don’t need the vaccine, Paul said.

“We find that very insulting. It goes against the science,” Paul said. And, Paul added, Becerra is doing this in spite of an Israeli study1,2,3 of 2.5 million people that found the vaccinated group was actually seven times more likely to get infected with COVID than those with natural immunity from a previous infection.

When Becerra said he wasn’t familiar with that study and “would have to get back” to Paul on it, Paul chastised Becerra for his ignorance, saying he was making decisions for 100 million Americans who already had COVID when he isn’t even keeping up with the science.

“You alone are on high and you’ve made these decisions, a lawyer with no scientific background, no medical degree. This is an arrogance coupled with an authoritarianism that is unseemly and un-American,” Paul said. “You, sir, are the one ignoring the science.”


Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses


Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau's Vaccine Jab


by Michel Chossudovsky




On Algorithm, Soul and Medical Sovereignty


analysis by Tessa Lena


“If we are not careful, the automation of mental labor, by changing the nature and focus of intellectual endeavor,

may end up eroding one of the foundations of culture itself: our desire to understand the world.”

~ Nicholas Carr, 'The Glass Cage'


“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil.

The only crime is pride.

~ Sophocles, 'Antigone'


This story is about medical freedom and physicians' professional sovereignty during COVID. It is also about the emotional roots of algorithmic hunger and what we can do.

In his 2014 book, Nicholas Carr wrote1 about the effects of automation on different industries, including aviation and medicine. He described how over time, too much dependency on automation could lead to deskilling of trained professionals and a loss of their cognitive autonomy.

He also warned that in medicine, too much reliance on the algorithm could curb physicians' professional sovereignty by legal means and create a world in which the doctors would be forced to follow a one-size-fits-all computer-generated script even if it contradicted their own professional experience and intuition.

Today it makes so much sense but when the book came out, it was still "philosophy" to me, a conversation about crazy things over a glass of wine. At the time, I was more familiar with how Big Tech was eating artists.2 I found the medical references fascinating, logical and ominous — but not immediately threatening.

Little did I know that in just a few years, the Algorithm would march into the gates of Big Medicine in heavy boots, and that human beings in need of medical care would be transformed into little corporate soldiers — much like two decades prior, we were all transformed into little corporate soldiers under the heavy boot of the TSA commanders at the airport. Top-down change is all about shifting our perception!


A nightmare for Gaza's young doctors


by Jamileh Tawfiq


SFSU and Zoom undermine Palestinians and academic freedom


by Omar Zahzah




Obama Defends His Record As President


with Jimmy Dore



The Obama Presidential Center Will Displace Black People


by Margaret Kimberley


The Untold History of Obama and the CIA


by Jeremy Kuzmarov




From: News from Underground [mailto:nobody@simplelists.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Subject: Daily digest for nfu@simplelists.com


1)    BIG WIN! Federal judge rules that New York may NOT force private employers to deny religious exemptions - Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:21 EDT)

2)    "Vaxxed" Delta pilot dies IN FLIGHT, other airline personnel killed, disabled; and "our free press" IGNORES it all - Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:25 EDT)

3)    Maine hospital warns of healthcare disaster if they fire "unvaccinated" workers; Gov. Mills says, "Too damn bad!" - Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:46 EDT)

4)    An electrician reports that members of his union have been dying at a rate FOUR TIMES the yearly average - Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:51 EDT)

5)    "I am so angry my whole body is shaking": Swedish mother tells of 22-year-old son in ICU, post-jab, with blood clots throughout his body - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 14:40 EDT)

6)    Study finds "vaccines" don't work, after "vaxxed" patient infects "fully vaccinated," leaving many critical and 5 dead (while "unvaccinated" were okay) - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 14:47 EDT)

7)    "This is a war" - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 15:22 EDT)

8)    "The long-lost art of souls mingling": Latest paper jam by Amy Smiley - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 16:38 EDT)

9)    "This puppet show, it stays on because of you fools" - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 16:50 EDT)



1)    BIG WIN! Federal judge rules that New York may NOT force private employers to deny religious exemptions by Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:21 EDT)
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From Harry Mihet of Liberty Counsel


BIG VICTORY IN NEW YORK! The federal judge in Thomas More Society's case has EXTENDED the previously issued TRO, and transformed it into a PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION that will now be in place for the entire time it takes to litigate this issue in the courts (months or years). The Preliminary Injunction blocks THE STATE OF NEW YORK from interfering in the religious exemption process, and from FORCING private employers to deny religious exemptions.

The main reason behind the Court's 27-page ruling is that New York's decision to abolish Title VII and religious exemptions IS LIKELY TO BE SHOWN (in the ongoing litigation) to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL, in violation of the Supremacy Clause, and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

The Court has concluded that a State (like NY) cannot target religion, and cannot remove religious exemptions while allowing medical exemptions to remain in place. The supposed risk of unvaccinated workers is the same, be they medically or religiously motivated, and the State cannot accept one but reject the other.

The Court has also concluded that NY cannot show that religious healthcare workers cannot be accommodated, since most other states and employers ARE finding ways to accommodate them.

These are the arguments we have made from the very beginning. Praise God for listening ears on our courts!


Importantly, the TMS case was brought only against the State, and not any private employers. Accordingly, this decision only applies to the State of New York. The decision DOES NOT guarantee that private employers will now grant all exemption requests. The decision instead removes the "Governor made us do it" excuse/defense from private employers, and makes private employers liable under Title VII if they wrongfully deny exemptions.

While we hope that all private employers will grant all meritorious exemption requests, experience tells us to expect otherwise, and to expect that additional litigation will be needed to punish individual lawbreakers.

Private employers who wrongfully deny religious exemptions may not be "in contempt" of this particular Order today, but they will be in violation of Title VII and will not have the "Governor made us do it" defense.


No doubt that the State will immediately appeal this ruling to the Second Circuit Court of Appeal, which is already looking at this issue in other contexts as well. Pray that they will affirm today's well-reasoned decision.

