Bulletin N° 1095 





Subject: Distractions, Obfuscations, Intimidation, Blackmail, Lies, and 0ther Instruments for Despotic Domination.





March 18, 2023

(The one hundred fifty-second anniversary of the start of the Paris Commune, 1871.)



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


I recently took down from the bookshelf my old, torn copy of The Brothers Karamazov and began again slowly looking at Dostoyevsky’s complex tapestry of human relationships, until I arrived at Book II, “An Unfortunate Gathering,” chapter 2, “The Old Buffon,” in which he describes Fyodor Pavlovitch Karamazov’s arrival at a monastery accompanied by Pyotr Alexandrovich Miusov - the wealthy cousin of his first wife, Pyotr Alexandrovich Miusov - on a visit to the Holy Father Zossima. At the start of this ritual meeting, Père Karamazov introduces himself and explains why he has come:


          “I am an inveterate buffoon, have been from my birth up, your reverence, it’s as though it were a craze in me. I daresay it’s a devil within me. But only a little one. A more serious one would have chosen another lodging. But not your soul, Pyotr Alexandrovitch; you’re not a lodging worth having either. But I do believe – I believe in god, though I have had doubts of late. But now I sit and await words of wisdom. I’m like the philosopher, Diderot, your reverence. Did you ever hear, most Holy Father, how Diderot went to see the Metropolitan Platon, in the time of the Empress Catherine. He went in and said straight out, ‘There is no god?’ To which the great Bishop lifted up a finger and answered, ‘The fool has said in his heart there is no God.’ And he fell down at his feet on the spot. ‘I believe,’ he cried, ‘and will be christened.’ And so he was. Princess Dashkov was his godmother, and Potyomkin his godfather.”


     “Fyodor Pavlovitch, this is unbearable! You know you’re telling lies and that that stupid anecdote isn’t true. Why are you playing the fool?” cried Miüsov in a shaking voice.


     “I suspected all my life that it wasn’t true;” Fyodor Pavlovitch cried with conviction. “But I’ll tell you the whole truth gentlemen. Great elder! Forgive me, the last thing about Diderot’s christening I made up just now." (pp.45-46)



     “I earnestly beg you, too, not to disturb yourself, and not to be uneasy, the elder said impressively” … Do not trouble . Make yourself quite at home. And, above all, do not be so ashamed of yourself, for that is at the root of it all.”


     “Quite at home? To be my natural self? Oh, that is much too much, but I accept it with grateful joy. Do you know, blessed father, you’d better not invite me to be my natural self. Don’t risk it…. I will not go so far as that myself. I warn you for your own sake."


. . .


    “If I had only been sure that everyone would accept me as the kindest and wisest of men, oh, Lord, what a good man I should have been then! Teacher!” he fell suddenly on his knees, “what must I do to gain eternal life?”


     It was difficult even now to decide whether he was joking or really moved.

     Father Zossima, lifting his eyes, looked at him, and said with a smile:


     “You have known for a long time what you must do. You have sense enough: don’t give way to drunkenness, and incontinence of speech; don’t give way to sensual lust; and, above all, to the love of money. And close your taverns. It you can’t close all, at least two or three. And, above all – don’t lie.”


     “You mean about Diderot?”


     “No, not about Diderot. Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all for continual lying to other men and to himself. The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than any one. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offence, isn’t it? A man may know that nobody had insulted hem, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill – he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take pleasure it, and so pass to genuine vindictiveness. But get up, sit down, I beg you. All this, too, is deceitful posturing . . . .”


     “Blessed man! Give me your hand to kiss.”


     Fyodor Pavlovitch skipped up, and imprinted a rapid kiss on the elder’s thin hand. "You said that so well, as I never heard it before. Yes, I have been all my life taking offense, to please myself, taking offence on aesthetic grounds, for it is not so much pleasant as distinguished sometimes to be insulted – that you had forgotten, great elder, it is distinguished! I shall make a note of that. But I have been lying, lying positively my whole life long, every day and hour of it. Of a truth, I am a lie, and the father of lies. Though I believe I am not the father of lies, I am getting mixed in my texts. Say, the son of lies, and that will be enough.”(p.46-49)




The 22 + items below are recent articles and essays found in the Anglophone social media and which reflect the dire concerns of populations in the US and elsewhere. Learning to read critically is an essential skill if we are to preserve our human instincts and avoid forfeiting our lives to involuntary tropismatic behavior, without thought.





Francis McCollum Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur des Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego



The Betrayers of Julian Assange


by John Pilger




Watch "Julian Assange's Father & Brother Speak Out on His Jailing, Press Freedom & New Documentary "Ithaka"


with John Shipton and Gabriel Shipton


We continue our coverage of the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq by looking at the imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been jailed for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. One video released by WikiLeaks showed a U.S. helicopter gunship in Baghdad slaughtering a dozen civilians, including a Reuters journalist. Assange has been held in London's Belmarsh prison since 2019 as he fights the U.S. campaign to extradite him to face espionage charges. If convicted, the publisher faces as much as 175 years behind bars. His legal fight is documented in the new film Ithaka that centers on Assange's father John Shipton, who has been crisscrossing the globe to raise awareness of the case and the danger it poses to press freedoms. We speak with Shipton, as well as filmmaker Gabriel Shipton, Julian Assange's brother and a producer of the documentary.




by Celia Farber

"The fuse has certainly been lit." - Ed Dowd



From: Celia Farber from The Truth Barrier <celiafarber@substack.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 05:57
Subject: Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE


The Truth Barrier

It was the same with AIDS. EVERY single thing was a lie. AIDS researchers could not open their mouths without lying. They were operating from a communal and highly lucrative hallucination.


The only thing I wonder if Dr. Yeadon realizes is how "virus" "pandemic" is used inside the structure of perpetual revolution. This is WHY it never stops, ends, ceases, threats of its return never cease. This is consistent with revolution. A revolution is made up of lies. Its structure is: The ends justify the means. They're not trying to achieve this liberal notion of not killing innocent people; They're trying to achieve world revolution. After Covid: "Climate change."

-- Celia Farber,

 “Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE”


by Dr. Mike Yeadon

“The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down”


I was recently asked (by a good journalist from the alternative media) to comment on some complicated issues in relation to birth rates, miscarriage rates, etc.
I chose not to get into a foul “debate” going on on Twitter, and I explained why not.

Here’s my note, anonymized.

I no longer waste any time on details, even important ones. Why not?

