Bulletin #711





28 August 2016
Grenoble, France

Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,

When you see people around you digging themselves deeper and deeper in a hole and filling it with more and more weapons, money and excrement, what do you do . . . ?

a)     Help them accomplish their task.

b)    Move to New Zealand.

c)     Pray to your personal god for salvation.

d)    Try to convince them to stop in the name of common sense.

Can you find the answer?

The Nigerian novelist, Amos Tutuola (1920-1997), suggests an answer to this question in his first novel, The Palm-Wine Drinkard (1953). It is the story of the eldest son of a rich man, who since the age of ten had no other work than to drink palmwine all day long.While his brothers and sisters worked, he drank 150 kegs of palmwine every morning and another 75 kegs the remainder of the drinking day. When his wealthy father noticed that he could do no work other than drink palmwine, he engaged an expert palm-wine tapster and gave his son a palm-tree farm nine square miles large, containing 560,000 palm trees. After fifteen years of satisfying employment, the expert palm-wine tapster dies in an accident, falling from a tall tree, and soon the protagonist embarks upon a journey to find the whereabouts of his irreplaceable palm-wine tapster. Dylan Thomas describes Tutuola's novel as 'a grisly and bewitching story' of one man’s quest for meaning in a world of absurdities. He and his wife, whom he acquires early in this surrealistic journey, finally find what they have been looking for : the much valued palm-wine tapster who now resides in the town of the walking dead, but the encounter is not what the young man expected . . . .

   When it was 8 o’clock in the morning, then we entered the town and asked for my palm-wine tapster whom I was looking for from my town when he died, but the deads asked for his name and I told them that he was he was called “BAITY” before he died, but now I could not definitely know his present name as he had died.

   When I told them his name and said that he had died in my town, they did not say anything but stayed looking at us. When it was about five minutes that they were looking at us like that, one of them asked us from where did we come? I replied that we were coming from my town, then he said where. I told him that it was very far away to this town and he asked again were the people in that town alives or deads? I replied that the whole of us in that town had never died. When he heard that from me, he told us to go back to my town where there were only alives living, he said that it was forbidden for alives to come to the Deads’ Town.

   As that dead man told us to go back, I began to beg him to allow us to see my palm-wine tapster. So he agreed and showed us a house which was not so far from the place where we stood, he told us to go there and ask for him, but as we turned our back to him (dead man) and were going to the house that he showed us, the whole of them that stood on that place grew annoyed at the same time to see us walking forward or with our face, because they were not walking forward there at all, but this we did not know.(p.96)

Eventually, the young man and his palm-wine tapster met, and much excellent palmwine was drunk, but the irreplaceable palm-winer tapster had to decline the young man's emphatic invitation to return with them to work on the family’s large palm-tree farm, where his father had planted so many trees to satisfy his son’s proclivities.

   He told us that both white and black deads were living in the Deads’ Town, not a single alive was there at all. Because everything that they were doing there was incorrect to alives and everything that all the alives were doing was incorrect to deads too.

   He said that did I not see that both dead persons and their domestic animals of this town were walking backwards? Then I answered “Yes.” Then he told me that he could not follow me back to my town again, because a dead man could not live with alives and their characteristics would not be the same and said that he would give me anything that I liked in the Dead’s Town. When he said so, I thought over what had happened to us in the bush, then I was very sorry for my wife and myself and I was then unable to drink the palm-wine which he gave me at that moment. Even I myself knew already that deads could not live with alives, because I had watched their doings and they did not correspond with ours at all.(p.100)


The following morning, the young man and his wife began their journey homeward, by way of  a road where they were attacked by a band of dead babies, who were on their way to Dead’s Town. Once at home, the man resumed his career of drinking 150 kegs of palmwine each morning with his friends until famine struck the region and his all-providing Egg (given him by the tapster in Deads' Town and which produced regular banquets for the community) was broken, at which time his friends turned against him and he did what was necessary to protect himself.

If there is a moral to this tale, Amos Tutuola seems to tell us that the dead and the living have little in common. We are well advised to develop a strong sense of solidarity with the alives, and to prudently protect ourselves from both the deads and those alives who threaten our existence.


The 16 items below speak to the chaos today that has engulfed us, and the social class analyses that have all but rendered nationalist values archaic. Who are we? What do we really want? These are the radical questions at the eye of the hurricane, a vantage point which did not create this chaos but nevertheless seizes it up as a whole, including the stinking swamp spewing its toxic fumes into our air.