In our own case (#LibertyCounsel), the Eastern District of New York has set a preliminary injunction hearing for next Tuesday, October 19. We are filing another brief today. We DID sue several private defendants in our case. Our Court may be inclined to adopt today's ruling for our own case, and we will ask that it be extended to the private employers that we have sued.

Therefore, even as we REJOICE and PRAISE God for today's momentous victory (and congratulate TMS for their great work), we must continue to FIGHT and PRAY for justice.

Thank you for standing with us!

LC press release with link to the ruling:  https://lc.org/newsroom/details/101221-ny-court-grants-preliminary-injunction-for-health-care-workers


2)    "Vaxxed" Delta pilot dies IN FLIGHT, other airline personnel killed, disabled; and "our free press" IGNORES it all by Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:25 EDT)
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From Kathy Dopp:

Media does not even cover death of a Delta pilot IN FLIGHT, necessitating an emergency landing!  Also, flight attendants, other pilots dying or are unable to return to active duty after COVID clot shot vaccinations.  Others report feeling sick during flight.  Vaccinated passengers also passing out, causing jets to emergency land.   Seeing EMTs called to hotels of vax'd flight crews. 


VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required

Stew Peters Show Published October 11, 2021



Do a search on "blood clots" or "blood clotting" on this web page to see how incredibly dangerous it is to get a COVID shot and then be required to fly again 48 hours after a spike protein clot shot as Delta Airlines insanely requires.

WARNINGS from Scientists and Doctors re. investigational COVID Vaccines

Notice the blood cells stacking together after vaccination!!  The blood cells have an entirely different magnetic charge after this evilly dangerous vaccine and can't even move and oxygenate the body!  Especially if the vaccine administrators are following the murderous injection methods advised by the CDC!

It's only a matter of time until a big jet falls out of the sky unless the brave pilots of Southwest successfully inspire other flight crews to follow their lead and refuse to be clot shot!


Army physician warns about toxic ingredients in COVID shots. Sep 27, 2021 'Use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force presents a risk of undetermined magnitude in a population in which less than 20 active-duty personnel, out of 1.4 million, died of the underlying SARs- CoV-2.' Physician and Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long is a rare, courageous truth-teller willing to probably jeopardize a military career for the greater good.  To try and steer the Department of Defense to policies that protect military personnel from dangerous and unnecessary COVID vaccines and defend our national defense.  The AFFIDAVIT OF LTC. THERESA LONG M.D. IN SUPPORT OF A MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER. September 24, 2021 "The labels for Comirnaty and BioNtech clearly state that the vaccination should not be given to individuals that are allergic to ingredients. One of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) which is close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers as Propylene Glycol, a common ingredient in antifreeze. Others seem to agree ... recent scientific studies that caused a group of 57 doctors and scientists to call for an immediate halt to the vaccination program. ... Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is ... an adjuvant which causes an immune response without carrying any vaccine at all. We believe 72% of the population already has PEG antibodies. That bodily response to PEG, ranges from severe anaphylactic response requiring hospitalization or death, to life-long allergies and anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) which could stop other medications from working in your body. ....   The shots carry mRNA that causes the recipient to create trillions of spike proteins. This is a problem for five reasons. First, it turns out that the spike proteins are not remaining locally in the (shoulder) injection site but have been found circulating in the blood and in virtually all organs of the body. Second, the spike proteins themselves have been shown to be pathogenic (disease causing) attaching to endothelial, pulmonary and other cells, forming clots and attacking heart cells. Third, the spike proteins and their lipid nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier, with unknown long-term effects on the brain and high concern for chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Fourth, these spike proteins interact in many signaling pathways which may trigger tumor formation, cancer, and other serious diseases. Fifth, according to Pfizer’s Japanese distribution study of LNP accumulation, unexpected sequestering in reproductive organs and spleen raise very serious long-term concerns.


As aircrew Training Program (ATP) 5-19, 1-8 states we shall: Accept No Unnecessary Risk. “An unnecessary risk is any risk that, if taken, will not contribute meaningfully to mission accomplishment or will needlessly endanger lives or resources. Army leaders accept only a level of risk in which the potential benefit outweighs the potential loss. From a risk management assessment perspective, with no long-term safety data regarding these five issues, this is an unacceptable risk management risk.

a)  None of the ordered Emergency Use Covid 19 vaccines can or will provide better immunity than an infection-recovered person;
b)  All three of the EUA Covid 19 vaccines (Comirnaty is not available), in the age group and fitness level of my patients, are more risky, harmful and dangerous than having no vaccine at all, whether a person is Covid recovered or facing a Covid 19 infection;
c)  Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;
d)  Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome, each such recipient of the Covid 19 Vaccines already has micro clots in their cardiovascular system that present a danger to their health and safety;
e)  That such micro clots over time will become bigger clots by the very nature of the shape and composition of the Spike proteins being produced and said proteins are found throughout the user’s body, including the brain;
f)  That at the initial stage this damage can only be discovered by a biopsy or Magnetic Resonance Image (“MRI”) scan;
g)  That due to the fact that there is no functional myocardial screening currently being conducted, it is my professional opinion that substantial foreseen risks currently exist, which require proper screening of all flight crews.
h)  That, by virtue of their occupations, said flight crews present extraordinary risks to themselves and others given the equipment they operate, munitions carried thereon and areas of operation in close proximity to populated areas.
i)  That, without any current screening procedures in place, including any Aero Message (flight surgeon notice) relating to this demonstrable and identifiable risk, I must and will therefore ground all active flight personnel who received the vaccinations until such time as the causation of these serious systemic health risks can be more fully and adequately assessed.
j)  That, based on the DOD’s own protocols and studies, the only two valuable methodologies to adequately assess this risk are through MRI imaging or cardio biopsy which must be performed.
k)  That, in accordance with the foregoing, I hereby recommend to the Secretary of Defense that all pilots, crew and flight personnel in the military service who required hospitalization from injection or received any Covid 19 vaccination be grounded similarly for further dispositive assessment.
l) That this Court should grant an immediate injunction to stop the further harm to all military personnel to protect the health and safety of our active duty, reservists and National Guard troops.
·       Affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH: A Brave Indictment of COVID Vaccines. by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn. September 28, 2021
Affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH: A Brave Indictment of COVID Vaccines. JoelSHirschhorn September 26, 2021
Affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH: A Brave Indictment of COVID Vaccines.  by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn September 28, 2021
Affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH: A Brave Indictment of COVID Vaccines. by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn September 28, 2021
Kathy Dopp, Natick, Mass., MS mathematics
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author=1451051
Science is my passion, politics my duty (Thomas Jefferson, paraphrased)
Kathy Dopp, Natick, Mass., MS mathematics
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author=1451051
Science is my passion, politics my duty (Thomas Jefferson, paraphrased)