Well, because we’ve established beyond ANY doubt that:

1. *Every single thing we were told is a lie.

2. The “vaccines” not only don’t work to protect people, but they are injurious and have killed millions.

Personally I no longer believe there was any novel respiratory virus, though my beliefs don’t change anything.

See Denis Rancourt’s articles and interviews.

So arguing details just wears us out. I stick with the big picture because this is the heart of it.

If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down.

Best wishes

PS: Wodarg and I were absolutely correct to warn of these toxins. Specifically, in relation to pregnant women, we NEVER ever give experimental medical interventions to pregnant women. Not even in cases where she might benefit. Prior to even contemplating that act, we demand full reproductive toxicology reports, three segments in two species. Also, a huge amount of anecdotal evidence from non-pregnant patients and usually some from inadvertently dosed pregnant women.

Only then. So blasting all pregnant women using lies to back it up? Censorship and smearing of those simply reminding people what we have done since thalidomide (60 years+) is appropriate?

No. It’s more evidence of malign acts of unconscionable evil.

PPS: by which I’m referring to 1) extent of population health threat; (2) who is at special risk and it’s not kids); (3) that lockdown worked; (4) that masking reduces transmission and is harmless; (5) that transmission from people without symptoms was a major driver; (6) that mass testing was useful and necessary; (7) that business and school closures were necessary; (8) that border restrictions were necessary (they’re STILL in force in USA, over three years since the start of this alleged “pandemic”); (9) that vaccination could EVER have been an appropriate response; (10) that early treatment of sick people, uniquely those declared as having COVID, was inappropriate, denying decades of off-label prescribing; (11) that EVERYONE needs to be jabbed, even those not at any risk, or having recovered and thus being immune, or being pregnant); (12) that certification of having been jabbed was necessary when it obviously isn’t.

The lies have not stopped. Anyone STILL believing the narrative is being paid to take that stance or is frightened of their mental state if they accept the above or is really pretty dense, intellectually.

I point out in this rhetorical question: “What’s the right number of times your health officials and government should lie to you about matters that affect your health, life, and liberty?”

Obviously, it’s ZERO. I don’t mean mistakes or ignorance. I mean knowingly telling untruthful things.




Why the Banking System Is Breaking Up


by Michael Hudson

The collapses of Silvergate and Silicon Valley Bank are like icebergs calving off from the Antarctic glacier. The financial analogy to the global warming causing this collapse of supporting shelving is the rising temperature of interest rates, which spiked last Thursday and Friday to close at 4.60 percent for the U.S. Treasury’s two-year bonds. Bank depositors meanwhile were still being paid only 0.2 percent on their deposits. That has led to a steady withdrawal of funds from banks – and a corresponding decline in commercial bank balances with the Federal Reserve.

Most media reports reflect a prayer that the bank runs will be localized, as if there is no context or environmental cause. There is general embarrassment to explain how the breakup of banks that is now gaining momentum is the result of the way that the Obama Administration bailed out the banks in 2008 with fifteen years of Quantitative Easing to re-inflate prices for packaged bank mortgages – and with them, housing prices, along with stock and bond prices.

The Fed’s $9 trillion of QE (not counted as part of the budget deficit) fueled an asset-price inflation that made trillions of dollars for holders of financial assets – the One Percent with a generous spillover effect for the remaining members of the top Ten Percent. The cost of home ownership soared by capitalizing mortgages at falling interest rates into more highly debt-leveraged property. The U.S. economy experienced the largest bond-market boom in history as interest rates fell below 1 percent. The economy polarized between the creditor positive-net-worth class and the rest of the economy – whose analogy to environmental pollution and global warming was debt pollution.

But in serving the banks and the financial ownership class, the Fed painted itself into a corner: What would happen if and when interest rates finally rose?

In Killing the Host I wrote about what seemed obvious enough. Rising interest rates cause the prices of bonds already issued to fall – along with real estate and stock prices. That is what has been happening under the Fed’s fight against “inflation,” its euphemism for opposing rising employment and wage levels. Prices are plunging for bonds, and also for the capitalized value of packaged mortgages and other securities in which banks hold their assets on their balance sheet to back their deposits.



Economic Update: Are Mega-Corporations Ruining Our World?


with Richard Wolff



“The Banking Collapse Has Begun” – by Greg Reese https://banned.video/watch?id=640cacc3a7f0a850463e0092

by Greg Reese


Federal Reserve rate hikes are killing regional banks and the housing market




Why Three US Banks Collapsed in One Week: Economist Michael Hudson Explains


with Prof Michael Hudson and Ben Norton



The Roots of the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse


with Briahna Joy Gray and Matt Stoller





INTERVIEW: Peace or war in the Holy Land


with George Galloway and Prof Seyed Marandi




Where Should Palestinians Search for Justice?


by Barbara Nimri Aziz



Title VI Complaint Filed Against George Washington University Over “Hostile Environment of Anti-Palestinian Racism


by Jessica Buxbaum

Last month, a Palestinian rights group filed a federal complaint against George Washington University (GW), alleging the institution allows discrimination against Palestinians to persist unabated on campus.

Palestine Legal filed a federal complaint with the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, demanding it investigates what the organization describes as a “years-long, hostile environment of anti-Palestinian racism.”

The legal rights group is representing three students who say they have experienced anti-Palestinian discrimination from fellow classmates, professors, administrators, and GW Hillel, a Jewish campus organization.

According to the complaint, George Washington University canceled a virtual processing space for Palestinian students after the university’s Hillel complained. The elimination of the processing space ultimately denied mental health services to Palestinian students. In one incident, a Palestinian student, who had been shot by an Israeli soldier while studying remotely from her home in the occupied West Bank, could not access trauma support services because the processing space was no longer available.



The Jerusalem Report


with Ilana Rachel Daniel





“Deconstructing the Obvious” – From My Lai to Nord Stream. Interview with Legendary Muckraker Sy Hersh


by Seymour M. Hersh, Ray McGovern, and Michael Welch


Interview with Seymour Hersh. With additional comment from Ray McGovern.



The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up


by Scott Ritter

U.S. intelligence was too quick to leak information about the German investigation to The New York Times. It raises the distinct impression that the real culprit is nervous about the investigative work of Seymour Hersh.      




