Bulletin N° 1078

by Scott Noble

"An extraordinary work by a gifted filmmaker, ‘Counter-Intelligence’ shines sunlight into the darkest crevices of empire run amok. ... Anyone who cares about democracy, good government, and the future will want to watch all fives segments of this remarkable film."

- Robert Steele, Former CIA Officer

Watch Online all 5 Parts @ http://metanoia-films.org/counter-intelligence/

Part 1

“The Company”



Part 2

“The Deep State”



Part 3

“The Strategy of Tension”



Part 4




Part 5

“Drone Nation”







Subject: Monopoly Capital, Fascism, and the Paradigm of Unconditional Surrender to ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’.






December 15, 2022



 Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

In an attempt to understand the apparent ruling-class determination to threaten the extinction of Humanity by inflicting a suicidal/genocidal policy across the contemporary world (sometimes called ‘full spectrum dominance’) and to uncover the ideological underpinnings supporting this policy of mass destruction, I have turned to 19th century German idealist philosophers, specifically to Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), a contemporary of Georg Hegel (1770-1831) and of Hegel’s student, Karl Marx (1818-1883). In fact, all three of these philosophers were associated with the University of Berlin -  Schopenhauer; a “Pessimist;” Hegel, a “Progressive;” Marx, who later became the author of the theory of historical materialism and created the material dialictic method (thereby abandoning Hegel's idealist philosophy). For a penetrating analysis of the Marxist method, see Bertell Ollman’s remarkable book: LA DIALECTIQUE MISE EN ŒUVRE : LA DIALECTIQUE MISE EN ŒUVRE :Le processus d’abstraction dans la méthode de Marx ,

or the English language edition, Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s Method (particularly chapter 5: “Putting Dialectics to Work: The Process of Abstraction in
Marx's Method”


My present objective is simply to shed some light on the idealist thinking of neocons, who are today working with specific purpose in mind, within the economic system that we all have inherited for better or for worse (namely, that of late monopoly capitalism). Perhaps the thinking of Schopenhauer can be seen as an early antecedent to neoconservatism, infested, as it is, with sentiments of pessimism and misanthropy, as is now palpable for all to experience. We might benefit from understanding this 19th-century metaphysical construction as an attempt to build a system of philosophy, rather than simply dismissing it as an historical oddity, preaching despair to the oppressed in the most grim and pessimistic terms.



We turn now to a discussion by the late professor of intellectual history, Dr. William S. Sahakian who begins this discourse on Schopenhauer by comparing his thought to that of his more popular colleague in the UB philosophy department:


     Whereas Hegel believed reality to be rational, and a perfectly rational world may seem to justify a philosophy of Optimism, the pessimist Schopenhauer took the opposite position, viewing reality as a blind irrational will and life as evil. In contrast to Hegel’s belief that phenomena are concretely real, Schopenhauer regarded them as mere illusions.


     Schopenhauer divided the world into two entities of idea (representation) and will. The world known to us in sense experiences, that is, the phenomenal world, consists of ideas or representations. The world of ultimate reality, the ontologically real (or what Kant called the thing-in-itself), is the will. The phenomenal world is merely an image; it mirrors the will, the real world. The world which the individual senses is merely an idea within him: ‘The world is my idea.’ It is made of the substance of idea, as Berkeley claimed. Nothing objective can possibly exist without a subject who experiences it. ‘All that exists exists only for the subject,’ and there is ‘no object without a subject.’ Nevertheless, Schopenhauer, like Berkeley, rejected the solipsistic theory of egoism (the theory that I alone exist and that the only world is my own subjective state of existence). He concluded that the physical world of individual things must be simply an illusion (maya) or mere appearance (phenomenon). The Basic substance (or essence) of phenomena, the real world, is the will. Kant was mistaken, wrote Schopenhauer, in assuming the ultimately real world to be unknowable, for it is knowable – and it is known as the will. The Kantian thing-in-itself is the will. Since he believed that both ideas and will are of the nature of mind, Schopenhauer was an Idealist, but he made a sharp distinction between the mode of action of the two types of Ideal Substance. The will, which is knowable to us through immediate awareness (intuition), is perfectly free in its action, but the phenomenal world of the idea is not free but is governed by necessity and follows a course prescribed by four principles of sufficient reason. According to Schopenhauer, phenomena are subject to the following four principles: (1) the principle of sufficient reason of Becoming, whereby every phenomenon must have a cause; (2) the principle of sufficient reason of knowledge, whereby logical judgments must be based on proper grounds; (3) the principle of sufficient reason of Being, whereby objects of sense must occupy space and time, and we  

Sense them as such by a priori intuitions (as given); (4) the principle of sufficient reasons of action, whereby every act must have a dynamic motive of power behind it. In contrast to all phenomena which are thus controlled by laws, the will acts only in complete freedom. Consequently, the will cannot be rationally explained, nor does it respond to reason; it is motivated solely by its own caprice. Furthermore, the will is permanent, whereas phenomena are merely the transitory, overt manifestations of the will. 


     Schopenhauer held that individual sensory phenomena posses a universal character and are really copies of Ideas in the Platonic sense. These Platonic universal Ideas are intermediate between the will and the individual phenomena which it creates and directs. Every physical object depends upon the Universal, the Idea, and is also a mental image of the Idea. But for Schopenhauer the Ideas are not ontological realities, for only the will is reality, the Kantian thing-in-itself.

. . .


Hegel’s view of the World Spirit as a rational force was optimistic in the sense that reason could explain experience and look forward to solutions of problems. But Schopenhauer believed in a nonrational will to which reason is subordinated, in fact a will that functions capriciously and controls reason, which thus merely attempts to justify (rationalize) the unrestrained actions of the will.


     The will expresses itself in the three spheres of physical, vegetative (or animal), and human nature. In each case it is a force, a nonrational urge, drive, or instinct. In the sphere of physical phenomena, the will manifests itself in the form of gravitational forces, electrical impulses, or chemical sources; in the sphere of animal nature, instinctive impulses are added; and in the sphere of human nature, conscious desire is joined to the other forces of the will. Where the force is of a conscious nature, there is suffering. Since man is aware of his insatiable desires, wants, and needs, his suffering is most acute and poignant, and it is worst of all among highly intelligent persons, whose unhappiness is compounded by understanding of their own plight.

. . .


     Desires, wrote Schopenhauer, can never be fully satisfied; even when we partially satisfy some, we are tortured with a dozen others which frustrate us. Moreover, when we think we have satisfied one, we simply find that the feeling of satisfaction soon dies away, and our spirits long for other things in life. Immediately after we satisfy our heart’s desire, we find that we are bored again. (From Outline-History of Philosophy, 1969, by Wm. S. Sahakian, pp. 204-211)


The above description of Schopenhauer’s system of thought (if it can be called a system) is certainly a conscious devaluation of life, produced in an authoritarian Prussian state where the landowning class of Junkers ruled heavy-handedly, effectively reducing the population, with the aid of state power, to abject submision.