  3. Maine hospital warns of healthcare disaster if they fire "unvaccinated" workers; Gov. Mills says, "Too damn bad!" by Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:46 EDT)
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Another Democrat intent on "keeping people safe" by killing them.
Maine Hospital Gives Dire Warning About Healthcare Services if Forced to Fire Unvaccinated Workers – Democrat Governor Says Let Your Hospital Patients Die We Ain’t Changing

4. An electrician reports that members of his union have been dying at a rate FOUR TIMES the yearly average by Mark Crispin Miller (12 Oct 2021 20:51 EDT)
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Mission accomplished, Bill and Tony!
An electrician reports that an alarmingly high number of the members of his union are dying, more than 4x the annual average.
Reading what you posted about a pilot dying in flight and many other coincidences brought to mind the seemingly high number of general & corporate aviation crashes recently.
Anecdotally, my electricians local union typically sees eight members pass per year; that average has held for the last 14 years. In 2020, four members passed. So far, in 2021, 33 members have passed, one additional age 63, since a business agent of the local told me this:
“So here’s some more info about what we talked about. As of the end of September we have lost 32 members. Only 4 were in their 70s and appear to have died of natural causes or self-inflicted abuse. All 4 were allegedly not-vaxxed. 2 members in their 60s passed, both apparently were vaxxed, 1 died of cancer, the other of a heart attack, but had 2 previous heart attacks. The remaining 26 were allegedly all vaxxed at a union sponsored event. All 26 were still working & between 31 & 68 years old. 13 died within 10-12 days of a vax. For the ones I got an answer, the deaths were heart attacks or strokes. About 8, the balance, said they didn’t know. Many “died suddenly”. A term I am hearing a lot. The remaining 13 died at various times after vax but 9 of the obits say “died suddenly” or “died unexpectedly”
“The families of 4 of the men, men we both know, demanded autopsies after being refused by a hospital. These 4 hired private autopsies and I’m told massive blood clotting was found in various organs. 2 reports stated “I have never seen these type of conditions/injuries”.
The agent further told me that they are all in shock and don’t know what to do. They’re frozen.
Remember, it’s safe and effective. Highly safe and effective. Except when it kills people. Then, perhaps not so much.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

5. "I am so angry my whole body is shaking": Swedish mother tells of 22-year-old son in ICU, post-jab, with blood clots throughout his body by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 14:40 EDT)
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Click on the link for the video.
Swedish Mother Cries, Telling Story Of 22 year Old Son In ICU With Blood Clots After Pfizer Shots: High Risk Of Heart Attack
Doctor Says Vaccines Caused Clots, Without Any Doubt Whatsoever
Celia Farber
Oct 12
Her 22 year old son got both Pfizer shots, his arm swelled up terribly and got red. He went to the ER, where he was treated with suspicion and hostility. The staff said, absurdly, maybe his arm was swollen due to exercising too much. They did however, upon examination, soon find the first blood clot, in his arm. He waited all through the night; They began to find blood clots in various parts of his body. They tried to send him home with morphine, and instructions to self-inject blood thinner, but his mother demanded they keep him overnight. She told the head nurse to stop rattling off what their rules and orders were and instead act from her heart. So the hospital kept the young man overnight, and did more x-rays and tests. They found more clots. One was in his neck, which they said they had to operate to remove, still more in his lungs, putting him at extreme risk of a heart attack. They told him to lay motionless on a stretcher—told him moving at all was dangerous.
2:14 “They didn’t really believe him when he came in, that he was sick. Then they checked him, and a doctor came and said he had a blood clot in his arm. He sat in the waiting room again. He sat there from 9 in the evening until 5 in the morning. Then they looked closer at his arm. He was x-rayed. A doctor who looked at his arm said he had never seen such a young person with such a massive clot. The doctor said “Absolutely” and “without any doubt” this had happened because he had been vaccinated. Then he had an ultrasound. They found yet another blood clot, up here in his neck. When they had found it, they told him they would have to surgically remove it.”
6:03: ”I am so damned angry. I am so very, very angry. I’m more angry than sad. But my fury comes out in the form of sadness. I’m not afraid but I feel I have carried his fear during this last 24 hour period…We FaceTimed and he said…” (tears fill her eyes and she has to pause.)
“He has been laying in the bed with angst that he might die overnight. And it’s because of this damned vaccine.”
The boy remains hospitalized. The mother says she is against vaccines “100%” and had begged her young, healthy, athletic son to trust his body— that he didn’t need any vaccines. But he fell to pressure from friends and colleagues who said he owed it to others to “protect” them, for example the elderly who are afraid of getting sick.
”How the hell can they come out and tell young, healthy people to get these shots?” she asks.
”I asked my son, before, ‘Aren’t you afraid of getting sick?’ He said, “No Mom, I’m not afraid. They are telling us to do it.”
8:51 “I’m not going to be quiet anymore…I’m going to spread this everywhere. I am so angry my whole body is shaking.”