Dissent Into Madness: The Weaponization of Psychology


by James Corbett



Do we Americans have an unplumbed tolerance for abuse?


by Paul Edwards

"Can an empire sink itself through self-generated ridicule?  Will America’s floating a daffy, brainless notion so shallow and infantile that its only intention seems to have been the wish to humiliate itself have consequences?  One wonders, since even the Noise Makers of the Ministry of Information and our Federal Confederacy of Dunces have backed this moronic pratfall.

The Empire has managed to continue intact to date, dispensing sleazy, transparent lies and howling fabrications to its sadly hoodwinked, floundering, irascible people, without dissolving in its corrosive bile.  This affirms that selling lies and deceptions is effective as national policy but we may be excused for wondering if it can sell rank absurdities quite as easily.



Steady Burn


by Todd Hayen

I find myself, uncharacteristically, wishing for bad things to happen regarding all this world take-over crap.

I don’t wish for people I love to die, but I can’t help but admit when I read about others dying there is a sudden surge within me that says, “Good! Now maybe these morons will wake up!” Then my senses come back to me, and I think about mothers burying their children, or children burying their mothers, and I curse myself for my wicked thoughts.

Anyone else have similar moments?

I am just not convinced this nightmare is going to end without it getting worse, and if it doesn’t get worse, then I don’t think it is going to end.

I think about my friend the boiling frog. One of my first articles I wrote for Off-Guardian was titled “Slow Boil” and was about the ol’ frog in the pot of water. Apocryphally just sitting there as the heat was turned up oh so slowly. His brain being so small he was incapable of realizing that he would soon be on a plate in a fancy French restaurant.

Not surprisingly many people told me that simply doesn’t happen (friends in denial I suspect). Frogs will jump out before meeting their demise. If so, that means the story is a fictional metaphor made from real human experience, rather than the other way around (or so it seems). That, then, makes it even more poignant.

I think I fear being that frog, ignorant to the lethal slow boil rather than being a lobster thrown into a pot of already boiling water—scalding, horrifying, seasoned, and buttered. Well, I should add this: I fear being the frog who actually realizes he is going to die in a pot of slow boiling water—with nothing he can do about it.

THAT is what I fear the most.



Fighting Off the Encroachment


by Paul Cudenec

I belong to that much-maligned breed of people who have spent their whole lives protesting about various things.

I have demonstrated – enthusiastically! – against road-building and fracking, against surveillance cameras and “anti-terrorist” laws, against arms fairs and drone factories, against privatisations and bankster bail-outs, against the City of London and the British ruling class, against NATO and its wars, against the G8, the G20 and the Bilderberg conference, against lockdowns, masks and vaccine passports.

One of the hostile remarks often made about people like me is that we are incoherent. By jumping from one issue to another at regular intervals we reveal ourselves to be rudderless, shallow, a mere “rent-a-mob” who protest just for the sake of protesting and don’t even really understand why we are there.

A second criticism is that we are negative. We are always against something, rather than for it. We are the “antis”, anti-everything.

And a third complaint is that we are a public nuisance, an irritating and self-important minority who try to impose our preferences on other people and won’t simply let ordinary decent folk get on with living their ordinary decent lives.

Naturally, I regard all three of these judgements as mistaken!




1.2 Million French Workers Strike Again


by Abayomi Azikiwe

For several months, unions and students in France have engaged in periodic general strikes and mass demonstrations in protest against a pension reform plan advanced by President Emmanuel Macron.

The new scheme being debated in the National Assembly and Senate would not only raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 these new regulations require 43 consecutive years of employment to receive full benefits.


On March 7 and 8, over one million people stayed away from work and school impacting the public services, transport and energy supplies. Workers prevented trucks carrying oil shipments from leaving their production facilities. Oil shipments on March 7 were halted when they were exiting the refineries of TotalEnergies, Esso-ExxonMobil and Petroineos groups.


In addition, truck drivers sporadically clogged major highway arteries and interchanges in successful efforts to slow down traffic. Approximately 20% of flights could not take off at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle Airport while 33% were cancelled at Orly Airport. Transport rail lines to Germany and Spain came to a halt, and those to and from the United Kingdom and Belgium were reduced by one-third, according to the SNCF rail authority. Others were left without adequate electricity and heating services due to striking employees.


The General Confederation of Trade Unions (CGT) had called for the country to be paralyzed until the demands of the workers were met. Rising energy prices have contributed to the level of inflation aggravating an already decline in real wages.

French President Emmanuel Macron has refused to listen to the broad criticism of his pension reform policies. The president rebuffed two offers during the week of March 6-10 for urgent discussions with the trade union movement and students.


After winning reelection during 2022, Macron has rapidly moved to engineer the cuts in the retirement system. The official response from his office to the more than one million workers and youth who have staged rolling strike actions is that the issue is now under consideration in the Senate after already being discussed in the lower house of the National Assembly.


The government’s position is that the reforms are necessary in order to prevent the pension funds from becoming insolvent. Macron and his allies supporting the bill, which includes the neo-fascist National Front led by Marine Le Pen, are claiming that if the changes are not implemented it would jeopardize younger generations from ever receiving retirement benefits.

A report published on March 10 by the leading French newspaper Le Monde noted that:


“Macron told the unions he understood ‘the anguish of the many French people worried they may never get a pension.’ But he said the government had already made concessions, such as raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 years, instead of the 65 initially planned. Unions across the board have demanded that the government drop its plan to hike the retirement age altogether. An official in Macron’s office told Agence France-Presse that the government ‘will be open to anything so long as there is a willingness for dialogue and compromise.’ Unions have vowed to keep up the pressure on the government, with another day of mass protests planned for Saturday (March 11), and some have even said they would keep up rolling indefinite strikes. On Tuesday (March 7), more than a million people marched across France and strikes disrupted transport and schools.”


See, also: French Unions Stage One-day General Strike Against Pension Reforms



Global Capitalism: Challenging Capitalism


with Richard Wolff


In this month's Global Capitalism lecture, Prof. Wolff discusses the following topics:

- France’s General Strike March 7, 2023

- Women, Unions and Strikes in the US

- Inflation, Profits, Inequality in the US

- State versus Private Capitalism: China



Watch "Economist Joseph Stiglitz on How War, COVID & Climate Crisis Cause Economic Crises Around the World"


with Joseph Stiglitz




Sasha Latypova Lays Bare The Unprecedented and Bizarre Details Of How The Government and Military Commandeered Production Of Covid Vaccines In Jaw Dropping Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


by Celia Farber

"What you're going to hear today is immensely important," Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

by Celia Farber

“When something happens like I just described, it should be considered intentional murder and those responsible should be prosecuted.”- Sasha Latypova




We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?


by Robert J. Burrowes

Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, ordinary people like you and me have been engaged in an endless struggle to resist efforts by elites, whether local, national, international or global, to assert complete control over us and the resources around us.