Is it any wonder that today’s ruling class and their managers might be attracted to such a philosophy which attempts to naturalize historicly derived power relationships between rulers and the ruled and would lionize ideas which serve to rationalize such relationships in order to make them more palatable for the oppressed?



The 23+ items below represent current Anglophone discussions in the social media of the imminent arrival of the nadir of disaster capitalism and its necessary machinations which have become apparent to much of the world’s population, who increasingly behold their lives immediately threatened by the cultural and economic debacle of societies.  




Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego





WikiLeaks Editor-in-chief Warns Assange May be Extradited “Within Weeks”


by Laura Tiernan



Will Belated Open Letter by The New York Times and other Media Outlets Be Enough to Compel Julian Assange’s Release From Prison?

A person holding a sign

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by Ellen Taylor



Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too



by Joe Lauria



British MP: Minister ‘Misled’ Parliament on Secret Assange Operation


by Matt Kennard and John McEvoy



UK government deployed 15 staff on secret operation to seize Julian Assange


by Matt Kennard



An open letter from editors and publishers: Publishing is not a Crime | Julian Assange


by GNM press office

The US government should end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets



Ray McGovern: Free Julian Assange! - Negotiations for Peace in Ukraine


by Dialogue works




Top media outlets demand US end prosecution of Julian Assange


by Al Jazeera Staff

US charges against WikiLeaks founder threaten press freedom and set ‘dangerous precedent’, US and European media say.

The United States must end its prosecution of Julian Assange, top global media organisations have urged, saying the US indictment against the WikiLeaks founder threatens free expression and freedom of the press.

In an open letter on Monday, five leading media outlets denounced the US’s prosecution against Assange, who is wanted on 18 counts, including a spying charge.

Keep reading :

(list of 3 items)

·         Julian Assange: The threat of extradition and politics behind it


·         CIA sued for allegedly surveilling Americans who met with Assange


·         In new book, a journalist makes the case for Julian Assange



Julian Assange Explains What's REALLY Going On In Ukraine War"


with Jimmy Dore





The Secret History of WWI with Adam Hochschil


with Chris Hedges


Historian Adam Hochschild examines the untold history of WWI in his new book, American Midnight: The Great War, A Violent Peace, and Democracy's Forgotten Crisis.



“Capitalism Headed OFF A CLIFF!”


with Richard D. Wolff




US Intelligence community & conflict with Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXw6kYLYRrs&t=880s

with Ray McGovern, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen




Americans Dumbed Down on Russia


by Ray McGovern



Zelensky Named Time Magazine’s “Person Of The Year”


with Jimmy Dore and Ray McGovern




Meet the Brutal Proxy Force Fighting the Russians, Not Only on the Ground in Ukraine But Also on the Internet


by Evan Reif





David Ray Griffin, 1939 to 2022 – A Celebration of his Life and Work


with Peter Dale Scott, Paul Craig Roberts, Fran Shure, Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, Barbara Honegger, David Chandler, and Ken Jenkins.






“Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine”


by ClassWarFilms


A brief and crucial history of the United States



You Must Know This Situation In America !!! “Everyone Has Been Manipulated”


with Jeffery Sachs




From: Cat McGuire <cat@catmcguire.com>
Date: Dec 11, 2022
Subject: Insights into mind control

We all sort of know about invasive technology, but still, just read through a bunch of these tweets.



Then think, it must be bi-directional: i.e., not just sending thought-data, but receiving thought-data as well.  And it must be beyond delivering ads in return. Think about mass formation psychosis as forms of thought-data.  Thoughts about woke or vaccines received by us as innocuously as our thoughts about products are sent. 


I wonder if this phenomena of reading our thoughts increased exponentially after covid because either the PCR and/or vaccines have implanted nanobots in us as antenna.  In other words, how prevalent was this before 2020?


Now watch this eye-opening 30-min doc





Russia-Ukraine War LIVE | Vladimir Putin's “Nuclear War” Warning To Ukraine




Russia-Ukraine War LIVE | Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the risk of nuclear war was on the rise — as he admitted Russia’s war in Ukraine could become a “long process.” The Russian ruler discussed the threat of nuclear war while addressing Russia’s Presidential Human Rights Council, the latest in a series of nuclear flirtations since the tide of the nine-month war in Ukraine has begun to shift in Kyiv’s favor.



US National Security Strategy | Scott Ritter, Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer & Douglas Macgregor


by Dialogue works , with Scott Ritter, Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer & Douglas Macgregor






The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal Undertaking



by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

“Once the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no moving backwards. Insanity prevails. The world is turned upside down.”

Let us be under no illusions, the Covid Jab is not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome. The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming. 

The official data (mortality and morbidity) as well as numerous scientific studies confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity. 

Peer reviewed reports confirm the causes  of vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (injuries) including among others blood clots, thrombosis, myocarditis, cardiac arrests.

The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 8 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized “vaccine passport”. Needless to say this is a multi-billion dollar operation for Big Pharma. It’s a crime against humanity.

The global vaccine project entitled COVAX is coordinated Worldwide by the WHO, GAVI, CEPI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in liaison with the World Economic Forum (WEF),  the Wellcome Trust, DARPA and Big Pharma which is increasingly dominated by the Pfizer-GSK partnership established barely four months before the onset of the Covid-19 crisis in early January 2020.  

The Covid 19 “Vaccine” from the very outset in January 2021 has been conducive to a Worldwide Upward Movement in Mortality 



Patient Groups Push Congress to Combat Big Pharma Greed in Spending Bill



by Brett Wilkins



Welcome to Fifth Gen (Information) Warfare


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The battleground is consensus of the swarm and your own mind.



“Fall On Your Sword, Mr. Fauci


by Jude Roberts

(video, 3:26)



Transcribed Deposition of DR. ANTHONY FAUCI

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI 11/23/2022


by Robert W Malone, MD, MS

Fresh off the press - the transcribed deposition of Dr. Fauci from Nov 23, 2022



Elon Musk Says: “PROSECUTE FAUCI!”


with Jimmy Dore






The Bivalent Booster Disaster


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When profits are first priority: humiliation of the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, and the Biden administration.



Vax-injured Living Hell on Earth


by Veronika Kyrylenko

US Federal Government and corporate media just do not care



“Risks and Benefits”


with Dr. John Campbell and Professor Fenton




Gov. DeSantis drops BOMBSHELL mRNA Pfizer vaccine news


with Clayton Morris




News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

“With the highest ‘vaccination’ rate in the US, Vermont is looking to get EVERYBODY jabbed—ESPECIALLY its people of color—by the holidays!”


by Mark Crispin Miller

And they're offering "culturally affirming spaces" for that very purpose! And such "care" doesn't cost a dime! How cool is that?