6. Study finds "vaccines" don't work, after "vaxxed" patient infects "fully vaccinated," leaving many critical and 5 dead (while "unvaccinated" were okay) by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 14:47 EDT)
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Study finds Covid-19 Vaccines do not work after vaccinated patient sparked hospital outbreak among fully vaccinated leaving many in a critical condition whilst the unvaccinated were fine
paper published September 30th in Eurosurveillance raises questions about the legitimacy of “vaccine-generated herd immunity.”
The study cites a Covid-19 outbreak which spread rapidly among hospital staff at an Israeli Medical Centre — despite a 96% vaccination rate, use of N-95 surgical masks by patients and full personal protective equipment worn by providers.
The calculated rate of infection among all exposed patients and staff was 10.6% (16/151) for staff and 23.7% (23/97) for patients, in a population with a 96.2% vaccination rate (238 vaccinated/248 exposed individuals).
The paper noted several transmissions likely occurred between two individuals both wearing surgical masks, and in one instance using full PPE, including N-95 mask, face shield, gown and gloves.
Of the 42 cases diagnosed in the outbreak, 38 were fully vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccine, one had received only one vaccination and three were unvaccinated.
Of the infected, 23 were patients and 19 were staff members. The staff all recovered quickly. However, eight vaccinated patients became severely ill, six became critically ill and five of the critically ill died. The two unvaccinated patients tracked had mild COVID cases.
Click on the link for the rest.

7. "This is a war" by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 15:22 EDT)
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8. "The long-lost art of souls mingling": Latest paper jam by Amy Smiley by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 16:38 EDT)
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9. "This puppet show, it stays on because of you fools" by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 16:50 EDT)
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WEF Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse

of the Global Financial System


by Whitney Webb


This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a ‘Digital Dictatorship’


by Whitney Webb


A “new” proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to “end cancer,” this resuscitated “health DARPA” conceals a dangerous agenda.


Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances


with Launch of New Asset Class


by Whitney Webb





Tech war lost, China defeats US and Taiwan tension rise over drills


with George Galloway and Ed Martin



On the heels of the loss in Afghanistan, the US is losing another battle, to China, in the AI wars. The Pentagon’s first ever Chief Software Officer Nick Chaillan has recently resigned in protest of the slow pace in which the US is moving with its tech overhaul. Meanwhile, China confirmed it carried out an amphibious landing drill on the beaches of a tiny island directly across from Taiwan proper. Beijing is refuting claims that this is tied to current tensions with Taipei. Former UK MP George Galloway and President of the Schlafly Eagle Forum and best-selling author Ed Martin join a panel to discuss. (1:06) The Port of Savannah is overwhelmed with shipping containers as the supply chain crisis continues. There are tens of thousands of containers stacked up on the docks. Experts are warning of a potential supply chain crisis in the coming months. RT America’s Trinity Chavez has the story. (14:24)


Microsoft To Shut Down 'LinkedIn'


In China Following Censorship Criticism


by Eva Fu


China & the Fracturing of the American West


with RJ Eskow and Richard Wolff





Daszak's coronavirus grant was rejected by Pentagon

over ‘gain of function’ concerns a year before pandemic


by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter


The Pentagon's research and development arm rejected a multimillion-dollar proposal by EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak in 2018 over concerns the experiments involved gain-of-function research and “could have put local communities at risk.”
Daszak, a longtime collaborator with China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, has dismissed as conspiracy theories the possibility that COVID-19 was created through gain-of-function research. But the online sleuth group DRASTIC released documents from EcoHealth Alliance’s “DEFUSE Project” last month, revealing a March 2018 proposal to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeking $14.2 million for research to make bat viruses more dangerous.






From: News from Underground [mailto:nobody@simplelists.com]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021
Subject: Daily digest for nfu@simplelists.com


1) Father says his outrage over daughter's rape in school bathroom got him mentioned in NSBA letter on the danger of "domestic terrorism" among parents - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 20:16 EDT)

2) "Life form," like in "The Thing," found in Pfizer vials - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 20:57 EDT)

3) While "vaccines" DON'T prevent transmission of COVID-19, they ARE preventing procreation, no doubt by design (MUST-READ) - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 21:51 EDT)

4)    Scientists, and the technocrats who own them, are playing God with these "vaccines" (and God knows what else) - Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 21:59 EDT)

5) "This is one body that I get here": Kyrie Irving tells it! - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 15:41 EDT)


6)  COVID-era wisdom from the Twilight Zone - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 15:43 EDT)

7)  Joe Rogan forces Sanjay Gupta to concede that CNN spread whopping LIES (about Ivermectin); then Gupta goes on CNN and takes it back - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 15:55 EDT)

8)    Prof. David Miller, fired by U. Bristol after Zionist smear campaign, speaks out about the weaponization of "anti-Semitism" - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 16:00 EDT)

9)   Queensland professor Peter Ridd, fired for criticizing research linking coral health to climate change, loses his appeal to High Court - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 16:22 EDT)

10)     Suicides by US soldiers, fatal overdoses nationwide, both soaring (and "our free press" ignores it) - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 16:32 EDT)

11)                 Canada goes (sort of) Maoist: Judge orders Pastor Artur Pawlowski to repudiate HIS OWN COMMENTS on COVID rules with the official narrative, or go to jail - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 18:00 EDT)

12)                     Totalitarianism explained in 3 short videos, plus one on the 2030 agenda - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 18:41 EDT)


13)                      French Senate votes NO on mandatory "vaccination" - Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 19:23 EDT)