And for 5,000 years, with some wins and a great many losses, we have managed to stave off the worst.


Finally, in January 2020, the World Economic Forum launched its ‘Great Reset’: The final assault in the Elite’s long war against humankind and nature itself.

As we pass the third anniversary since this final battle was launched, it is well worth evaluating the progress of our resistance.


Is our resistance being effective? Are we succeeding?


Unfortunately, as is obvious from any serious evaluation, we are being smashed. Let me explain why.


[While they are not addressed in this article, I wish to acknowledge the range of other profound threats that pose a serious risk to any worthwhile human future, most notably the threat of nuclear war which arguably stands greater than at any previous time in human history.]


Evaluating Progress

Any strategy to resolve a conflict of this nature must begin with a sound analysis of what is happening:


Who is driving it (which answers the question ‘Who benefits?’) What do they intend? Why are they doing it? And how?


Only once these questions have been clearly answered is it possible to develop a strategy that will be adequate to the challenge posed by the threat.



So who is doing what?

Whatever we have been told by such organizations as the World Health Organization, national governments and the corporate media during the past three years, the most cursory investigation reveals that the World Economic Forum has been just behind the scenes effectively directing the response of governments to the threat supposedly posed by a ‘pathogenic virus’ labeled SARS-CoV-2.

However, any serious investigation will reveal that even the World Economic Forum is simply another ‘front’ for more powerful individuals and their organizations, which I call ‘the Global Elite’


See, also: ‘Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until “You’ll Own Nothing.”’



The One Health Agenda With James Corbett


with Dr. Meryl Nass and James Corbett


James Corbett and Meryl Nass, M.D. return to ‘Good Morning CHD’ to discuss the latest updates on the WHO’s IHR proposed amendments and Zero Draft pandemic treaty, emphasizing the proposed One Health Approach — a broad new landscape of interconnected and interdependent relationships with humans, animals and the environment. Will world domination of public health will now be sold to the public under the guise of “anti-colonialism”? Watch this episode featuring on CHD.TV to find out!



I Read Richard Haass' New Book (So You Don't Have To!)


with James Corbett


Have you ever thought that the Bill of Rights was a bit lacking? Did you ever wish there was a list of obligations detailing those things we owe to the government for the privilege of being born into a certain political jurisdiction? Then, boy, do I have the perfect book for you! Join James for today's dissection of The Bill of Obligations, the latest turgid tome of trash from Richard Haass, the outgoing president of the Council on Foreign Relations.




The COVID controversy (con’d).

“Taking Back America”


by Peter Navarro, with an introduction by Robert Malone



“Josef Mengele Fauci’s Lie of Omission Kills Millions Worldwide Monday”


by Peter Navarro

At any rate, to set the scene for my reading from Taking Back Trump’s America, I’m going to begin with a brief comment on my first showdown with Fauci in the iconic White House Situation Room over the proposed travel ban on Communist China.   

Fauci had gone on record just a few days earlier insisting that the virus from Communist China was, in his words, “a very, very low risk” and therefore nothing to worry about.[i] Perhaps not surprisingly, when Fauci strode into the Situation Room that day, he was adamantly against slapping a travel ban on Communist China, insisting repeatedly that “travel bans don’t work.”


At least on that day, I would beat back Fauci’s resistance to the travel ban; and President Trump would wind up saving millions of American lives with his early, quick, and decisive action.


But here is the real Fauci Lie of Omission point: We now know that when Fauci walked into the Situation Room at literally the dawn of the pandemic on January 28th, 2020, Fauci likely already knew at least six stunning facts that would make Fauci himself complicit in the looming pandemic. These facts included:


1. The SARS-Cov-2 virus almost certainly did not come from nature;

2. China’s virus almost certainly came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology;

3. The Wuhan Institute of Virology had received substantial funding from Fauci and his bureaucracy within the National Institutes of Health (NIH);

4. Fauci’s NIH funding had been specifically used in Wuhan to conduct so-called “gain-of-function experiments” that can transform harmless bat viruses into human killers like COVID-19;

5. SARS-CoV-2 was in all probability genetically engineered using Fauci’s gain-of-function technologies; and

6. The Wuhan lab doubled as a bioweapons lab for the People’s liberation Army. Therefore, the virus itself may have been intentionally designed as a bioweapon.

At this critical time, Fauci was also acutely aware that he, himself, along with National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, had gone behind the back of the Trump White House to lift the ban on gain-of-function experiments in 2017.  That ban had been imposed by the Obama administration in 2014 after a series of dangerous accidents that should have warded Fauci off from the dangerous game of God he was playing.   Instead, after the ban was lifted, Fauci promptly began funding additional gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab, experiments that likely led directly or indirectly to the pandemic.[ii]



The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky



“Missing Virus Part 2”: When Christine Massey Made FOIA Requests To At Least 211 Institutions To Ask If There Exists An Unadulterated Sample of SARS Cov 2 from a Diseased Patient


by Christine Massey and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The Chinese authorities announced on January 7, 2020 that they had isolated and identified “a new type of virus”.  Then on the 28th of January 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the novela corona virus had been isolated.  

Christine Massey, M.Sc conducted an extensive report over a period of more than a year. The central question raised in her study is the following:

is there reliable evidence that SARS-CoV-2  has been isolated  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”?

Christine Massey submitted Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to some 90 Health /Science institutions.

Does the Virus Exist? The responses to these requests confirm that there is no record of isolation / purification of SARS-CoV-2 “having been performed by anyone, anywhere, ever.” 

Click on the link for the videos . . . .





Lab leak information redacted


with Dr. Joseph Campbell




A credible explanation behind vaccine adverse events, Marc Girardot


with Dr. Joseph Campbell and Marc Girardot


Superb review from Marc Girardot on inadvertent intravenous administration of vaccines. This evidence and analysis demands a response from regulators around the world. If this is not forthcoming, I consider the regulators negligent.




“Provoked” NATO expansion, “unprovoked” Ukraine war, and the Dire “China threat”


by Félix Abt

Claims made by transatlantic politicians and their media partners turn reality upside down—and would baffle even George Orwell.