“Referee Gerhard Weng's heart stops mid-game; runner Felix Wittman has testicular cancer; folk singer Kazım Çiriş has heart attack mid-show; TV reporter Julie Yoo collapses mid-report”


by Mark Crispin Miller

Latest NON-fatals include 2 German 17-year-olds in wheelchairs post-injection; 2 "sudden illnesses" snarl public transport in Rome, & actor Lando Buzzanca is now "10% of what he was"



Pelé's cancer; UK DJ Adele Roberts' cancer; Dutch reporter has a stroke; Belgian comic cancels show; actresses in India, Malaysia & Australia gravely ill


by Mark Crispin Miller

Also: Brazilian deputy & Spanish magistrate blacked out in public; Qatari TV reporter collapsed, & Moroccan goalie vanished, at World Cup; South Korean pop star rushed to hospital



In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, December 5-December 12, 2022


by Mark Crispin Miller

Politicians in the US (5), Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Germany, Israel, Russia, Pakistan, the Philippines & Indonesia; actors in the US (2), UK, Russia, India (2), Japan; and all too many more



MAiD in Canada - #NewWorldNextWeek


with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato






with Russell Brand


You know the Terminator films? Well they’re actually coming true. Police in America can now legally kill people with robots. What could go wrong? #police #technology #robots





Watch “German Study Reveals Unsettling Truth About Myocarditis


with Jimmy Dore




“German photographs”


with John Campbell, MD




Doctors and Scientists with Brian Hooker Ph.D.

“‘Sickness Behavior’ + the Effect of Spike Proteins on the Body”


with Brian Hooker and Russell Blaylock, MD




The “New” Medical Freedom


by Robert W Malone and Christian Nix

There are many important lessons to be learned from the last several years of COVID drama. Perhaps the most important of all is…

Medical Freedom matters.

The idea that drug companies are allowed to create an injectable gene therapy… hide the ingredients from public disclosure… and remain immune to any legal liability for the harm that is now undeniably linked to their actions - as they roll in billions of dollars of profit, we should expect to see the masses whetting the guillotine.

Yet, no such outrage is apparent - anywhere.

Instead, there’s a renewed determination to clamp down on any and all dissent.



“People Dying at Unheard of Rates, Mainstream Media Silent”


by Sach Bharat





76 Years Ago, The February 1945 Dresden Fire Bombing: Allied War Crime Prelude to the Cold War



by Dougal Macdonald





with Alexander Mercouris




Ukraine Fires Missiles DEEP INTO RUSSIA


with Jimmy Dore




Missile Strike on Ukraine, Ukraine Launches Soviet Drones at Russia Bases; Moscow Retaliates Oil Cap


with Alexnder Mercouris




Drone strikes, security guarantees, winter build up and oil price caps


with Alex Christoforou and Alexnder Mercouris




The current state of affairs in Ukraine


with Douglas Macgregor




The beginning of the end of Ukraine as a country


with Douglas Macgregor




How to End the War in Ukraine: Matt Duss and Ray McGovern Debate U.S. Policy on Russia, NATO & More


with Amy Goodman

As the U.S. pours billions in military aid into Ukraine, we host a debate on the Biden administration’s response to the war and U.S. policy toward Russia amid increasing calls among progressives for a diplomatic end to the conflict. We speak to former Bernie Sanders foreign policy adviser Matt Duss, now a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst who specialized in the Soviet Union. “Everyone understands that at some point there will need to be a negotiation to bring this war to a close, but I think the tension within the progressive community comes to when and how that diplomacy actually takes place,” says Duss. McGovern stressest that U.S. policymakers must understand Russia’s motivations, saying Russia sees the eastward expansion of NATO as threatening its core interests akin to how the United States viewed the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s. “We need to go back and figure out how this all started in order to figure out how to end it,” says McGovern.



A Negotiated End to Fighting in Ukraine Is the Only Real Way to End the Bloodshed


with Amy Goodman and Jeffrey Sachs




Senate Candidate Diane Sare Reveals How She Ended Up on Ukraine’s Notorious “Info Terrorist” Hit List


with Lee Camp and Diane Sare








La CIA était-elle derrière le massacre de Jonestown ?

jonestown jim jones jésuite cia contrôle mental




by  Jérémy Kouzmarov

“I think the Jonestown incident was an extension of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate. I think those people were conditioned to act in certain ways and would have probably just moved from Montreal [where CIA mind control experiments were carried out under the direction of Dr. Ewen Cameron] to Guyana, in this case. You look at Jim Jones’ background carefully, he had a lot of intelligence contact there for doing exactly what he did. It escalated once they killed Congressman Leo J. Ryan; basically, they had no other way to go, so they just tried to self-destruct the whole mission. And that means the death of hundreds of people. As I point out in the book, the medical examiner there made some startling statements, and we wouldn’t even allow the bodies to be properly examined when they were brought back to the East Coast and turned in. So obviously it was a cover-up. Jonestown I think was an extension of MK-ULTRA from the CIA and there are probably other experiments going on.”

– Colonel James “Bo Gritz, legendary Special Forces operative

who trained Special Forces that went into Jonestown after the massacre.[1]



The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors


with Jimmy Dore






Rabbi Dovid Weiss: Zionism has created “rivers of blood”


by Al Jazeera English




George Galloway: Zionism and Nazism cooperated


with George Galloway and John McTernan




Israel’s Zionist-Settler Colony Project Explained


by TRT World

 In this episode of I Got A Story To Tell we discuss the root of the violence against the Palestinians today, the racism of Zionist political ideology, the legitimisation of Israel's settler-colonial project in Palestine and whether the world has done enough to help.




Peter Beinart Leads Charge to Cancel Palestinian American Journalist Mnar Adley


by Mnar Adley  and Alan Macleod

The latest victim of cancel culture wave is MintPress News founder and editor-in-chief Mnar Adley. Adley had been booked to host and moderate an event discussing anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) laws in the United States, and how Palestinians are under increasing pressure to silence themselves, when she was herself, ironically, removed from the panel at the behest of a shady advisor.

The event was hosted by Voices From the Holy Land, an organization that hosts documentary films and group discussions in order to give voice to those ignored by the mainstream press and to educate the public about the realities of living under the Israeli occupation.

It was scheduled for October 9th online and featured a screening of the documentary “Boycott”, followed by a discussion. Other panelists included editor-at-large of Jewish Currents magazine Peter Beinart; “Boycott” producer Suhad Babaa; and Texas speech therapist Bahia Amawi.

While Voices From The Holy Land coordinator Deepak Kenkeremath had expressed excitement to have her host the panel, just hours before the event, he informed Adley that Beinart and others had objected to sharing a stage with her. In fact, he shared with Adley that Beinart had been calling him daily, putting pressure on him to remove Mnar from the event.

Beinart had been contacted by a Mr. Stanley Heller, who insisted that Adley was anti-Semitic, and that MintPress News was a discredited pro-Putin, pro-Assad, pro-Iran outlet. As proof, Heller reportedly shared MintPress’ (heavily defaced) Wikipedia entry.