1)   Father says his outrage over daughter's rape in school bathroom got him mentioned in NSBA letter on the danger of "domestic terrorism" among parents by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 20:16 EDT)
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Father Says Rape of Daughter in School Bathroom Led to Inclusion on School Board’s ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Letter
October 13, 2021 Updated: October 13, 2021
Virginia father says his daughter was sexually assaulted by a male student at school earlier this year, setting off a series of events that saw his outburst at a school board meeting included in a controversial letter that compared some parents to domestic terrorists.
Scott Smith’s daughter, 15, is a freshman at Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County. On May 28, Smith says, a boy raped her in a bathroom at the school.
Smith told The Daily Wire he was called and told there had been a physical altercation. When he arrived, he learned that there had actually been a sexual assault. Smith said he became furious. Loudoun County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene.
Smith avoided arrest and he and the family’s lawyer say a rape kit and other tests showed a sexual assault had occurred.
A spokeswoman for the sheriff’s office told The Epoch Times via email she could confirm that an incident on May 28 is still being investigated. No documents can be provided because the case is pending, she said.
The same boy allegedly, after transferring to another school, was charged with sexual battery after being accused of inappropriately touching a 15-year-old in Ashburn. The sheriff’s office declined to confirm whether it’s the same male.
Juvenile records aren’t publicly available. Smith’s attorney, Elizabeth Lancaster, told the Wire that the boy was charged with multiple counts, including forcible sodomy. Lancaster didn’t return a request for comment.
Smith’s saga continued when he and his wife attended their first school board meeting on June 22, where a discussion on a proposal to protect transgender students was set to be discussed.
“My wife and I are gay- and lesbian-friendly,” Smith told the Wire. “We’re not into this children transgender stuff. The person that attacked our daughter is apparently bisexual and occasionally wears dresses because he likes them. So this kid is technically not what the school board was fighting about. The point is kids are using it as an advantage to get into the bathrooms.”
During the meeting, Beth Barts, a school board member, asked if there were assaults happening in bathrooms or locker rooms—a key concern for opponents of letting biological males in girl’s facilities.
“To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” Superintendent Scott Ziegler said, adding later that “the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist.”
Smith said he was accosted by an activist who insisted his daughter was not assaulted. An officer came over because of the tense situation.
Scott Smith and his wife are seen in an undated photograph. (Safe Schools Legal Fund/GoFundMe)
“The next thing I know, I’m getting touched from all over the place. I didn’t know who was touching me, who was grabbing me. I turn around, the police are grabbing me and next thing I know, I’m tackled to the ground. I’m just shocked and horrified,” he said on Fox News on Tuesday.
The arrest was widely reported and was cited by the National School Boards Association in its recent letter to President Joe Biden urging him to take action to combat incidents the board likened to domestic terrorism.
Several days later, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced federal officials would be targeting people who harass, intimidate, or threaten school board members and others who work with or at public schools.
A Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email that it is aware of reports concerning the alleged sexual assaults at two high schools in the district and declined to provide details. However, the district said the sheriff’s office was contacted within minutes of the earlier assault.
“Once a matter has been reported to law enforcement, LCPS does not begin its investigation until law enforcement advises LCPS that it has completed the criminal investigation. To maintain the integrity of the criminal investigation, law enforcement requested that LCPS not interview students until their investigation is concluded,” the spokesman said.
“LCPS has cooperated and continues to cooperate with law enforcement. Furthermore, LCPS is prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault. LCPS does impose interim measures to protect the safety of students involved in the original incident, deter retaliation, and preserve the integrity of the investigation and resolution process. LCPS has complied and continues to comply with its obligations under Title IX,” it added.
The district also said that members of the school board were not aware of the assaults until this week.
The board approved the transgender-friendly policy in August.

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber covers U.S. news, including politics and court cases. He started at The Epoch Times as a New York City metro reporter.

2) "Life form," like in "The Thing," found in Pfizer vials by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 20:57 EDT)
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(That would be John Carpenter's remake.)
"Alien" also comes to mind.
THE THING ! Another 'LIFE FORM' Found In The COVID VAX VIALS (Dr. Franc Zalewksi)

THE THING ! Another 'LIFE FORM' Found In The COVID VAX VIALS (Dr. Franc ...
Dr. Franc Zalewksi / Caerus ================ (world orders review) ================ THE THING! Dr. Zalewksi ...

3. While "vaccines" DON'T prevent transmission of COVID-19, they ARE preventing procreation, no doubt by design (MUST-READ) by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 21:51 EDT)
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Note the historical aside about the anti-HCG vaccines overtly deployed in Kenya in 2014, misrepresented as anti-tetanus vaccines. The WHO rolled that one out, having recently been commandeered by Bill Gates.


4. Scientists, and the technocrats who own them, are playing God with these "vaccines" (and God knows what else) by Mark Crispin Miller (13 Oct 2021 21:59 EDT)
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This can't end well; but the sooner it does end, the better.
From Nelson Betancourt:
I suggest reading the entry on 'nanotechnology' in the book Lean Logic by David Fleming. This is a short quote from the entry: "Nanotechnology works on the scale of nanometres (one billionth of a metre). At this scale, matter behaves in peculiar ways: chemical and magnetic properties are different; colors change (gold colors can be orange, purple, red or green). Here, science is dealing with individual atoms and molecules; it can put them together to produce not only materials but molecular-scale artefacts which have not existed nor even been imagined before. Nanotechnology gives the scientist a measure of power which could transform life more profoundly than the Industrial Revolution itself, and could do so irreversibly. This technology is powerful and dangerous. And it is not receiving the public attention it deserves.)
Lean Logic was published in 2016.
Another entry from the same book:
"GRIN: The convergent technology, now being developed, comprising Genetic modification, Robotics, Information technology and Nanotechnology." 
Isn't this what we are looking at with these injections?
Nelson Betancourt

On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 08:58:55 PM EDT, Mark Crispin Miller (via nfu list) <nfu@simplelists.com> wrote:
(That would be John Carpenter's remake.)
"Alien" also comes to mind.
THE THING ! Another 'LIFE FORM' Found In The COVID VAX VIALS (Dr. Franc Zalewksi)

THE THING ! Another 'LIFE FORM' Found In The COVID VAX VIALS (Dr. Franc ...
Dr. Franc Zalewksi / Caerus ================ (world orders review) ================ THE THING! Dr. Zalewksi ...
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5. "This is one body that I get here": Kyrie Irving tells it! by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 15:41 EDT)
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6. COVID-era wisdom from the Twilight Zone by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 15:43 EDT)
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7. Joe Rogan forces Sanjay Gupta to concede that CNN spread whopping LIES (about Ivermectin); then Gupta goes on CNN and takes it back by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 15:55 EDT)
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Glenn Greenwald nails it: Gupta, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper and all the rest of them at CNN (and not just CNN) are psychopathic whores; and we must call them out for what they've done, and keep on doing every day.  