Betting it all on Bakhmut breakthrough


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




“Russia Controls Bakhmut Roads Closes on Avdeevka; Ukraine HQ Destroyed, China Appoints Defence Chief”


with Alexander Mercouris




British Lords Shed Crocodile Tears About Imprisonment of Corrupt Former Georgian President and Ukraine War Booster Mikheil Saakashvili as Another Color Revolution Looks to Be Afoot


by Bernie Hollande

Saakashvili promotes NATO expansion into Georgia which is a clear “red line” for Russia

The Georgian capital of Tbilisi has been engulfed in protests over the last weeks that have the appearance of a color revolution backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA offshoot that finances civil society groups in countries targeted by the U.S. government for regime change.

In 2021, the NED provided Georgia with over $2.5 million in grants. The country has been promised by NATO that it will be admitted in the future. It is a key battleground along with Ukraine in the new Cold War. 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov charged that protests in Tbilisi “closely resemble Kyiv’s Maidan coup,” which resulted in the overthrow of a pro-Russian government, and plunged Ukraine into civil war and then a hot war with Russia.




“Foreign agents and protests in Georgia”


with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris




Lyme: The Government Has Been Making Bugs More Deadly


by Dr. Joseph Mercola




Story at-a-glance

·         In her book, “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons,” Kris Newby reviews the circumstantial evidence suggesting the organism that causes Lyme disease may originally have been developed as a biological weapon


·         An estimated 476,000 Americans are diagnosed with and treated for Lyme disease each year, and prevalence is rising


·         Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks (and sometimes other biting insects) infected with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. There are about two dozen species of B. burgdorferi with hundreds of strains worldwide, many of which are resistant to antibiotics


·         Ticks can also carry other pathogens, and coinfections are another reason why Lyme disease is so difficult to treat


·         A major challenge with Lyme disease is that its symptoms imitate so many other disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and even Alzheimer's disease, making proper identification difficult and time consuming


In a February 28, 2023, Substack article,1 investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker interviewed award-winning author Kris Newby about the U.S. government's history of manipulating pathogens to make them deadlier, and the secretive federal research that may be responsible for the epidemic of Lyme disease.

Newby, who educates health care providers on vector-borne diseases, is the author of "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons." She also produced the 2008 Lyme disease documentary "Under Our Skin,"2 which was nominated for an Academy Award the following year.3 A follow-up film, "Under Our Skin 2: Emergence" came out in 2014.

As is the case with many people who end up becoming experts at a particular disease, Newby and her husband contracted Lyme disease in 2002 during a vacation at Martha's Vineyard. "We were desperately ill and undiagnosed for a year. I thought that was the end of my life as I knew it. It took us four or five years to fully recover," she told Thacker.


Background on Lyme Disease

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 476,000 Americans are diagnosed with and treated for Lyme disease each year.4 While exact numbers are difficult to ascertain, what is known is that the prevalence is rising, and this is true across the world. Outbreaks are also steadily creeping into northern areas with less temperate climates.5

Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks (and sometimes other biting insects) infected with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. There are about two dozen species of B. burgdorferi with hundreds of strains worldwide,6 many of which are resistant to antibiotics. Research7 suggests one reason for this may be that B. burgdorferi form protective biofilms around themselves, which enhances antibiotic resistance.

Another feature that makes B. burgdorferi such a formidable foe is its ability to take on different forms in your body, depending on the conditions. This clever maneuvering helps it to hide and survive. Its corkscrew-shaped form also allows it to burrow into and hide in a variety of your body's tissues, which is why it causes such wide-ranging multisystem involvement.

Ticks can also carry other pathogens, and coinfections are another reason why Lyme disease is so difficult to treat.

Ticks can also carry other pathogens, and coinfections are another reason why Lyme disease is so difficult to treat, as the symptomology can be all over the place. Coinfections in many cases also don't respond to treatment for B. burgdorferi, so a multilayered approach is frequently required to get all of the infections under control.


Lyme Disease Is Often Debilitating

A "typical" case usually starts out with an expanding rash, fever, fatigue, chills and headache. As the disease progresses, additional symptoms such as muscle spasms, loss of motor coordination, arthritic pain, debilitating fatigue, heart problems, psychiatric symptoms, cognitive difficulties, and problems with vision and hearing can emerge.8

For more information on identifying a Lyme disease rash, see the American Lyme Disease Foundation's (ALDF) website.9 Newby describes her personal experience:

"It's sort of like having multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue … joint pain, all at the same time. It's primarily a neurological disease that creates hyper-inflammation in your body. And the symptoms commonly move around your body. You can be very debilitated, unable to perform the tasks of a normal adult …

There is a growing body of scientific evidence that shows that the Lyme disease bacterium is a trickster that is good at dodging your immune system.

It comes out of the tick in a very mobile spirochetal form and, when it senses an antibiotic or killer cells, it goes into a dormant cyst form, hiding out for months to years. And when your immune system is stressed, it can start causing disease again."

A major challenge with Lyme disease is that its symptoms imitate so many other disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and even Alzheimer's disease, making proper identification difficult and time consuming.10

What's worse, many Lyme sufferers outwardly look quite healthy, and their blood work often raises no cause for concern, which is why Lyme disease has also been called "the invisible illness."

In the past, Lyme sufferers were frequently told that their problem was psychiatric; in essence, the symptoms were "all in their head." Today, Lyme is becoming more widely recognized as an actual disease, but sufferers are still often met with skepticism and resistance from the medical community and insurers.


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The Lyme Disease Mimicker

Complicating matters further, there's yet another tick-borne disease on the loose. Researchers have identified a tick-borne illness that is very similar to Lyme, caused by Borrelia miyamotoi.

The CDC11 describes B. miyamotoi as a distant relative to B. burgdorferi, being more closely related to bacteria that cause tick-borne relapsing fever. This disease is characterized by recurring episodes of fever, headache, nausea and muscle or joint aches.

This bacterium was first identified in Japanese ticks in 1995. Since then, it's been found in several rodent species (and the ticks that feed on them) in the U.S., as well as in ticks feeding on European red deer, domestic ruminants and white-tailed deer.


Is Lyme Disease a Biological Weapon Gone Rogue?

According to Newby, there's good reason to suspect that Lyme disease might be a biological weapon. There's no smoking gun; just circumstantial evidence. But when taken together, it forms a highly suspect picture.