These charges are, of course, false. MintPress is an expressly anti-racist platform and does not support any government, let alone specifically those of Russia, Syria or Iran. Instead, MintPress focuses on exposing the permanent war state and those who benefit from it. For this, we have been targeted by NATO-funded think tanks, the Israel lobby, U.S. and U.K. intelligence outfits, foreign governments and lobbying groups. We have also had our Wikipedia page attacked, been demoted and deranked by algorithms, and had our financial accounts frozen.

Adley, who previously lived under Israeli occupation and apartheid, witnessed grave human rights abuses and crimes, has advocated for Palestinian human rights for decades. She has used her career as a journalist and antiwar activist to oppose U.S. weapons from reaching human rights abusers. For a Palestinian woman who defends the rights of Palestinians to resist occupation to be called anti-Semitic is another example of the tried-and-tested smear tactic used by the Israeli lobby to target and silence Palestinian dissent.

As part of his investigation, Kenkeremath spoke with his confidant, Israeli-American author and activist Miko Peled. Peled, who frequently contributes to MintPress, was adamant that Adley is an exemplary figure. “What I told Deepak is that it’s Peter Beinart who should be grateful that he gets to sit on a panel with Mnar, not the other way around!” he said, adding,

I’m absolutely appalled at the fact that somebody thinks they have the right to cancel Mnar. I am appalled, I’m disappointed, I’m angry. I think it is indicative of where we are today, politically – a privileged white guy who considers himself progressive can just feel comfortable enough to cancel a Palestinian woman from speaking about her country?”

MintPress contacted Beinart for comment, but received no response.

Kenkeremath came to a similar conclusion, telling MintPress,

Mnar was the right choice [to moderate the panel]. I think Mnar is great. As a committee, we like her. We would like to find a way or time to bring her to participate with us, a time when we wouldn’t be blackmailed or held hostage by somebody [Heller].”



Al Jazeera Sues Israeli Forces in Intl Criminal Court


by Julia Conley



Jewish Organization WHITEWASHES Ukraine Nazis


with Jimmy Dore


The Anti-Defamation League, or ADL, is known for its tenacity in fighting antisemitism in all its forms, so it’s no surprise that the ADL years ago identified Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion as an enemy of the Jewish people. Yet now that Israel and Ukraine are aligned in the war against Russia, the ADL has had a “come to Jesus” moment and determined that Azov is not, in fact, infested with violent antisemitic extremists after all. Who knew?



You Need to Watch This Before History is ERASED | (Leo Frank Trial & the ADL)


with reallygraceful




Palestine in Pictures: November 2022






Masked gunmen from the Balata Brigades hold a military parade in Balata refugee camp near Nablus in the occupied West Bank, 4 November.

Nasser Ishtayeh SOPA Images



Palestine Action puts Israel's war industry “on trial”


by Kit Klarenberg



On “Hate” and Love at the World Cup: Palestine Is More Than an Arab Cause


by Ramzy Baroud



Headscarf Requirement, Discrimination Against Homosexuals, and Construction Worker Accidents in Qatar Overshadow an Insane Big Lie Aimed at Starting Another World War


by Felix Abt

The European Woke International of Hypocrisy and Neo-Colonialism looks past the incendiary escalation of the Ukraine conflict, preferring instead to spoil the beautiful game for hundreds of millions of soccer fans in Arab and developing countries.





“Know Thine Enemy”



by Chris Hedges

The expedited legislation passed by Congress to avert a strike by railroad unions dealt one more blow in the decades long war waged by the two ruling parties against the working class.



US Military Atomic Cleanup Crews Paid Heavy Price After Nuke Testing

The fireball of the "Seminole" blast begins to show the shape of a mushroom cloud on June 6, 1956.


by Jake Epstein



The 48,000-worker strike at the University of California is still going


by Sara Wexler

The massive walkout at California’s flagship public university system is the largest strike in the US in recent years, and it’s now in its third week. Jacobin spoke with striking grad student workers at UC Riverside and UC Irvine.

A strike involving 48,000 graduate student workers, postdocs, and academic researchers across the University of California system is in its third week. Organizers say that the strike is the largest academic strike in US history; it also happens to be one of the largest strikes, period, in the country in the last few years. On Friday, Nov. 18, Jacobin’s Sara Wexler spoke with striking grad student workers at UC Riverside about their demands and their experiences during the strike.



The Freedom Convoy Commission with the JCCF


with James Corbett, Rob Kittredge, and Hatim Kheir




Canada's Freedom Convoy Commission


with James Corbett




Why Iran's National Strike Is a Huge Deal


by Juan Cole

As Iranians in 23 provinces join in on national strikes and truckers and shopkeepers walk out, the Iranian government has plenty of reasons to fear the staying power of these protests.



Prepping for a China War: The United States and the New Arc of Militarization Across Northern Australia



by Richard Tanter

In recent years, successive Australian governments, in coordination with the United States, have responded to the dramatic rise of China with military and economic policies that directly challenge the possibility of accommodation with China.





How THE RICH Stole Democracy


with Thom Hartmann and Richard Wolff




Inflation, Europe's energy crisis, and the Fed


with Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff




Economic Update: Instability - Capitalism's Constant


with Richard Wolff




Black Market in Broad Daylight

A plate of food

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by Lauren Smith

U.S. school kids, hospital patients, and prison inmates share food poisoning, while food liquidators boast they turn “trash into treasure.”

[This article is the second part of a series on human rights abuse by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and the Miami Federal Detention Center (Miami FDC). Part One was on its deadly lack of health care services. Part Two is about its torturous and corrupt food service industry. In violation of international human rights, the U.S. prison system fails to provide inmates with “wholesome and adequate food,” as specified in the United Nations’ Human Rights and PrisonsA Pocketbook of International Human Rights Standards for Prison Officials.—Editors]

Operating in the shadows is easy in the United States secondary food market, as few question what happens to food that exceeds its expiration date in leading supermarket chains across the nation. Well, truth be told, expired food gets reprocessed, repackaged, relabeled, and resold to institutions, discount retailers and restaurants.

With scant regulations in place for repurposed food, and institutional purchasing specifications silent, food liquidators underbid their competitors and win contracts nearly every time. In the secondary food market, you get what you pay for, and never has the saying “garbage in, garbage out” been more appropriate.

No matter how much hot sauce or gravy is added as camouflage, spoiled food products are unfit for human consumption and cause foodborne illness. Here, what you don’t know can kill you.



Watch "How Twitter Worked With The FBI To BAN Donald Trump"


with Jimmy Dore



Americans Actually Put Up With THIS!


with Richard Wolff






Why Capitalism Must Be DESTROYED


by Richard D. Wolff




Marc Morano Writes The Great Reset


with James Corbett and Marc Morano



Dr. David Martin Blasts Health Authorities for Turning Roughly 4 Billion People into “Bioweapons Factories


by Belle Carter

Financial analyst and self-help entrepreneur Dr. David Martin has slammed public health authorities around the world for forcing roughly four billion people to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA “kill shots,” turning them into biological weapons in the process.