Francis Feeley

Professor of American Studies

University of Grenoble-3

Director of Research

University of Paris-Nanterre

Center for the Advanced Study of American Institutions and Social Movements

The University of California-San Diego




Israeli Think Tank: Don’t Destroy ISIS - It’s a “Useful Tool” Against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria
Head of a right-wing think tank says the existence of ISIS serves a "strategic purpose" in the West's interests
by Ben Norton





How We Know ISIS Was Made In The USA



by Roger Stone







by James H. Fetzer




"Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart": NYT Mag Examines Region Since 2003 U.S. Invasion






A Repost:The New York Times Whitewashes US Imperialism - Contemplates Ethnic Cleansing


by Eric London







“This is Our War & It is Shameful ” : Journalist Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. Role in the War in Yemen





U.S. Considers Its Citizens Cowards


by Dmitry Orlov





Why Jeremy Corbyn is Right About NATO
It's disturbing that Jeremy Corbyn's comments on foreign policy were in any way controversial says Chris Nineham
by Chris Nineham





A Lawless Plan to Target Syria’s Allies
Official Washington’s disdain for international law—when it’s doing the lawbreaking—was underscored by ex-CIA acting director Michael Morell voicing plans for murdering Iranians and maybe Russians in Syria
by Ray McGovern





Propaganda for Syrian ‘Regime Change’
Neocons and liberal hawks have poured millions of dollars into propaganda to justify “regime change” in Syria and are now desperate to keep the war going until President Hillary Clinton gets a chance to escalate, as Rick Sterling describes.
by Rick Sterling




Provoking Nuclear War by Media


by John Pilger




The Genocide of a Land



by Paul Craig Roberts





  August 23, 2016

Green Party of Canada Leader Reaffirms Leadership Following Row Over BDS

While Elizabeth May says no to other parties, a strong stand for Palestinian rights includes making Israel pay the appropriate economic and political penalties for its clear violation of international law, says Dimitri Lascaris


  August 26, 2016

Architects and Organizers of BDS Reflect on Global Success, Fate Within Canada

Participants at the World Social Forum earlier this month in Montreal, Canada took up the questions of tactics, organizing, and the role of political parties in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel





From: "c.sham" <c.sham@wanadoo.fr>
Sent: Thursday, 25 August, 2016
Subject: GAZA : voie sans issue


GAZA : voie sans issue

com de l'UJFP (Union Juive Française pour la Paix) : 

Gaza : dead end*
  mercredi 24 août 2016 par le Bureau national de l’UJFP        

*voie sans issue

Dimanche 21 août : en 20 minutes, la bande de Gaza a subi 70 raids 
aériens touchant essentiellement le nord (Beit Lahia et Beit Hanoun).
« Je me souviens en 2014 avant la guerre. C’est la même chose qui est 
arrivée. Alors, je pense qu’une nouvelle guerre s’annonce. Ils ont juste 
besoin d’un peu de temps » nous écrit un militant de Khan Younis.
Tout commence toujours et seulement par une roquette sur Israël (sur 
Sdérot cette fois) qui entraîne des représailles totalement 
disproportionnées, posant ainsi Israël toujours en victime d’agressions 
sans causes, et validant la « stratégie de la force » israélienne, taper 
toujours plus fort, si la première frappe ne suffit pas.

Le message de Netanyahou à la population de Gaza vivant en cage est 
clair : « si tu bouges, je t’écrabouille. Il n’y aura pas de limite et 
personne ne viendra t’aider. » Le gouvernement de Gaza a pourtant 
annoncé avoir arrêté ceux qui ont lancé la roquette.
Dans cette économie on en est aujourd’hui à une roquette lancée = 70 
raids aériens.

Or il y aura toujours des roquettes, parce qu’il y a une population 
assiégée, deux millions d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants pris au piège.

- Piège d’Oslo qui définit une infra-direction nationale et installe la 
sous-traitance par les Palestiniens eux-mêmes de leur occupation.

- Piège de la division palestinienne (Hamas contre Fatah) voulue et 
programmée par l’occupant.

- Piège de la définition néo-conservatrice de Gaza considérée comme « 
entité hostile » au moment de l’accession au pouvoir du Hamas, par les 
urnes faut-il le rappeler. Gaza, entité hostile, devient ainsi un 
parfait « alien » sur qui on peut, on doit, taper sans scrupule ni limite.

- Piège aussi de la volonté israélienne d’effacer la colonisation, de 
requalifier le conflit en guerre de religions (d’où l’intérêt du Hamas 
au pouvoir à Gaza) et de tenter d’assimiler la résistance inévitable et 
légitime d’un peuple enfermé au terrorisme de Daech.

Le fait que les grands médias français ne mentionnent même pas les 70 
raids aériens, et ne les mentionneront que pour parler des prochaines 
roquettes contre Israël afin de justifier la prochaine opération 
sanguinaire, ne fait que démontrer que la stratégie israélienne est 
celle de nos gouvernants.

Il n’y aura pas d’issue ni pour Gaza, ni pour les Palestiniens, ni pour 
les Israéliens tant que la diplomatie européenne et occidentale 
soutiendra la stratégie de la force et l’assassinat de civils.

Il n’y aura pas d’issue tant que l’occupant ne sera pas sanctionné.

Mais en réalité il n’y a d’issue pour personne : Gaza, après avoir été 
le laboratoire, est devenu l’emblème de la non-politique d’aujourd’hui.

Si les gouvernants et les médias font semblant d’y croire, la population 
française ne devrait pas s’y tromper, et commencer à mesurer avec 
inquiétude les effets de l’importation de ce système d’écrasement et 
d’enfermement de masse en France. Gaza est le signe du retour de 
l’époque des camps.

Le Bureau national de l’UJFP, le 24 août 2016
Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP) - 21 ter rue Voltaire, 75011 PARIS
Téléphone : 07 81 89 95 25 • E-mail : contact@ujfp.org : • Site web : 
Page facebook : www.facebook.com/UJFP.Officiel • Compte twitter: @contactujfp





Former CIA Deputy Director Publicly Advocates for Bombing Syria's Assad

This would be illegal under international law - and qualify as terrorism - but that hasn't stopped the U.S. before, says former intelligence analyst Ray McGovern





Trump vs. Hillary: A Summation


by Paul Craig Roberts

“If Hillary gets into the Oval Office, I predict nuclear war before her first term is over.…”





Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War

No Matter the Consequences






From: "Jim O'Brien" <jimobrien48@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, 25 August, 2016
Subject: [haw-info] HAW Notes 8/25/16: anti-blacklist petition; US interventions; links to recent articles of interest



Miscellaneous Notes


1. Several hundred faculty members have signed a petition condemning the anonymous website Canary Mission, which maintains and publicizes a blacklist of students who have acted in any way to support Palestinian rights. You can click here for more information and a form for signing the petition, 


2. Zoltan Grossman of Evergreen State College has an extensive annotated listing of US military interventions from 1890 to 2014.


3. The link for the new issue of the Peace History Society's semi-annual on-line Newsletter was omitted by mistake in the last HAW e-mailing. It's at this address.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest


“No Need to Build the Donald’s Wall, It’s Built

By Todd Miller, TomDispatch.com, posted August 23


“Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?”

By Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, posted August 20

On the files released by the National Security Archive (see below) on Argentina's "dirty war"


“US War Crimes or ‘Normalized Deviance’”

By Nicolas J. S. Davies, Consortium News, posted August 15

On the evolution of US war tactics in recent decades


“Monsters to Destroy: Top 7 Reasons the US Could Not Have Forestalled Syrian Civil War”

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment blog, posted August 12

The author teaches history at the University of Michigan.


“‘Declassified Diplomacy’: Argentina”

By the National Security Archive, posted August 11

1,078 pages of Carter administration files on human rights abuses in Argentina, including the efforts of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to defend the military junta


“The Decay ofAmerican Politics: An Ode to Ike and Adlai”

By Andrew J. Bacevich, TomDispatch.com, posted August 4, 2016

The author is a professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University.


“The Myth of Trump’s Alternative Worldview”


By John Feffer, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted August 3


“On Trade, Our Choices Aren’t Only Between Xenophobic Nationalism or Neoliberal Global Globalization”

By Leon Fink, In These Times, posted August 2

The author teaches history at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


“The Costs and Consequences of Managing Rogue States”

By Paul Pillar, The National Interest, posted July 28


“There’s NothingUn-American about Donald Trump”

By Greg GrandinThe Nation, July 22

The author teaches history at New York University.


Suggestions for this occasional set of article links can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.