She describes being at a party where a former CIA agent bragged about a Cold War operation that involved dropping infected ticks on Cuba. "At that point, I knew I wasn't done with the story," she told Thacker. Her book, "Bitten," is the result of her investigation into the military's use of infectious bioweapons.

"When we started the film, Lyme disease was already too controversial to go down the bioweapons rabbit hole, so we focused on the human toll and the corruption in the medical system that allowed this epidemic to get so out of control," Newby told Thacker.

"This CIA guy was a little bit in his cups, but what he said rang true. I started doing some research, interviewed him several times, and found that it was a verifiable story."

Newby also got tipped off by Willy Burgdorfer during the filming of "Under Our Skin." Burgdorfer, a Swiss medical zoologist, is credited with discovering Lyme disease. He worked at Rocky Mountain Labs — a National Institutes of Health-run biosafety level 4 (BSL4) facility in Montana — his whole career, and had contracts with Fort Detrick, which oversees the U.S. chemical and biological weapons programs.

While he made some important admissions during that interview, at the very end, he broke into an "evil little smile" and said, "I didn't tell you everything." Was he hinting that Lyme disease was a bioweapon?

"He started hinting at the unnatural origin of the outbreak to several people," Newby told Thacker. "When I interviewed him for the book, he said, 'Yes, I was in the biological weapons program. I was tasked with trying to mass produce ticks and mosquitoes.'

That's also when he told me that he was called to investigate the outbreak of what was called 'Lyme disease,' but which could've been caused by one or more organisms. In Army documents, they said they were conducting early gain-of-function experiments by mixing pathogens — bacteria and viruses — inside ticks to create more effective bioweapons."


The Official Story

As described by Newby, the official story is that Burgdorfer was sent to investigate a novel disease outbreak in Lyme, Connecticut, and Long Island. In 1980, he discovered the bacterium that now bears his name, Borrelia burgdorferi, and determined that this was what caused the disease.

He subsequently published an article stating the organism was easily killed off with penicillin. The notion that Lyme disease is easy to diagnose and treat has stuck ever since, even though the reality is often the opposite.

Newby agrees that, if caught early, many cases can indeed be cured with an inexpensive course of doxycycline. Two other antibiotics, ceftriaxone and vancomycin, have also been shown to clear the B. burgdorferi infection in cases where doxycycline fails.12 Unfortunately, Lyme disease patients often go undiagnosed for years, and by the time a diagnosis is made, the infection is well-established and very difficult to treat.


Holes in the Official Storyline

While researching for the book, Newby produced an animation of the original outbreak, which supposedly began at the mouth of the Connecticut River, near Long Island. This turned out to be rather revealing. She told Thacker:

"When I drew a 50-mile radius around that point, there were three new, highly virulent tick-borne diseases that showed up at that same time, in the late '60s. This was 13 years before the Lyme bacterium was declared the cause of 'Lyme disease' in 1981.

I started looking through military records to see if the outbreak could be tied to any bioweapons accidents. And that's when I discovered this massive bug-borne weapons program, as well as a program where germs were sprayed from airplanes over large areas, called Project 112.

Some of those germs were tick-borne diseases that they freeze-dried and aerosolized for spraying … Whatever happened in Lyme, Connecticut, we don't have all the details. But I put together a solid circumstantial case, based on available evidence …

Burgdorfer … had worked with Q fever and ticks, experience that was needed at Rocky Mountain Labs for their bioweapons work. As soon as he got a security clearance, he started putting plague in fleas; deadly yellow fever in mosquitoes; and then mixing and matching viruses and bacteria in ticks to increase the virulence of these living weapons.

The Detrick weapons designers were looking for ticks that could be dropped on an enemy without arousing suspicion, filled with agents for which the target population wouldn't have natural immunity … Ticks were the perfect stealth weapon, untraceable and long-acting …

I went as far as I could as a journalist to put together the circumstantial evidence that says Lyme disease is not the big problem — meaning the bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi.

It's what Burgdorfer said that they're covering up: 1) that a different bacteria, perhaps a rickettsia related to Rocky Mountain spotted fever, was developed as a bioweapon in the Cold War; 2) that it might be a combination of bugs inside the ticks that is making people sick."


Mice and Rats Are the Most Problematic Hosts

Since the late 1970s, the spread of Lyme disease has primarily been blamed on deer. However, more recent evidence suggests rodents like mice and rats are a far more serious threat.13 Ticks are not born with the Lyme spirochetes. They pick up the bacteria when feeding on an infected host.14

Research indicates that white-footed mice infect 75% to 95% of larval ticks that feed on them, while deer only infect about 1%. According to a 1996 study,15 rats are even more infectious than mice, noting that "the capacity of rats to serve as reservoir hosts for the Lyme disease spirochete, therefore, increases risk of infection among visitors to … urban parks."

Another study16 published the following year also found that Norway rats and black rats were exceptionally effective hosts, infecting nearly all ticks that fed on them.

The main predators of small rodents like mice and rats are foxes, birds of prey, skunks and snakes.17 Agricultural and urban sprawl have decimated the habitats of these natural predators of mice and rats, allowing disease-carrying rodent populations to rise unabated.


Better Diagnostics for Lyme Are Sorely Needed

A big problem facing Lyme patients and their treating doctors is the difficulty of reaching a proper diagnosis.18 Conventional lab tests are unreliable, and one reason for this is because the spirochete can infect your white blood cells.19

Lab tests rely on the normal function of white blood cells to produce the antibodies they measure. If your white cells are infected, they don't respond to infection appropriately. So, for blood tests to be truly useful, you need to be treated first.

Once your immune system begins to respond normally, only then will the antibodies show up. This is called the "Lyme Paradox." You have to be treated before a proper diagnosis can be made.

That said, I recommend the specialized lab called IGeneX20 because they offer highly sensitive tests for more outer surface proteins (bands), and can often detect Lyme while standard blood tests cannot. IGeneX also tests for a few strains of coinfections such as Babesia and Ehrlichia.


Patients and Doctors Fight for Recognition of Chronic Lyme

As if the difficulties of getting a proper diagnosis and treatment were not enough, Lyme sufferers face additional hurdles when they don't fully recuperate after the initial treatment. Whether "chronic" Lyme disease is possible or not has been the subject of controversy for many years.