8. Prof. David Miller, fired by U. Bristol after Zionist smear campaign, speaks out about the weaponization of "anti-Semitism" by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 16:00 EDT)
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9. Queensland professor Peter Ridd, fired for criticizing research linking coral health to climate change, loses his appeal to High Court by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 16:22 EDT)
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Academic freedom in Australia, R.I.P.

Attachment: Peter Ridd loses High Court appeal over sacking 13.10.21.pdf (application/pdf)

10. Suicides by US soldiers, fatal overdoses nationwide, both soaring (and "our free press" ignores it) by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 16:32 EDT)
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How it that these stories are reported only by RT?
More US soldiers killed themselves in a few months than died from Covid-19 since start of pandemic, Pentagon reveals
13 Oct, 2021 22:00 / Updated 14 hours ago
Overdoses soar by nearly 30 PERCENT in US, breaking record for second year in a row – CDC
13 Oct, 2021 22:58 / Updated 13 hours ago


11. Canada goes (sort of) Maoist: Judge orders Pastor Artur Pawlowski to repudiate HIS OWN COMMENTS on COVID rules with the official narrative, or go to jail by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 18:00 EDT)
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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, October 14th, 2021 at 4:39 PM, Colleen McGuire <colleen@yescolleen.com> wrote:
Bizarre: Judge orders Pastor Artur Pawlowski to condemn himself --Justice Adam Germain ordered Pastor Artur Pawlowski to provide the government's narrative to counter any comments the pastor makes about lockdowns, masks, vaccines or anything else pandemic related. | 13 Oct 2021 | Today the judge enforcing Alberta's pandemic lockdown laws sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski. His crime? No crime -- he simply opened his church during the lockdown.
In a bizarre, 40-minute rant, Justice Adam Germain ordered that for the next 18 months, whenever Pastor Artur talks about lockdowns, the pandemic or vaccines -- in tweets, in speeches, in media interviews -- he must immediately repudiate himself, and give the "official" government view condemning himself. He must argue against himself. He must condemn himself. Or go back to jail.
It is compelled speech, like a Maoist "struggle session" in communist China. Forced speech is unheard of in Canadian law. Even convicted murderers cannot be ordered to apologize for their crimes... But a convicted pastor must now violate his own conscience and repeat an angry judge's talking points, or face prison.

12. Totalitarianism explained in 3 short videos, plus one on the 2030 agenda by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 18:41 EDT)
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From Bobby Roland:
The three short videos I sent out (about 12+ minutes each) give a good bullet summary of the philosophers. I thought you might want to send them out. If the masses do not understand what they are up against... we are doomed. This is the simplest educational tool I have found regarding totalitarianism.
Thanks again for all you are doing. 
The truth is our greatest weapon. It takes courage to open your eyes and to see and understand that which is happening to society. We cannot afford to bury our heads in the sand. The hypnosis that is put upon us is built on lies which we cannot accept. If you see just one truth.... hold on to it and fight for it. This is the power that they cannot defeat. The paper tiger that is today at our throats will sink away from truth...... but beware, it will always try to return. 
In short order these three short videos explain the concepts and predictions of what these authors said we would be facing. We must understand how totalitarianism quietly sinks it's teeth in, and we must resist as individuals in every turn. We are facing today the possibility of total enslavement, if once achieved.... it will be the fate of humankind and with the technological means of enslavement.... it will be impossible to break free of.
I have been saying.... Brave New World is the way they want to do it. Nice and easy. "Just walk into the boxcar... your luggage will follow." If the majority resist.... we win. If the majority comply..... then Big Brother appears with a gun in your back..."Now you get into the boxcar!" We MUST understand what we are up against and put an end to this TODAY! Please watch all 3 short videos. 
The Big Lie - How to enslave the world.  Observations of Solzshenitsyn and Havel
Is 1984 becoming a reality? - George Orwell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
This is a two hour documentary which say's it all! I have sent this out before... but, in case you missed it. Here it is to share with your friends and family. It ends on a very positive note. 
It literally takes the mask off the entire scam and the decades of suppression leading up to this moment in time.
Bobby Roland
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

13. French Senate votes NO on mandatory "vaccination" by Mark Crispin Miller (14 Oct 2021 19:23 EDT)
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A Senate "dominated by right-wing opposition," AFP notes helpfully.
Covid-19: the Senate says no to compulsory vaccination
Published on : 10/13/2021 - 19:34

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From: Paul Jay [mailto:pauljay@theanalysis.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Subject: The Agribusiness Alliance for a Green Revolution Failed Africa





The Agribusiness Alliance for a Green Revolution Failed Africa

Research by Tim Wise (GDAE-Tufts University) is conclusive and fully resonates with claims by Africa’s biggest grassroots movement, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa: the corporate capture of food systems should be rejected. Donors and government funding must shift to agroecology. This is an interview hosted by Lynn Fries of GPEnewsdocs.





A Conversation With Paul Jay – Pt 3

Paul is interviewed by Andrew Van Wagner about the urgency of the climate crisis and the lack of an effective plan coming from most governments. Paul says a just transition for fossil fuel workers could change the politics of the issue in the U.S., but it’s not part of the Biden plan.