“The reason why [the mRNA injections] are important and distinct is that they turn your body into being what I refer to as the bioweapons factory,” Martin told “Man in America” host Seth Holehouse. “Because legally, when you actually create a thing that manufactures a known pathogen, that is actually biological weapon manufacturing and the fact that your body is doing it means you’re a bioweapons factory.”

He pointed out that this “scamdemic” that paved the way for billions people to submit to the “experimental” vaccine mandate, would cause a fundamental existential problem with humanity. “That means that we have mRNA and we have DNA modifications that are going to not only impact this generation, but will also impact generations to come,” he said.

Martin related this as well to the 10-year National Science Foundation grant that gave rise to the company now known as Moderna. Through its COVID-19 vaccine partnership with the U.S. government, Moderna picked up nearly $1 billion in research aid. Then, it joined the list of pharmaceutical companies to take a supply order from the federal government.

“So anybody who wants to sit back and pretend like this is some sort of innocuous thing and it doesn’t have any long effects is absolutely ludicrous,” he said.

According to Martin, the best-case scenario would be the death or disability of 300 million vaccinated individuals. These many people would be incapacitated and would not be able to contribute to the economy, as per his risk management analysis.

The worst case, on the other hand, would be the death of more than three billion people.

“When you think about the combination of the death rates that are coming off of the injections and the fertility and miscarriage problems coming off of people exposed to the spike protein, this is a much more catastrophic event,” he noted.

Mandatory vaccination of cows a direct attack on food supply

Elsewhere in the show, Martin also discussed with Holehouse how the mRNA technology would be eventually injected into livestock per the Food and Drug Administration‘s (FDA’s) most recent standards.

According to an InfoWars article back in October, dairy farmers in Australia are now being forced to inject the gene-altering vaccine that contains spike protein into their cattle so they could remain in business. And just like in humans, the experimental jabs are causing severe damage to the animals as 35 out of 200 cows died immediately after being administered the injection. (Related: Nearly 2 in 10 cows injected with mRNA vaccine DIE almost instantly.)

Analysts consider the mandatory vaccination of cows as a direct attack on the food supply. Many of them are asking if the milk and other by-products would contain the spike protein that actually harmed the animals.

This was in line with Martin’s analysis that allowing cows to be injected would just be the gate opening for injecting the “kill shots” into other forms of food supply.

“And not unlike what we’ve seen with now, over 50 percent of the population have gastrointestinal problems because of our gene therapies in plants and crops,” he stated, adding that in case this “dangerous move” pushes through, 70 to 80 percent of the world’s population is going to be directly impacted by the mRNA modified meats and foods in the next five years.

Watch the full episode of “Man in America” with Seth Holehouse and Dr. David Martin.





Putin just scored a KNOCKOUT blow to Europe and the WE


with Clayton Morris


Europe just announced a $60 per barrel of oil cap against Russian oil at the same time Putin and China are increasing trade. Europe is facing a slow boiling energy disaster. Meanwhile OPEC+ says they're not changing anything which means 2 million barrels of oil will continue to be slashed from daily output. All Putin has to do is cut uranium sales to Europe and the U.S. and it will be lights out. We are watching these moron globalists destroy our way of life right before our eyes, and the latest moves this weekend prove my point.



NATO & EU may not survive


with Douglas Macgregor




Putin winning the energy war? Europe’s unity crumbles amid spat over gas prices | Energy Crisis


with Hindustan Times




German coup targets political opposition. Merkel's disastrous legacy


with Alex Christoforou,  and Alexander Mercouris




The Trans-Atlantic Rift Grows Wider


by Patrick Lawrence





“Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming”


by Joseph Mercola and Robert Malone




Conservative crash, time is ticking for Sunak


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris






An Invisible Prison Has Been Built Just for You


by Dr. Joseph Mercola

(video, 1:16:19)

All the pieces are now coming together to control the global population, and this digital prison is already mostly built. When it's finished, it will be the final lockdown of mankind.




UK and Ukraine to collaborate on digital ID



by Ken Macon

As part of a new trade deal.

The United Kingdom (UK) and Ukraine have signed a digital trade deal aimed at helping the Ukrainian economy to recover and “improve” both countries’ digital output. The Digital Trade Agreement (DTA) also has a provision for collaborating on digital identity, where Ukraine supposedly has a lot to teach the UK about ID tracking tech and using digital ID to access services.

Related: Lobbyists call on the US government to develop digital ID infrastructure for “security” reasons

Ukraine’s highly-sophisticated digital ID, Diia, is used to grant the public access to most government services online. It has nine digital credentials: the ID card, the identity provider (IDP) certificate for network access, birth certificate, passport, driving license, tax number, student card, and vehicle registration certificate.



Russia’s Secret Oil Tankers Take to the Seas to Crush G7 Price Cap | Russia Ukraine War


with Firstpost


Russia’s Secret Oil Tankers Take to the Seas to Crush G7 Price Cap | Russia Ukraine War. Russia is all set to defeat the West’s sanctions with the help of a plan that Vladimir Putin has been working on for months. Moscow has been preparing for a Western-backed price cap on its oil for quite some time now. The United States, G7, European Union and NATO – they all thought they had Vladimir Putin by the neck this time. However, Russia has revealed its grand plan of bypassing Western sanctions and the oil price cap.



Odessa blackouts. Ukraine situation crashing as Russian missile strikes continue



Bottom of Form

with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris






Chinese vaccine comparisons


with Dr. John Campbell




Western media badmouth China’s epidemic like how Washington fans the flames in Russia-Ukraine conflict


by Global Times

Whatever China does in its battle against COVID-19 is wrong under the prism of Western media. Those who once denounced China's strict approach to epidemic prevention and control are now hyping up the consequences of opening up. Headlines such as "The disastrous implications of lifting Zero-COVID in China" are flooding on Western social media platforms. Bloomberg is more dramatic, articulating that "a full reopening could see 5.8 million in ICU" in China and that "there's no way an uncontrolled wave of infections can be managed."

It is hard to believe that Bloomberg published such a prognosis with a straight face. China's 20 measures, recently fine-tuned and adjusted to optimize the epidemic response, do not mean loosening prevention and control against the virus, less a lift of COVID-19 restrictions or "lying flat" in the COVID-19 fight. It aims at making the response to the virus more targeted and science-based, maximizing the protection of people's safety and health, and minimizing the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. 

However, some Western forces tend to write off all the efforts and achievements China has made to rein in the virus, while putting the shortcomings under scrutiny to provoke confrontation and stir up chaos on Chinese soil. For them, it would be best if China's development slows down or stagnates. 