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), which publishes guidelines for a number of infectious diseases, including Lyme disease, has long opposed the idea chronic Lyme exists, and doesn't include long-term treatment guidance for chronic Lyme in its clinical guidelines.21,22

This is important, as insurance companies frequently restrict coverage for long-term treatment based on IDSA's guidelines. Physicians' treatment decisions are also guided by its recommendations. Opposing IDSA is the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), the members of which argue that many patients suffer long-term consequences and require far longer treatment than recommended by IDSA.23


Prevention Tips

Considering the difficulty of diagnosing and treating Lyme disease, taking preventive measures should be at the top of your list:

Avoid tick-infested areas, such as leaf piles around trees. Walk in the middle of trails and avoid brushing against long grasses and path edgings. Don't sit on logs or wooden stumps and take extra precautions if you're in an area where rats have been sighted.

Wear light-colored long pants and long sleeves, to make it easier to see the ticks.

Tuck your pants into socks, and wear closed shoes and a hat, especially if venturing out into wooded areas. Also tuck your shirt into your pants.

Ticks are very tiny. You want to find and remove them before they bite, so do a thorough tick check upon returning inside, and keep checking for several days following exposure. Also check your bedding for several days following exposure.

As for using chemical repellents, I do not recommend using them directly on your skin as this will introduce toxins directly into your body. If you use them, spray them on the outside of your clothes and avoid inhaling the spray fumes. The Environmental Protection Agency has a list24 indicating the hourly protection limits for various repellents.

If you find that a tick has latched onto you, it's very important to remove it properly. For detailed instructions, please see lymedisease.org's tick removal page.25 Once removed, make sure you save the tick so that it can be tested for presence of pathogenic organisms.


It's Time to Ban Gain-of-Function Research

In closing, the Lyme disease epidemic and COVID-19 both appear to be the result of bioweapons development, and the real-world ramifications clearly demonstrate the risks involved. They can't guarantee containment of the created pathogens, and sometimes, they don't even try to contain them. In the case of Lyme disease, it's possible that live testing is what led to the epidemic.

And while we don't know whether SARS-CoV-2 was intentionally released or simply escaped, the end result is the same. The virus spread worldwide. If the world doesn't wise up and realize just how suicidal these biological weapons programs are, humanity may eventually be wiped out by one of our own creations.


Sources and References



BlueTRUTH - Nanotechnology, Graphene & Frequencies (2022)


with Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, Dr. Pedro Chávez Zavala, Diego Barrientos and others.





Video: Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grid’s Deadly Tech! – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


with Reiner Fuellmich and Stew Peters

(14 :23)

Is 5G actually a greater threat than the bioweapon itself?


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to report his latest findings on the dangers of 5G technology. 

5G microwave radiation is a far greater threat than the so-called “vaccine” because it effects everyone.

Dr. Barrie Trower is described as a “real life James Bond” and is an expert on the dangers of 5G.

Microwave radiation has been a weapon since the 1930s. We’ve gotten used to using microwave ovens but the radiation is a weapon and can be used to cause almost any symptoms of any disease. It can also be used for geoengineering.

The elites and globalists are using 5G technology to create a “kill switch” that can genocide entire populations. Dead crops and livestock could be a result of 5G radiation.

In 2022, Federal Judge Frederic Block stopped Verizon from putting up cellular antennas in small Connecticut and Vermont towns clarifying that local governments can stop their construction. State and local governments need to ban 5G towers.



Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System


by Mojmir Babacek




History: Hitler was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England


by Yuri Rubtsov

US Investments in Nazi Germany. Rockefeller Financed Adolf Hitler's Election Campaign


World War II: More than 80 years ago was the start of the greatest slaughter in history.

If we are to approach the problem of “responsibility for the war”, then we first need to answer the following key questions:

·         Who helped the Nazis come to power?

·         Who sent them on their way to world catastrophe?

The entire pre-war history of Germany shows that the provision of the “necessary” policies were managed by the financial turmoil, in which the world was plunged into in the wake of  World War I. 

The key structures that defined the post-war development strategy of the West were the central financial institutions of Great Britain and the United States — the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) — and the associated financial and industrial organizations set out as a means to establish absolute control over the financial system of Germany and its ability to control political processes in Central Europe.

To implement this strategy, the following stages were envisaged:

1.              From 1919 to 1924 — to prepare the ground for massive American financial investment in the German economy;

2.      From 1924 to 1929 — the establishment of control over the financial system of Germany and financial support for Nazism (“national socialism”);

3.      From 1929 to 1933 — provoking and unleashing a deep financial and economic crisis and ensuring the Nazis come to power;

4.      From 1933 to 1939 — financial cooperation with the Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing a new World War.

WWI “War Reparations”

In the first stage, the main levers to ensure the penetration of American capital into Europe began with WWI war debts and the closely related problem of German reparations. 

After the US’ formal entry into the first World War, they gave the allies (primarily England and France) loans to the amount of $8.8 billion. The total sum of war debts, including loans granted to the United States in 1919-1921, was more than $11 billion.

To solve this problem, creditor nations tried to impose extremely difficult conditions for the payment of war reparations at the expense of Germany. This was caused by the flight of German capital abroad, and the refusal to pay taxes which led to a state budget deficit that could be covered only through mass production of unsecured German Marks.

The result was the collapse of the German currency — the “great inflation” of 1923,  when the dollar was worth 4.2 trillion Marks. German Industrialists began to openly sabotage all activities in the payment of reparation obligations, which eventually caused the famous “Ruhr crisis” — Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr in January 1923.

The Anglo-American ruling elites, in order to take the initiative in their  own hands, waited for France to get caught up in a venturing adventure and to prove its inability to solve the problem. US Secretary of State Hughes pointed out:

“It is necessary to wait for Europe to mature in order to accept the American proposal.”

The new project was developed in the depths of “JP Morgan & Co.” under the instruction of the head of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman. At the core of his ideas was representative of the “Dresdner Bank” Hjalmar Schacht, who formulated it in March 1922 at the suggestion of John Foster Dulles (future Secretary of state in the Cabinet of President Eisenhower) and legal adviser to President W. Wilson at the Paris peace conference.

Dulles gave this note to the chief Trustee “JP Morgan & Co.”,which then recommended H. Schacht in consultation with Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England.

In December, 1923, H. Schacht became Manager of the Reichsbank and was instrumental in bringing together the Anglo-American and German financial elites. 