Current Climate Extremes Double at 2 Degrees Warming and Quadruple at 3 – Lead IPCC Author

Even stabilizing at 1.5 degrees in global warming creates an unprecedented extreme climate. To avoid surpassing it we need radical measures now. IPCC co-lead author of chapter 11, Xuebin Zhang, joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news.




The Whole Country is the Reichstag

Adolph Reed says, “The right-wing political alliance anchored by the Republican party and Trumpism coheres around a single concrete objective— taking absolute power in the U.S. as soon and as definitively as possible.” Reed joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news.




A Dangerous Provocation Driven By Commerce – Wilkerson

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who was a special assistant to a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, comments on Milley‘s phone call to China, the nuclear submarine sale to Australia, and the danger of a single man, the president, having the ability to launch a nuclear strike and end life on earth.




Ellsberg on Milley, China and the Danger of Nuclear War

In a commentary, Daniel Ellsberg explains that Gen. Milley’s call to China may have prevented a near catastrophe, as happened in 1983 when the Soviet Union believed Reagan had gone mad and planned a first strike. He calls for a fundamental change in U.S. nuclear strategy.




Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture and Storage

The Australien Government has made an ad about Carbon Capture and Storage, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. A political satire by Juice Media.















#351-719 Bloor St

Toronto, Ontario





From: Jim O'Brien via H-PAD
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Subject: [H-PAD] H-PAD Notes 10/12/21: Links to recent articles of interest


Links to Recent Articles of Interest


"Epitaph for a Failed U.S. Occupation: The Late General Odierno's Arch-Nemesis Muqtada al-Sadr Wins Iraq"
By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted October 12
Commentary on the Iraqi parliamentary elections. The author teaches Middle East history at the University of Michigan.



"C. L. R. James, Eric Williams, and the End of Slavery in the Caribbean"
By Walker Mimms, Jacobin, posted October 10
The Trinidadian historians C. L. R. James and Eric Williams "forever reshaped how we view the end of slavery in the Caribbean and around the world." The author teaches history in the Bennington College Prison Initiative.


"Abandoning Afghans from the Start"
By Christian G. Appy, Boston Review, posted October 4
A review-essay on The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War by Craig Whitlock and the Washington Post (Simon & Schuster, 2021). The author teaches history at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is a well known historian of the Vietnam War.



"'A Horrible Mistake': Recovering from America's Imperial Delusions"
By Andrew Bacevich, TomDispatch.com, posted September 30
Broadens the meaning of the term "horrible mistake," applied to the killing of ten civilians, by a US drone attack in Kabul, to apply to the entire US military adventure in the Middle East, starting with the 1983 creation of the U.S. Central Command ("CENTCOM"). The author is a retired US Army colonel and professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University. 



"Journalists Bungled Coverage of the Attica Uprising. 50 Years Later, the Consequences Remain"
By Eric Wemple, Washington Post, posted September 30
On the media's swallowing of official untruths that purported to justify the bloody suppression of the September 1971 Attica prison rebellion. The author is a media critic for the Washington Post.



"The Names You'll Never Know: A Blue Kia and a Wall of Carnage on the Washington Mall"
By Nick Turse, TomDispatch.com, posted September 26
Puts a human face on a sampling of civilian victims of US wars, especially since 9/11 (estimated by Brown University's Cost of War Project to have reached between 364,000 and 387,000 during this twenty-year period). The author is managing editor of TomDispatch.



"Has Neo-Orientalism Killed Our Ability to Sense the Limits of Western Influence?"
By Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, posted September 26
"The failure of Afghanistan should open our eyes to the fact that we don’t really know other countries and cultures at all." The author teaches at Georgetown University.


"This Was the Worst Slaughter of Native Americans in U.S. History. Few Remember It"
By Dana Hedgpeth, Washington Post, posted September 26
On the 1863 Bear River Massacre, in which US Army troops killed an estimated 350 members of the Shoshone nation. The author is a Native American who is a reporter for the Washington Post.



"The Japanese Surrender of 1945 Is Still Poorly Understood"
By Jeremy Kuzmarov and Roger Peace, History News Network, posted September 26
Argues that the US insistence on unconditional surrender prevented an earlier end to the Pacific war. Jeremy Kuzmarov teaches history at Tulsa Community College and is editor of CovertAction Magazine; Roger Peace coordinates the U.S. Foreign Policy History & Resource Guide website.


"The Viral Photo of Haitian Migrants Taps into the Dark Echoes of American History"
By Jeva Lange, The Week, posted September 23
On a recent photograph seeming to show a border agent on horseback using a whip against a Haitian immigrant. The author links the episode to slave hunting and to the violent history of the Texas Rangers. The author is the culture critic at The Week.



Thanks to Rusti Eisenberg and an anonymous reader for recommending articles included in the above list. Suggestions can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.





The Twenty Year Shadow of 9/11 (Part 1):


U.S. Complicity in the Terror Spectacle and the Urgent Need to End It


by Aaron Good, Ben Howard and Peter Dale Scott


The Twenty Year Shadow of 9/11 (Part 2):


Why Did Key U.S. Officials Protect the Alleged 9/11 Plotters?


by Aaron Good, Ben Howard and Peter Dale Scott


The Twenty Year Shadow of 9/11 (Part 3):


Start by Ending the Post-9/11 States of Emergency


by Aaron Good, Ben Howard and Peter Dale Scott





Insane U.S. Plan to Spend Billions on Weaponizing Space Makes Defense


Contractors Jump for Joy—But Rest of World Cowers in Horror at


Prospect of New Arms Race Leading to World War III


by Karl Grossman


The Pentagon’s Dilemma: The Covid Vaccine Impairs the


Performance of U.S. Fighting Forces


by  Prof Michel Chossudovsky


“Physician and Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long is a rare, courageous truth-teller willing to probably jeopardize a military career for the greater good.  To try and steer the Department of Defense to policies that protect military personnel from dangerous and unnecessary COVID vaccines …”


NATO's Plans To Hack Your Brain


by Ben Norton


NATO is developing new forms of warfare to wage a “battle for the brain,” as the military alliance put it.

The US-led NATO military cartel has tested novel modes of hybrid warfare against its self-declared adversaries, including economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare.

Now, NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded cognitive warfare. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the new method involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”

Until recently, NATO had divided war into five different operational domains: air, land, sea, space, and cyber. But with its development of cognitive warfare strategies, the military alliance is discussing a new, sixth level: the “human domain.”

2020 NATO-sponsored study of this new form of warfare clearly explained, “While actions taken in the five domains are executed in order to have an effect on the human domain, cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”

“The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century,” the report stressed. “Humans are the contested domain,” and “future conflicts will likely occur amongst the people digitally first and physically thereafter in proximity to hubs of political and economic power.”





From: National Security Archive [mailto:nsarchiv@gwu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Subject: "How Much is Enough?": The U.S. Navy and "Finite Deterrence" - correction


avy Leaders Worried that U.S. Posture of “Hair Trigger Readiness” and VulnerableMissile Silos Could Cause “Uneasy” Enemies to Launch Surprise Attack; “Even the Maddest Russian” was Deterred because the Soviets “had Striven too Hard toIndustrialize” to Risk Nuclear Devastation: CNO Arleigh Burke; Navy Report on Nuclear War Plan: “A Smoking Radiating Ruin at the end of Two Hours”; Update of EBB 275 – with new text and additional documents. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌


"How Much is Enough?": The U.S. Navy and "Finite Deterrence"

Navy Leaders Worried that U.S. Posture of “Hair Trigger Readiness” and Vulnerable Missile Silos Could Cause “Uneasy” Enemies to Launch Surprise Attack

“Even the Maddest Russian” was Deterred because the Soviets “Had Striven Too Hard to Industrialize” to Risk Devastation: CNO Arleigh Burke

 Navy Report on Nuclear War Plan: “A Smoking Radiating Ruin at the end of Two Hours”

 Update of EBB 275 – with new text and additional documents

Washington, D.C., October 14, 2021 – Over sixty years ago, U.S. Navy leaders made arguments very similar to those being raised by today's critics of the Pentagon’s trillion-dollar spending program for new ICBMs, submarines, and bombers: that new missile-launching submarines (capable of launching Polaris missiles in the early 1960s) could provide the main basis for U.S. nuclear deterrence at much lower cost and greater security for U.S. forces.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Arleigh Burke was one of the leading exponents of this view in the early 1960s, arguing that a small force of Polaris submarines could deter a Soviet attack, while large numbers of ICBMs would provide vulnerable targets. To reduce vulnerability, Burke and other Navy leaders developed a concept of "finite" or "minimum" deterrence that they believed would make the United States safer by dissuading nuclear attacks and removing pressures for a dangerous "hair-trigger" posture.

Today’s posting is an update of a May 2009 Electronic Briefing Book on the U.S. Navy and “finite deterrence” featuring several new documents obtained from U.S. archives and FOIA requests.

The issues presented in the original posting are still relevant to current discussions. The “finite deterrence” debates of 1960-1961 marked one of those moments in Cold War history when top officials proposed major changes in the U.S. nuclear posture, involving significantly smaller and differently structured strategic forces. More powerful interests and conflicting policy imperatives succeeded in derailing those proposals, but they are worth revisiting for the searching questions they raised about the nuclear posture that were never resolved during the Cold War.


THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals.

PRIVACY NOTICE The National Security Archive does not and will never share the names or e-mail addresses of its subscribers with any other organization. Once a year, we will write you and ask for your financial support. We may also ask you for your ideas for Freedom of Information requests, documentation projects, or other issues that the Archive should take on. We would welcome your input, and any information you care to share with us about your special interests. But we do not sell or rent any information about subscribers to any other party.

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Endless Enemies and the Permanent War Economy


by John O'Kane


President Biden took a predictable hit on the Afghan crisis, but the war’s flawed beginnings and mis-guided execution were caused by many of his current critics who were pitchmen for deepening our involvement. This fiasco lasted twenty years because all presidents and power players were vested in this atrocity, willing to cover up its failure with deceptions and bureaucratic lies, insulating Americans from casualties in order to continue the war indefinitely.

Ross Douthat contends that this failure has been known for some time, its irredeemable nature especially evident during the early Obama years when a decent political settlement couldn’t be reached despite the troop surge; when our forces “blunted but did not reverse the Taliban’s recovery.” And subsequent efforts were devoted to merely managing stalemate versus pursuing victory (“Joe Biden’s Critics Lost Afghanistan,” NYTimes, 8/31/21).





New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia


as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan


to Prevent RFK From Ever Reaching White House


by  Jeremy Kuzmarov


Bellingcat funded by US and UK intelligence contractors

that aided extremists in Syria


by Kit Klarenberg




Julian Assange’s Father, John Shipton, on the U.S. Government’s


‘Scandalous’ Plan to ‘Murder’ His Son


with Lee Camp


Hidden in Plain Sight:


The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case


by Whitney Webb






CDC Admits ‘Comirnaty’ Unavailable, Pfizer’s Blood Clot Drug


‘Coating Masks With Nanoworms


with Ryan Cristián





The Corbett Report

October 15, 2021


with James Corbett






“The Shifting Political Landscape Of The COVID-19 Deception”


with Jimmy Dore


All Roads Lead to Dark Winter


by Whitney Webb


Secretive HHS AI Platform to Predict US Covid-19 Outbreaks

Weeks in Advance


by Whitney Webb


New Report Details Efforts to Infiltrate,

Disrupt Health Freedom Movement


by Children's Health Defense Team


The Citizens’ Commission to Safeguard Freedom released a report which lays out detailed evidence of disruptive infiltrators who introduce top-down organizational structures that limit discourse and push well-intentioned health freedom groups towards right-wing extremism.