The Third Opium War: The Agenda Behind the COVID-19 Assault on China



by Emanuel Pastreich

Let us move forward to Operation COVID-19, the global coup d’état disguised as a pandemic that was launched against China, and the world, in December of 2019 and that continues on to the present. Although not directed exclusively at China this operation resembles the previous two Opium Wars in method and in purpose.

The author does not have inside knowledge as to exactly how the COVID-19 operation was planned and launched; most likely no one has the full picture. Enough information is available, however, to permit an informed assessment, as opposed to the repetition of the disinformation circulated as journalism these days.

The strategy behind the Wuhan outbreak of 2019, the start of the COVID Wars, had its roots in classified research conducted at DARPA, RAND, and other American institutions, on how to conduct warfare using biotechnology, nanotechnology, and cyber-warfare.

The cyber-warfare imagined in security circles was less concerned with hacking computers and more with hacking the minds of citizens so as to render them incapable of independent thinking and encourage psychological and ideological dependency on a consumer culture powered by narcissism. The promotion of a banal consumer culture that destroys the intellectual functions of the educated classes in politics was a critical part of the groundwork for the COVID wars.

This new form of warfare is best described as “silent weapons for quiet wars,” to use the term employed in the (supposedly) classified manual from the 1950s discovered in 1986 that describes the use of social engineering and automation as a strategy for domination. Private finance and intelligence complexes like BlackRock, Vanguard, and Goldman Sachs, along with the strategic teams of billionaires are the primary clients of this campaign.

China was selected as a primary target (although the strategy is being carried out around the world) for the radical degradation of the population’s thinking through the promotion of AI, smart phones, thereby creating addiction to consumption culture and immediate stimulation, and forcing dependency on technology.

China was a ripe target because modernization ideology has been so central to Chinese society and the imperative to surpass the West that humiliated China in the 19th century is so acute among Chinese intellectuals that the promotion of dangerous automation and geo-fencing could be easily justified as a means for China to surpass the West and to become truly modern. Moreover, Chinese Confucian thought encourages a trust in the role of government that makes it hard for citizens to grasp how corporations have seized control of policy and administration in government.

The use of QR codes for all public spaces, including public restrooms, the requirement of vaccination, and PCR tests within the last 48 hours (or sometimes last 24 hours) was initially accepted by citizens because it was justified as more advanced than the “West.”

Most likely the operation was launched by corrupt elements of intelligence in both the United States and China who are pursuing plans to create a slave society in which billionaires set the ideological and administrative rules for the entire society.

The Chinese and the foreign agents involved in COVID-19 policies at the local level follow directives issued by private intelligence companies that work together with the World Economic Forum, intergovernmental agencies like the World Health Organization that is controlled by the Gates Foundation, and to other multinational institutions tied to global finance.

The promotion of a “new Cold war” between the United States and China in the corporate media is critical to this campaign. Lower level government officials, and citizens, on both sides, are fed the story that because relations between China and the United States are getting worse, that there can be no cooperation or communication between the two nations. This narrative is made substantial by directives that prohibit, or make difficult, interactions between government officials, academics, and cultural figures.

The reality is that a tiny group of key players representing the super-rich in the United States and in China coordinate closely to promote COVID-19 lockdowns in China.



China set to shake up energy market. Mongolia gas pipelines"


with Alex Christoforou and Alexnder Mercouris




China Keeps Aggressively Surrounding Itself With US Bases


by Caitlin Johnstone



It still amazes me how many people who fancy themselves anti-establishment critical thinkers will spend all day mindlessly regurgitating mainstream media lines about China.

I cannot emphasize enough how little respect I have for anyone who parrots US empire narratives about China and how completely dismissive I am of all their attempts to explain to me that it’s actually right and good to do this. Literally all of our major problems are because of the people who rule over us; if you’re buying into the narrative that who we should really be mad at right now is a government on the other side of the planet with no power over us, you’re a fucking loser. You’re a bootlicking empire simp. You’re worthless, bleating human livestock.












Controlled Opposition, Black Propaganda   


by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Risk assessment, paranoia, strategy or reality?

(audio, 21:19)



Gabor Maté: Who’s Crazy, You or Your Nation?


by Robert Scheer



The Twitter Files just got a lot more interesting


by Freddy Gray      

 As I wrote earlier, last week Matt Taibbi, the journalist chosen by Elon Musk to reveal what really happened behind-the-app during the 2020 presidential election, published the first instalment of the ‘Twitter Files’. He did it as a long Twitter ‘thread’ which showed various panicky corporate communications about the ethics of suppressing intriguing political information. This was important stuff but it wasn’t exactly explosive. We all knew that Big Tech censored information in order to help Joe Biden. Lots of Democrat-friendly journalists were therefore quick to pour cold water on the news. Nothing to see here, folks, move on. 

But Musk and Taibbi promised more and last night Taibbi dropped a genuinely shocking ‘supplemental thread’ explaining why the Twitter files had not been quite as sensational as some hoped. It seems that, without Musk’s knowledge, somebody within the organisation had been vetting the files which Taibbi and Bari Weiss — the other journalist Musk has anointed to do the story — were allowed to see. And that somebody was Jim Baker, the former FBI general counsel who, extraordinarily enough, has the title of Twitter Deputy General Counsel. Or rather he did. Musk sacked him yesterday.

Baker is, as Taibbi puts it, ‘something of a Zelig of FBI controversies dating back to 2016… He resigned in 2018 after an investigation into leaks to the press.’

Yikes. Any intelligent commentator who doesn’t recognise this as a potentially enormous scandal is being wilfully blind at best. What is increasingly clear is that the FBI and Twitter were working hand-in-glove to suppress what they deemed to be ‘misinformation’ — which actually turned out to be a true story about the now President’s son. The level of ‘collusion’ — to use a word we heard a lot in relation to Russia and Trump in 2016 — between law enforcement agencies, partisan political actors, and Big Tech is starting to become painfully clear. Bari Weiss will deliver the next batch of Twitter files — on Twitter, natch — and the story has only got more interesting. The old defence of Twitter was that it was a private company and in a free world a private company can publish or not publish whatever it wants. But what if that private company is being manipulated by state actors?



You’re Gonna Get Sick, Get Used to It


by Todd Hayen

Zero Covid, zero disease, zero suffering, zero death. Unrealistic goals? You bet—although many countries (particularly China) have seemingly adopted a “Zero Covid” stance and have made a rather destructive effort to eliminate any occurrence of Covid-19 from their citizenry—boarding people up in their apartments, attacking people trying to escape, all those fun things fascists like to do.

This effort to maintain a “Zero Covid” environment is yet another piece of the agenda intended to brainwash and thus control the populace. The powers that be know that, but most of the people they are controlling do not.

The people might think “Zero Covid” sounds like a good idea, but it is fantasy, and typically you can’t count too much on fantasy in a nitty-gritty real world.

Now, I’m not knocking fantasy. Sometimes it is just what we need to get through the day. But this isn’t our own personal fantasy, this is fantasy put upon us by an authority that has a nefarious agenda. It is a sleight of hand card trick, it is an intentional deception—a deception premeditated to cause harm to some (most) and benefit others (a few).



European Parliament Smears Russia While Bankrolling Nazi Terrorism


by Editorial Staff of the Strategic Culture Foundation

One would think, perhaps, that with a perilous war raging on the European continent, the European Union’s parliament might want to show some leadership in promoting diplomatic solutions to end that conflict. No, not a bit of it.

The European Parliament has shown itself again this week to be nothing more than a giant reactionary talking shop whose proclaimed democratic values have an inverse relationship to its copious chamber of 705 parliamentarians.

Only three years ago, the same parliament voted on a resolution that shamefully distorted the origins of the Second World War by trying to equate the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany.

The parliament comprising lawmakers from 27 member nations passed a resolution this week condemning Russia as “a state sponsor of terrorism and a state that uses the means of terrorism”. The motion is legally non-binding, and so, therefore, has no power of enforcement. It is a highly “symbolic gesture” of censure against Russia. In other words, it is naked political propaganda for a political purpose – to smear the Russian Federation and to inculcate the public perception of Russia as a barbarian rogue that needs to be eliminated.

Not even the United States has gone this far. The Joe Biden administration has balked at suggestions to similarly designate Russia a terror state. Washington has balked because it is a ludicrous incendiary step, as well as blatantly false.

The European resolution text was a screed of rabid Russophobia packed with anti-Russia allegations referring to the nearly 10-month-old war in Ukraine. Many of the claims are baseless or have been shown to be outright fabrications contrived to malign Russia. They were also hilarious in their stupidity.





New Report Details How Vast Military Spending By the Richest Countries Greatly Accelerates Climate Crisis



by Jeremy Kuzmarov



Why Does U.S. Navy Allow Officers to Commit Gory Murders and Other Atrocities with Impunity?

A group of men in military uniforms

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Far left, Britt Slabinski [Source: navy.mil]; 2nd from left, Eddie Penney [Source: reddit.com]; 2nd from right, Eddie Gallagher [Source: navysealsfund.org]; far right, Justin Sheffield [Source: reddit.com]


by Jeremy Kuzmarov

And even more disturbingly, why are the men who commit these crimes revered in American popular culture?

“The thrill of killing [is] like a drug; the greatest feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life.” – Eddie Penney, Navy SEAL Team 6.[1]

In January 2012, Chris Kyle’s book American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History became an instant best seller, selling more than two million copies and spending fourteen consecutive weeks on The New York Times bestseller list.

A 2014 film version directed by Clint Eastwood grossed more than $547 million and earned six Academy Award nominations, including for Best Picture and Actor (Bradley Cooper who played Kyle).

The book and film provided a heroic portrait of Kyle, who emerged as a poster boy for the Navy SEAL Team 6 which, in May 2011, led the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

A professional cowboy who grew up on a Texas ranch and earned a Bronze Star in combat in Iraq, Kyle suggested that all the people he had killed in his career were “savage” and “despicably evil,” and that he only “wished he had killed more, not for bragging rights but because [he] believe[d] the world is a better place without savages out there taking American lives.”





War profiteers are fueling this crisis


with Chris Hedges




We need to talk about why Russia invaded Ukraine


by Mary Dejevsky



Global Arms Sales Grow for 7th Consecutive Year


by Peoples Dispatch



Watch "Pentagon Lost $2 Trillion AGAIN!"


with Jimmy Dore


A trillion here, a trillion there and soon you’re talking about real money! Unless you’re the Pentagon, that is, which has failed YET ANOTHER audit, this time failing to account for $2 trillion worth of “assets.” But will the Defense Department face any consequences, any additional oversight, any budget cuts? Ha ha, very funny.



Why Are Ukraine Weapons Going To Nigeria, Finland & Holland?!?


with Jimmy Dore


Since the earliest days of the Ukraine War, and NATO intervention on the Ukraine side, it’s been clear that of the billions of dollars in armaments intended for Ukraine are actually being redirected and sold on the black market to line the pockets of corrupt officials and others along the line. Now Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari reveals that at least some of that weaponry is finding its way into the hands of anti-government terrorists in the Lake Chad region of Nigeria.



The Perpetually Irrational Ukraine Debate


by Stephen M. Walt

The war continues to be discussed in ways that are self-serving—and self-defeating.



Zelensky's three step peace plan


with Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris, Brian Berletic, and Gonzalo Liraq




Three scenarios for how war in Ukraine could play out


by Shashank Joshi, Defence editor, The Economist



Watch "Zelensky Named Time Magazine’s “Person Of The Year”


with Jimmy Dore and Ray McGovern




Watch "Dr. Michael Vlahos & Col. Douglas Macgregor: Why NATO strategic failure? A war of deceit, denial Pt2"


with Douglas Macgregor




As the World Fixates on Ukraine, Another War is Brewing in the Middle East



by Patrick Cockburn

As war rages in Ukraine, another conflict is ready to explode in the Middle East as the US and its allies confront Iran over its nuclear programme, supply of drones to Russia, and repression of anti-government protests.

If the US or Israel were to attack the main Iranian nuclear facility producing weapons-grade nuclear fuel, Iran would most likely retaliate by using its drone and missile arsenal to close the Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Gulf, through which tankers daily carry almost a fifth of the world’s oil and gas.

The confrontation escalated sharply this week when Iran announced that it intended to make near bomb-grade nuclear fuel at its Fordow plant, located inside a mountain to protect it from bomb and missile attack. Iran decided to ramp up its nuclear programme after the failure of talks to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal agreed in 2015 by President Barack Obama but denounced and dropped three years later by President Donald Trump.

Escalating crisis

At the heart of the agreement was a far-reaching reduction in economic sanctions on Iran in return for international monitoring of a reduced Iranian nuclear programme, which Israeli and Western leaders say is aimed at producing a nuclear bomb.

The escalating crisis is a resumption of the confrontation three years ago between the US and Israel, on the one side, and Iran, on the other, that almost led to war. Under pressure from sanctions and threatened by military assault, Iran launched a highly successful drone and missile attack on Saudi oil facilities that briefly cut its oil output by half.





The Munk Debates – “Be it Resolved: Don't Trust Mainstream Media”


by  Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi Douglas Murray @DouglasKMurray Malcolm Gladwell @Gladwell Michelle Goldberg @michelleinbklyn



The following is a transcript of the Munk Debates in Toronto last Wednesday, November 30th, in which author Douglas Murray and I took on New Yorker contributor Malcolm Gladwell and columnist Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times. As noted, we won with the largest swing in the event’s history, moving from a 48%-52% voter deficit to a 67%-33% win. Because the entire transcript exceeds Google’s email limit, this portion is edited for size, but there’s a video you can access here, and you can also click through to a PDF here.



Journalism Defenders Push for Passage of 'Game-Changing' PRESS Act


by Brett Wilkins

"The PRESS Act is the most important free press legislation in modern times because it would finally stop the government from spying on journalists and threatening them with arrest for doing their jobs," explained one advocate.



On the State of Free Speech In Our Monopolized Internet


by Glenn Greenwald



Warmongers CONFRONTED By Journalist At National Press Club Event


with Jimmy Dore


During a recent symposium at the National Press Club about the prosecution of Julian Assange, The Grayzone reporter Max Blumenthal asked DC attorney and Assange critic Mark Zaid whether prosecutors should really be depending on testimony from an admitted pedophile and liar like Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, who has since recanted his allegations, to convict Assange. Jimmy plays a video of the interaction and then he and Max discuss the weaselly way Zaid attempts to dodge the question and suggests that Assange will get a fair trial in the U.S.



Pilger on the Fall of the British Press


with John Pilger


Mark Curtis of Declassified UK speaks with legendary journalist John Pilger, who began filing for the Daily Mirror in the 1960s, about the fall of British journalism.





Internal Documents Reveal Big Oil’s Plan for Profiting Amid Climate Pressures


by Mike Ludwig

The largest oil and gas companies are leveraging the climate crisis to further entrench their domination of energy markets.



India’s Farmers Reject GMOs – Global Public Don’t Want GM Food 


by Colin Todhunter



The Netherlands: Template for Ecomodernism’s Brave New World? 



by Colin Todhunter

Disaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.

These policies are being promoted by wealthy interests that stand to make billions of dollars from what is being proposed. They seek to gain full control of food and how it is produced. Their vision is tied to a wider agenda aimed at shaping how humanity lives, thinks and acts.

Throughout much of 2022, protests by Dutch farmers have grabbed the headlines. Plans to reduce the Netherlands’ nitrogen output by half come 2030 have led to mass protests. The government talks of the need to move away from animal-based agriculture and its climate-impacting emissions.

This ‘food transition’ often goes hand-in-hand with the promotion of ‘precision’ agriculture, genetic engineering, fewer farmers and farms and lab-made synthetic food. This transition is sold under the banner of ‘climate-friendly’ and piggybacks on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative.

Campaigner Willem Engel claims the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate farmers from the landscape for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.

Engel suggests the ‘nitrogen crisis’ is being manipulated to drive through policies that will result in reshaping the country’s landscape. He argues that the main nitrogen emitter in the Netherlands is not agriculture but industry. However, land currently occupied by farms is strategically important to industry and housing.



Iran’s protests spark regime change campaign


by The Gray Zone


Isfahan, Iran-based independent researcher Setareh Sadeghi joins The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal to discuss how protests in Iran have triggered calls for regime change and a violent insurgency from Western hawks, and the media warfare that has accompanied the destabilization campaign.



Filipinos Don’t Want Their Country to Be Used As a “Launching Pad” for a U.S. War Against China or Any Other Country


by Jeremy Kuzmarov



Southeast Asia Chooses to Work with China, What Will Happen Next?


by Brian Berletic and Li Jingjing



UN Member States Fall Short on Accountability for Philippine Mass Killings


by International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines



The 60-Year U.S. Blockade on Cuba is an Abomination Just as Great as Guantanamo Bay—With no End in Sight


Description automatically generated with low confidence


by David Starr

“El Bloqueo” (The Blockade) is what Cubans call it. It is a 60-year-old abomination. It is the U.S. embargo against Cuba. 

Imposed by U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the embargo has and continues to be an utter failure in its objective, that is, trying to fuel a counter-revolution within the island nation; or more politely put, “regime change.”  

Contrary to U.S. media and government propaganda, the 1959 Cuban Revolution has transformed Cuba from its status as an American neo-colony before 1959 and improved Cubans quality of life by nationalizing its economy and investing in health-care and education.


Stansfield Smith, an anti-war activist, wrote that The New York Times, however, “still asserted Cuba is a mismanaged anachronism, that the average Cuban has no say-so, that the government does not permit public dialogue on its policies. This is arrogant nonsense to anyone knowledgeable about Cuba.” Smith continued: “Unlike the U.S., Cuba has a number of mass organizations that involve the people in running the government,” such as, “the Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC), the National Association of Small Farmers (FEU) and Federation of Pre-University Students (FEEM).” Smith then dares to write, “Clearly this system is vastly more open and democratic than in the U.S.” He may have a point since U.S. society has become more alienating and violent. Plus, there is an electoral system that is essentially controlled by big corporations through massive donations to their political pawns. But, of course, there are shades of gray. 


But that is not all Smith wrote about: “In 2011 Cuba had a national discussion in thousands of assemblies in workplaces and schools around the country to establish new laws and guidelines for economic reforms. The U.S. did no such thing when confronted by the 2008 economic crisis.” Further, “In 2018 Cuba had a similar national discussion on a new constitution. The process was discussed in over 100,000 workplaces and community meetings. After the debates and modifications of the draft, the National Assembly approved it, which was voted on in a national referendum.” 



Nobody Told You THIS About Socialism


by Richard D. Wolff






Global Research – December 6, 2022: Selected Articles

“No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine”. Towards a U.S. War Against Russia?




The Grayzone Latest Stories – December 6, 2022

“Leaked files: private spying firm targets global population with illegal spyware”





Global Research – December 12, 2022: Selected Articles

“What Does the US Federal Reserve’s Jerome Powell Have Up His Sleeve?”




CovertAction Magazine

“Exposing Covert Action Since 1978”


We're writing to let you know that today we will be joining the Canada Files (TCF), a Canadian news outlet committed to holding Canada accountable on its foreign policy, for the webinar:


The Secret US Invasion of Canada: How the CIA Manipulates Public Opinion and Corrupts Canadian Foreign Policy


The event is being co-hosted by CAM and is taking place today, December 13 starting at 7pm EST. It features CAM’s Managing Editor Jeremy Kuzmarov, TCF’s Editor-in-Chief Aidan Jonah, intrepid journalist Eva Bartlett and TCF’s Contributing Editor Arnold August, as event speakers. You can register for it here. 

In solidarity,

CovertAction Magazine


Our mailing address is:

CovertAction Institute, Inc.

55 Gerard St # 1323

Huntington, NY 11743-8252

"Eighteen Years Ago Today, Journalist Gary Webb Was Murdered After Exposing CIA Drug Trafficking"
by Jeremy Kuzmarov
On December 10, 2004, the body of journalist Gary Webb, 49, was discovered in his home near Sacramento after a moving company worker found a note posted to his front door that read: “Please do not enter. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.”
Webb’s death was listed as a suicide, but Webb was found with two bullet holes in the head, indicating that he was executed.[1]
Artwork that accompanied the original Dark Alliance series published in the San José Mercury News. [Source: theintercept.com]
In the days leading up to his death, Webb had told friends that he was receiving death threats, being regularly followed by what he thought were government agents, and that he was concerned about strange individuals who were seen breaking into and leaving his hou