In the summer of 1924, the project known as the “Dawes plan” (named after the Chairman of the Committee of experts who created it – American banker and Director of one of the banks of the Morgan group), was adopted at the London conference. He called for halving the reparations and solved the question about the sources of their coverage. However, the main task was to ensure favorable conditions for US investment, which was only possible with the stabilization of the German Mark.

Read, also: One Bank to Rule Them All: The Bank for International Settlements



Nobody Wants To Deal With The Occult Aspects Of Our Whole Mess: Is "Fiat Currency" Babylonian Black Magic?


by Celia Farber



South Park Bank – “Annnnd it’s Gone!”


by Ian Miles Cheong



“The Anatomy of Bank Failures”


with Dennis Kucinich and Michael Hudson







with Chris Hedges and Professor John Mearsheimer





Watch "Dutch Mainstream Media Reports Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries Breaking Into Mainstream Media In Europe"


by TrialSite News


Even though the United States Government has only processed 12 Covid-19 vaccine injuries, it’s reported that there is an accumulated backlog of 7500 cases (and growing rapidly) of people who’ve been injured by the Covid-19 vaccines. With over 229 million fully vaccinated persons in America alone, TrialSite estimates that anywhere from half-a-million to up to 2 million people may grapple with Covid-19 vaccine-related injuries, some debilitating. TrialSite has reported a growing openness of mainstream media to report on such matters, from Reuters and Canadian Broadcast Corp (CBC) to even the British Broadcasting Corp (BBC). Now, another mainstream media account in the Netherlands reveals to an ever-broader public in Holland that doctors are becoming aware of Covid-19 vaccine injuries, and “someone has to stand up for these people”.


Looming autoimmune explosion related to Covid vaccination


with Philip McMillan





Virus Communism


by Celia Farber



What Did I Mean By "Virus Communism?"


by Celia Farber



Mark Crispin Miller Sent Me An Email Translating For Me Why "Communism" Does Not Land On Many American Ears As A Measure Of Evil But Rather, An Old Weapon Word


I appreciated it, and asked if I could publish it

by Mark Crispin Miller




China's Great Leap in the Middle East


by Patrick Lawrence



China's Example of Leadership Injects Hope Into a World of Uncertainty


by Danny Haiphong



Forever Wars vs. Armageddon


by Ann Garrison




‘The road to financial multipolarity will be long and rocky’


by By Pepe Escobar

In an exclusive interview with The Cradle, Russia's top macroeconomics strategist criticizes Moscow's slow pace of financial reform and warns there will be no new global currency without Beijing.




The Gathering Storm - The American Conservative


by Douglas Macgregor

America’s self-inflicted trouble in Ukraine aggravates our dangerous trouble at home.



Am I Bigoted Against Atheists Or Socialists?


by Celia Farber

I want to clarify my position, having just removed text from a previous post that was not clear enough so I am doing a re-take.

1.      I oppose the “it’s all the Jews” talk. More and more common lately. So I contrasted with:

2.      When I look at global leaders, WEFers, architects of present day death and tyranny, I see only one common trait and that is not Jewishness but rather atheism, and/or maybe some form of occultism, who knows. But no Judeo/Christian ethics, anywhere in sight, with the WEF/Davos crowd, is my point. Look at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation home page and you will see how he throws his money around and spells out who he will NOT fund. Can you guess? Any organization with any religious beliefs or affiliations. That’s a tell. Also, he’s not Jewish. Nor is Fauci. Nor is Gallo. Nor is Biden. Obama. Trudeau. Schwab. And so forth.

3.      I said I would try to move toward zero tolerance of abuse/degradation in comments section. I also said I might ban outright denial of communist mass atrocities, and/or Holocaust denial (not revisionism.)




Information Wars - SARS-CoV-2 Origin


by Robert W Malone

Get a big bowl of popcorn, sit back, watch the show, and learn how the USG propaganda gets spread.

Well, things are getting interesting on the fifth generation information warfare battleground concerning the origins of SARS-CoV-2.


For those who (like me) find the preponderance of information makes a compelling case for a laboratory origin, this appeared to have been mostly settled. Both Jeffrey Sachs (chair of the Lancet commission investigating the origin) and World Health Organization (WHO) Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus have concluded that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a laboratory (see this reference). The Department of Energy (DOE) in a classified intelligence report has concluded that Covid-19 most likely originated with a leak from a laboratory, although this conclusion was made with “low” confidence. The FBI backed the lab leak theory with “moderate confidence” in a 2021 report. Christopher Wray, the FBI director, has also weighed in on the debate over Covid’s origins and endorsed the theory that it may have leaked from a lab. (see this reference). And we recently had Robert (Bob) Redfield throw Anthony Fauci, NIAID, the US State Department, USAID, and DoD under the bus concerning funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (now under control of the CCP Peoples Revolutionary Army) to perform the gain of function research which purportedly gave rise to this virus. In this “Who is Robert Malone” substack, we have previously covered the Project Veritas document releases which appear to explain the “rationale” for this funding (see this reference and this 2022 reference) and Redfield’s testimony (see this reference).

Now we also have these additional truth bombs from Senate investigator Diane Cutler, Senator Roger Marshall, and CBS News. Video is available here.




Will Boss Tweet run for exercise at Lompoc or Leavenworth?


by Raymond Nat Turner




Police Accountability & Reinventing Policing, with Stephen Janis and Taya Graham


with Lee Camp, Taya Graham, and Stephen Janis


Today, Lee Camp, the host of “Behind the Headlines,” speaks with two journalists, Taya Graham and Stephen Janis, about their ongoing show, “The Police Accountability Report.” Running for four years, the show is focused on shining a light on police misdeeds. Although based in Baltimore, it covers law enforcement abuse across the country. The journalists, who between them have been covering the subject for two decades, share their experiences reporting on police brutality, corruption, and the need for police reform.

Despite the lack of coverage in the corporate press, Taya notes that there is a whole subculture of “cop watchers” and auditors who film the police and test their first amendment rights in a public space. She grew up in Baltimore, a majority-black city, and was no stranger to police brutality. However, in her younger days, she assumed it was largely a local problem. Yet as they expanded their coverage, it became clear that this is a systemic issue across the entire United States.




Global Research: Selected Articles – March 9, 2023

“Italy 2020: Inside COVID’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe”




Children's Health Defense: News and Views – March 12, 2023


‘Let Everybody Read It’: Senate Votes to Declassify U.S. Intelligence on COVID Origins




Global Reach : Selected Articles:  – March 17, 2023

“On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq”, “It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity
