Bulletin N° 939






(If necessary, please copy and post the above link. May require patience!)

directed by Matthew Warchus, with Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West, Paddy Considine.


In 1984 20 year old closet gay Joe hesitantly arrives in London from Bromley for his first Gay Pride march and is taken under the collective wing of a group of gay men and Lesbian Steph, who meet at flamboyant Jonathan and his Welsh partner Gethin's Soho bookshop. Not only are gays being threatened by Thatcher but the miners are on strike in response to her pit closures and Northern Irish activist Mark Ashton believes gays and miners should show solidarity. Almost by accident a mini-bus full of gays find themselves in the Welsh village of Onllwyn in the Dulais valley and through their sincere fund raising and Jonathan's nifty disco moves persuade most of the community that they are on the same side. When a bigot tries to sabotage the partnership with a tabloid smear Mark turns it back on her with a hugely successful benefit concert to which most of the villagers, now thoroughly in tune with their gay friends, turn up. The miners are defeated and return to work but at the Pride march...


"Bread and Roses” scene (@0:55:00) from “Pride”



“As we come marching, marching, in the beauty of the day,

A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill-lofts gray

Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,

For the people hear us singing, "Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses."

As we come marching, marching, we battle, too, for men—

For they are women's children and we mother them again.

Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes—

Hearts starve as well as bodies: Give us Bread, but give us Roses!

As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead

Go crying through our singing their ancient song of Bread;

Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew—

Yes, bread we fight for--but we fight for Roses, too.

As we come marching, marching, we bring the Greater Days—

The rising of the women means the rising of the race—

No more the drudge and idler--ten that toil where one reposes—

But sharing of life's glories: Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses!”


Smashing Kids



by John Pilger


A documentary film on what must be called Great Britain’s “eugenics policy” against the poor.



Subject:  Revolts Against the Morbidity and Stench of the Ruling Class.



Black Market Friday 2020

Grenoble, France



Dear Colleagues and Friends of CEIMSA,


Long before the American creation and funding of ISIS, with their routinely filmed ritual murders designed to promote terror, and before the Abu Ghraib torture photos emerged, and before the systematic murders by US military personnel of civilians in Iraq were filmed, we sensed the cruel and sadistic entertainment of capitalist culture – “the dark side” as Dick Cheney called it, and as reflected in President Obama’s reported off-the-cuff remark referring to his record number of Drone assassinations: “I’m a damn good killer.”


The morbid allegiance to private profits has galvanized the owners of capital to produce a filth, the stench of which reaches around the world. The capitalist War Zone has always necessarily existed; it is now ubiquitous and the ruling class – long accustomed to this way of life – has introduced it to all humanity across the world, as the future modus vivendi for us all.


It is no wonder that people are now seeking to save themselves, looking for alternatives to this Juggernaut called Capitalism. It has a sorry history, indeed.



Recently I received an email from an optimistic young reader who wanted to share with me the “Bread and Roses” scene in the movie Pride. (See items above.) This sent me to my labor history collection, where I dusted off a copy of William Cahn’s book, Lawrence 1912, The Bread & Roses Strike (1977). Then, turning to the Internet, I was pleased to discover a short documentary film on this famous 1912 labor strike, produced in 2012 by the Lawrence History Center; and, digging a little deeper, I found, as well, a Zinn Education Project site devoted to the same subject.


Lawrence History Center




Zinn Education Project




 In his introduction to Cahn’s book, journalist Paul Cowan reflects on a different political culture in the early part of 20th-century USA.


     In 1912, it was possible for Americans to believe that economic democracy was a goal that could be achieved. In those days, the country was still in a state of flux, still trying to define itself. As part of the process, a panoply of political parties –the populists, the socialists, the single taxers – had elected Mayors, Congressmen and Senators who possessed an unflinching belief in the importance of redistributing income.


     Of course, the labor movement was a lynchpin of that belief. And this book – the story of the great Lawrence textile strike of 1912 – provides an important chapter in labor’s saga.


     For, that year, it seemed as if the tumultuous, two-month-long Lawrence strike (which spawned the lovely slogan ‘Bread and Roses, Too’) might be the Appomattox of the battle for economic justice. The strike involved 20,000 people in a textile mill town of 90,000. It included immigrants from at least 30 different nations who spoke 45 different languages: Italians, Irish, Syrians, Armenians, Turks, Jews, Belgians, French-Canadians, Germans, and Scandinavians all marched on the same picket lines. Some of those people – like Turks and Armenians, like Lithuanian Christians and Jews – had been bitter enemies in the old world. Now, in America, they had united to fight a common enemy – the poverty, the indignities that came from working in the mills.


     It all began on January 12, 1912, when the mill owners, who had been ordered by the Massachusetts State Legislature to reduce the working week from 56 to 54 hours. Forced the laborers to take a pay cut – a pay cut from the $8.76 they made each week. That day, thousands of workers surged through the city’s biggest factory, the American Wollen Mill, sqbotaging machinery to show their rage.


     That night, Angelo Rocco, a 28-year-old Italian immigrant who had been a weaver in the mills, who was now attending Lawrence high school with the dream that some day he would become a lawyer, telegraphed the International Workers of the World in New York to ask for help from some outside organizers. (Joseph Ettor of the IWW had already established contact with millhands in Lawrence.) Soon, an all-star cast of activists came to town. It included people like the great stump speaker Big Bill Haywood, the cool-headed Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the poet and orator Arturo Giovannitti, Editor, and a young socialist named Margaret Sanger whose advocacy of firth control methods would soon make her controversial and famous.


    It was the first great industrial strike in America. Soon, it prompted nationally known journalists like Lincoln Steffens, and Ray Stannard Baker to come to Lawrence and investigate working conditions in the mills, living conditions o, the tenements.


     Meanwhile, the Yankee aristocracy which ran the mills was enraged at the immigrants who had overcome the barriers of language and culture to fight together for social justice. The organ, New England Magazine, warned the readers that the town was the scene of ‘a wage war which will spread throughout the country. The conditions which exist [in Lawrence] are largely the result of our immigration laws. For years, the offscourings of Southern Europe have been pouring into the city and working for wages Americans could not compete with. They will not be assimilated [and] have no sympathy for our institutions.’


     The readers of the New England Magazine were right to be worried. For the strikers won the first, stunning triumph in American industrial history. And the truth was that many of the workers whom their bosses saw as ‘offscourings,’ had received excellent academic and palatial educations through their affiliation with socialist parties back in Europe. They knew the value of careful strategic planning, of effective nationwide publicity campaigns, of soup kitchens for hungry workers, of non-violent tactics like mobile picket lines. They were more skilled than their adversaries. Their ingenuity caused the mill owners to overreact.


     Their most effective strategy was the children’s exodus from Lawrence. The strike took place in January and February, bitterly cold months, and the organizers decided to find secure housing outside town for some of the activists’ offspring. It was not only a thoughtful humanitarian measure; it was also an immensely effective public relations technique.


     In Lawrence, the kids and their parents would go to the railroad station, bearing signs with slogans like ‘We Shall Never Forget Our Exile, ‘ and board trans for New York or Providence or Philadelphia. Wherever they went, they got a friendly reception in the press. They were always met by large groups of supporters who sometimes placed them in the forefront of torchlight parades. Reporters invariably questioned the children about working conditions in the mills. Soon, for much of the nation, the Lawrence mills were symbols of shame.


     The mill owners and the city government decided to use intimidation as the main weapon in their country-offensive. One February morning they dispatched a squadron of policemen to the railroad station. The police surrounded a train bound for Philadelphia and beat up some of the children – and their parents – as they attempted to board it.


     The attack became a nationwide scandal. Shortly after it, Margaret Sanger, always a shrewd strategist, arranged for about 20 strikers and their children to testify before the House Committee on Rules in Washington.


. . .


     [T]he publicity helped the strikers win their unprecedented victory: a 10 percent pay hike, the right to overtime pay, and amnesty from arrest.


     The Protestant mill owners and the Irish and Italian churches, which were immensely powerful in those days, sought to brand the most visible strikers as radicals and unsavory immigrants.  . . .  Soon the insurgents, not the working conditions in the mills, became the main issue in Lawrence.(pp.9-12)


As economic contradictions evolved, new political formations have appeared center stage in the United States. Ideological and cultural expressions attempt to capture these changes, but inevitably they lag behind. We are caught peering into the rearview mirror instead of looking ahead at what is appearing around the bend. In this way, we are repeatedly caught unaware of ruling-class strategies that have targeted us. Our entire education, with few exceptions, has been distorted to serve this purpose, to render us docile, anxious and confused.



The 14 + items below should shed light on imminent changes that will affect the lives of all of us. Such foresight might allow us to take actions that would influence policies, a matter of life or death for many. Our greatest enemies, of course, are Fear and Self-Delusion, both of which are manufactured in addictive doses by the capitalist culture industry, with the intention of facilitating a revolution from above. Our interests are not theirs. We seek to understand our history, to rediscover the meanings of “class warfare”, of “imperial warfare”; and to understand the relationship between the two, guided by our own  Experience, Theory, and Practice . . . .



Francis Feeley


Professeur honoraire de l'Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ancien Directeur de Researches
Université de Paris-Nanterre
Director of The Center for the Advanced Study
of American Institutions and Social Movements
The University of California-San Diego




From: DAL38 [mailto:droitaulogement@gresille.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2020 12:36 PM
To: Logement Diffusion; Dal38
Subject: [Logement-infos] [CP] Justice pour les mal-logéEs!


Communiqué de presse


Justice pour les mal-logéEs !



 Pour faire valoir leur droit à un logement décent, stable, adapté, accessible, choisi et bon marché, des mal-logéEs passent aujourd’hui jeudi 26 novembre devant la justice à Grenoble. Une banderole a été déployé devant le Tribunal d'instance.

Qu’ils attaquent leur bailleur ou qu’ils se défendent, dans le parc public ou privé, le DAL 38 est entièrement à leur côté, pour les soutenir et faire connaître leurs luttes essentielles :


 - droit à un logement décent et adapté pour les locataires mal logéEs, qui vivent depuis des années dans l'insalubrité, les manquements à l'hygiène, les équipements défaillants... LogéEs à l'étroit, alors que les enfants grandissent et que la superficie ou l'agencement de leurs logements trop retreints ne permettent pas une vie apaisée ; mal ou pas chaufféEs avec des menuiseries, portes et fenêtres, qui ne ferment pas, des chaudières totalement défaillantes ; confrontéEs à des invasions de nuisibles, des ascenseurs qui ne fonctionnent plus, des infiltrations d'eau...absence d'entretien, absence de conciergerie..


Et ceci alors que les prix des loyers, publics et privés, que les locataires s'épuisent à payer avec régularité, ne cessent d'augmenter et les charges de s'envoler, de moins en moins en rapport avec les prestations nécessaires non assurées par les bailleurs et les propriétaires.

 - Refus de toutes les expulsions. Les audiences d’aujourd’hui concernent comme chaque semaine des locataires précaires ayant développé des impayés de loyers pour faire face à des dépenses essentielles. De nombreux foyers sont donc poursuivis par leur propriétaire pour les expulser à cause du premier confinement qui a vu des centaines de milliers personnes mises au chômage et fait perdre tout ou partie de leurs revenus à autant d’autres.


Les expulsions prononcées auront lieu à partir de la fin de la trêve hivernale, le 1er avril 2021 : si rien n’est fait, ce printemps verra la plus grande vague d’expulsions jamais vue en France depuis des dizaines d’années.


Pendant ce temps, les expulsions illégales se poursuivent car malgré la circulaire de la Ministre du logement datée du 17 octobre, rappelant aux Préfets « Pas d’expulsion locative avec concours de la force publique sans solution de logement ou d’hébergement », les pressions se renforcent sur les locataires, avec passages d'huissiers et menaces d'expulsions, jusqu'aux coups de force musclés et sans jugements dans le locatif privé ou dans les squats laissant les habitantEs à la rue...


La circulaire du 17 octobre ne permettra donc pas de répondre à l’augmentation constante du nombre de sans abris, alimentée notamment par ces expulsions locatives, aux risques de propagation de l’épidémie, laissés dans les rues même lorsqu’ils demandent une place d’hébergement. Les chiffres sont sans appel : 300 000 personnes d'après la Fondation Abbé Pierre, 10 millions de pauvres selon le Secours Catholique...

En lutte avec les locataires, les sans abris et les mal-logéEs, le DAL se bat contre toutes les expulsions, contre le mal logement, pour l'application du droit inconditionnel à un logement décent et adapté pour toutes et tous … Nous dénonçons la loi de finance qui prévoit de faire une économie de 3,2 milliards d’euros sur les APL des locataires les plus précaires et de ponctionner 500 millions d’euros dans les caisses qui financent la construction de logements sociaux.


La loi d'urgence sanitaire doit inclure un moratoire des expulsions et de leurs procédures, des impayés de loyers. Et la Préfecture doit enfin lancer la réquisition des logements vacants au nombre de 16.000 dans la Métro pour loger l'ensemble des personnes à la rue ou mal-logéEs et faire enfin baisser le prix du foncier qui étrangle les prix du logement sur l'agglomération.


Contact par mail : droitaulogement@gresille.org

ou par téléphone au : 06 41 30 55 18


“Economic decline is a social trauma”


 with Richard Wolff



Britain’s Class War on Children


by John Pilger


In this abridged article published by the London Daily Mirror & based on his 1975 film, Smashing Kids, John Pilger describes class as Britain’s most virulent disease, causing record levels of child poverty.


From: Cat McGuire
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Subject: The Biometric Panopticon - MUST-WATCH


I highly recommend this talk by Alison McDowell that illustrates in detail The Great Reset prison planet the billionaires have in store for us -- all using hope-filled words like sustainability, efficiency, equality, and green. It's a big global dystopian lie.

Biometric Health Passports And The Panopticon


We must stop being passive in the face of blatantly misanthropic decrees. Fear-induced mask-wearing and "social distancing" schemes are examples of how they ease us into the acceptance of living anti-human lives.  Case in point: pod yoga



As Hunger Soars Across Nation, U.S. Trade & Foreign Policy Is Also Causing Hunger Across the Globe


with Raj Patel



Betting Pool? Tyson Managers Bet on How Many Workers Would Get COVID. Advocates Call It Grim Pattern


with Magaly Licolli






“What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns”


with James Corbett



A Pandemic Future May Contain a Triangulation of Attacks


by Janet Phelan



Bill Gates predicts when the next pandemic will arrive

Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech are awaiting FDA approval but the tech billionaire warns that another virus is inevitable.


Bill Gates predicts when the next pandemic will arrive


by William Gittins


Microsoft founder Bill Gates has revealed on his podcast, Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Ask Big Questions, his thoughts on the future of global pandemics. In a far-reaching conversation with actor and writer Jones, Gates outlined his hopes for a post-covid world and what challenges humanity will face.

Gates had previously warned about the prospect of a worldwide pandemic and believes that another one is almost inevitable in an increasingly globalised world. When asked about it, he said:

“Hopefully it could be 20 years from now”, before adding, “but we must assume it could be 3 years from now… There is a reasonable probability that the world will face something like this in the next 10 or 15 years,” he added.

In our first podcast episode, Rashida Jones and I talked to Dr. Anthony Fauci about what to expect in the coming months and what the world will look like after COVID-19. https://t.co/JryaNOA9fb





Useful Idiots


Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters on Biden, Trump, Assange & Censorship


with with Matt Taibbi, Katie Halper





November 25, 2020


Dear friends and colleagues,


We’re sure you’ve been busy since our last update and as have we.

First of all, we must apologise as our week four update from the September hearings never made it to you.


There was a lapse on our part, but we’re glad to report you’ll now be able to find a public archive of the available witness statements from the case here.


Additionally, in the last couple of weeks, both the defence and the prosecution have served their closing submissions to the court and those of you who are interested in accessing these documents will be able to do so below:

For the defence, on behalf of Julian Assange

For the prosecution, on behalf of the United States


As you’ll be aware, District Judge Vanessa Baraitser’s ruling will be delivered at the Old Bailey in central London on January 4th and Tareq will aim to be in the court room again to provide a written update.


Furthermore, there have been a number of other developments worth noting since we last wrote to you.


First, the civil suit between the Rich family, CNN, Ed Butowsky and a number of others has reportedly been settled out of court. The majority of the relevant court filings are available at CourtListener, including a recent deposition of S e y mour Hersh who gave evidence after a motion to compel was filed.


Second, the Audiencia Nacional, a special High Court in Madrid, Spain, has continued its judge-led investigation into the bugging carried out by UC Global, suspected to be on behalf of the CIA. You’ll find a recent summary of some recent proceedings by ComputerWeekly here.


No doubt many of you have also read that Assange’s cell-block has reverted to total lockdown after a number of prisoners and wardens in his wing tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, meaning Julian is back in solitary confinement for 24 hours a day. Doctors for Assange have since issued a statement stating that “the torture and medical neglect of Mr Assange not only continues unabated but has intensified,” and have reissued their call for his immediate release.


Lastly, we have a small favour to ask of you.


We have been continuing our own lines of investigation in hopes of shedding further light on this case. To assist us however, we wondered if you knew of any hopeful funding sources we could pursue in order to support our work on a long-term basis.


We have prepared a funding proposal that details what we plan to investigate and how. We hoped you could help introduce us to a suitable individual or organisation. If this is the case, or you simply know who would be good to contact, we would be very grateful to hear from you. You can send the respective details to contact@speak-up-for-assange.org.



Thank you and warmest regards,

Serena, Nicky, Blaž and Tareq


International journalists' statement in defence of Julian Assange:


Signatory list:


Facebook group:






News from Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Subject: [MCM] John Kerry says Great Reset is needed to stop the rise of populism (and other signals of the tyranny intended not by Trump but "the Resistance")


From Colleen McGuire:



“At Davos Kerry Says 'Great Reset' Is Needed To Stop Rise Of Populism”


by Tyler Durden, authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News


Former Secretary of State John Kerry attended a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum during which he asserted that a great reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism.


Biden has named him as Climate Chief.  LOL 


The reason it's so funny is because the liberals and lefties were all terrified of Trump bringing in fascism. And all along these high falutin' activists were riding the horse on which the smiley-face fascism is coming in on.  


And they were so terrified of Trump, they actually got half of America demanding to stop challenges to  election fraud.  Imagine that.   Yeah, who cares about election fraud, so long as it's our fraud.  


Tribal Whores. 

If you didn't read it before, I'll post it again from Nyota Uhuru of Ferguson, MO.  I feel I should keep re-posting it until it is household common sense in America:


Allegations have been made and if Joe Biden is to ever take the oath of office he will have to offer a counter explanation for his lucky streak, irregularities and anomalies. Lemme try to explain another way, imagine Joe Biden buying a lotto ticket in 5 diff states and then waking up to find out he hit the jackpot in each one... do you think lotto officials would be cheering his win or investigating him for cheating despite the machines? They would look at him and any relationships he may have with lotto officials... they would also look at the machines and to see if he had any relationships with the machine 

manufacturers. Why? Because of this lil thingy called statistical odds. And they would not pay out until/unless they were convinced otherwise.


Justin Trudeau now claims that “Great Reset” is a “Conspiracy Theory”


with  Alex Christoforou






News from Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Subject: [MCM] A software engineer's detached analysis of Biden's victories in WI, MI, PA and GA finds all of them unlikely, and in the same way


Not that evidence matters any more, at least not to "our free press" and "the left," whether it concerns elections or the COVID crisis. 




News from Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Subject: [MCM] Google's biased searches gave Biden/Harris AT LEAST 6 million votes, reports Dr. Robert Epstein (a Democrat), after months of careful study by his team in three swing states.


“We are on the brink of a

massive revolution.”


by Brandon Straka


So Google actually did do, for Biden, what Russia didn't really do for Trump four years ago; and Google's doing this kind of thing worldwide, and not just for liberals. (They're helping China keep a close eye on its people.)


How poor people survive in the USA | https://youtu.be/JHDkALRz5Rk



Homelessness, hunger and shame: poverty is rampant in the richest country in the world. Over 40 million people in the United States live below the poverty line, twice as many as it was fifty years ago. It can happen very quickly.


Economic Update: “What Capitalism's Decline Means"


with Richard Wolff






Feminism Not Militarism: Medea Benjamin on the Movement to Oppose Michèle Flournoy as Pentagon Chief


with Medea Benjamin



Barbara Ransby & David Sirota Warn of Close Links Between Biden’s Cabinet Picks & Corporate Power


with Barbara Ransby and David Sirota






James Corbett Explains The Great Reset on The Highwire with Del Bigtree




via The Highwire: HighWire goes to a place we’ve never gone before. Is there something more behind the global coronavirus response? Why are so many leaders using the same language when talking about the future of their countries and the world? What is the Great Reset? Journalist James Corbett joins Del to separate facts from fiction.


News from Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Subject: [MCM] COVID vaccine "hesitancy" widespread---even among doctors and nurses



Two-thirds of doctors won't take it:


— This past week in healthcare investigations

Doc Gets 5 Years for Fraud; Vaccine-Hesitant Docs & Nurses; Lysol Under the Lid


by Kristina Fiore,


So we have a clear MAJORITY that doesn't want it. Will they (we) all be coerced into taking it? It's one thing to select a president, against the will of the majority; but quite another to mandate the injection of unwilling millions upon millions (and Biden/Harris would seem to have been selected to facilitate precisely that).



Top News of the Day

COVID Vaccine Hesitancy Widespread, Even Among Medical Professionals


By Jeremy Loffredo

As details on the latest COVID vaccine contenders flood the news cycle on a daily basis, reports of concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine are widespread among many demographics, even including the professional medical community.




Big Energy Pocketed Billions in Taxpayer-Funded COVID Bailouts

A total of $110 billion in direct and indirect benefits went to 66 companies, including between $10.4 and $15.2 billion in direct disbursements to coal, oil ...




Synthetic Chemicals in Plastics Pose Danger to Children’s Health

Plastics are everywhere: in couches, televisions, makeup, toys, costumes, and even children’s bodies ...




‘Why Are We Listening to Bill Gates?’

In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense vice chair and general counsel, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” Mary and Polly discuss predictions that COVID vaccines will be ...




Investigation Shows How Pesticide Giants Are Marketing Their Products as a Climate Solution

“They're just trying to sell the same old stuff under different labels. The bottom line is they're chemical ...




Multiple Vaccinations Increase Risk of Adverse Events Through Vitamin A Toxicity

An article in the journal Vaccines reviews recent studies linking multiple vaccinations to increased risks of ...




How Facebook’s ‘Fact Check’ Feature Suppresses Truth, Promotes Falsehoods About COVID-19

Facebook and its faux “fact check” partner have no problem with misinformation, provided that it serves ...




Secret Reports Expose Amazon’s Surveillance of Labor and Environmental Groups

The Defender’s COVID Vaccine NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines on COVID-19 and vaccines.


What we're reading ...

·                     Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, expected to plead guilty to charges related to nation's opioid crisis

·                     Flu shot requirement for Maine health care workers meets resistance from some nurses

·                     Are obese patients with autism spectrum disorder more likely to be selenium deficient?

·                     New study shows Arctic animals responding to climate change

·                     World-first report finds dementia kills children at similar rate as cancer

·                     Climate change is bringing back long-lost forms of food poisoning  




News from Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2020
Subject: [MCM] DNA collection devices are being used to conduct "COVID" tests.


From Darwin K. Hoop:


Another disturbing "conspiracy theory" completes successful transition to the realm of fact:






News from Underground

From: Mark Crispin Miller

Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Subject: [MCM] Delhi's rising air pollution due to COVID crisis


So deaths from respiratory ailments aggravated by that filthy air can also be

called "COVID-related" (in a very poor and crowded nation with a remarkably low COVID death rate, no doubt to the ready availability of chloroquine to treat malaria, just as in Pakistan).



Delhi’s rising air pollution may have an invisible Covid link

The pandemic has resulted in reduction in use of public transport, leading to more use of personal vehicles in the national capital. More vehicles on road mean more emissions and with poor dispersal, it leads to higher ambient air pollution levels

INDIA Updated: Oct 16, 2020, 09:17 IST

Chetan Chauhan

Chetan Chauhan
Hindustan Times, New Delhi







Des lits, du personnel, des moyens pour l’hôpital public et la santé, MAINTENANT ! Face à une crise sanitaire allant en s’aggravant, les seules armes du gouvernement sont l’autoritarisme et la répression. En 15 ans 69 000 lits ont été supprimés dans les hôpitaux. La situation sanitaire actuelle est donc l’aboutissement logique des politiques libérales appliquées à l’hôpital. Nous revendiquons donc un VERITABLE PLAN D'URGENCE POUR L'HÔPITAL. L’hôpital a besoin de davantage de moyens financiers mais aussi humains. C’est pourquoi nous exigeons :


 une augmentation drastique du financement de l’hôpital public avec la réouverture des nombreux sites hospitaliers locaux fermés ces dernières années, l'embauche massive avec revalorisation des salaires de l'ensemble des personnels, la réquisition au service de l’intérêt commun des cliniques privées, des moyens pour pouvoir appliquer les protocoles sanitaires, les masques gratuits, etc...


La justice sociale, maintenant ! La crise du COVID impacte également bien au-delà du secteur hospitalier. Alors que l’on restreint d’un côté les libertés individuelles rendues responsables de toutes les contaminations, la sécurité des travailleurs/travailleuses et des jeunes n’est pas assurée en continuant de les envoyer dans les grandes entreprises, les écoles, les transports, qui constituent les principaux lieux de foyers de contamination. Nous avons d’urgence besoin d’investissements massifs dans tous les services publics et notamment dans l’éducation et les transports qui sont plus que jamais essentiels. De même, la sécurité et les droits des travailleurs et travailleuses ainsi que des millions de personnes se trouvant aujourd’hui au chômage doivent être assurés. Les milliards distribués sans compter pour sauver les profits des grandes entreprises, qui n’hésitent pas, derrière, à licencier en masse, doivent être, de toute urgence, consacrés à la santé, à l’école, à la lutte contre la pauvreté qui, se répand encore plus vite que la covid !


Exigeons des protocoles pensés par les travailleur.euse.s pour limiter le brassage, diminuer la densité humaine, et rendre possible des activités sécurisées (culture, petits commerces, ...) Exigeons le maintien du salaire le paiement à 100% du salaire en cas de chômage partiel !Imposons une revalorisation globale des salaires. Revendiquons une extension des droits des chômeurs et des chômeuses… Baisse des loyers, arrêt des expulsions et poursuite pour impayésRéquisition des logements vides pour reloger toute personne à la rue ou mal logée


Nos droits démocratiques, maintenant !


Alors même que les libertés publiques et syndicales sont drastiquement attaquées par un confinement de la vie hors-travail, le gouvernement en profite pour faire avancer son agenda à une vitesse inquiétante. Les lois liberticides et autoritaires se succèdent ces dernières semaines à un rythme inquiétant : Interdiction de filmer la police, risque de trois ans d’emprisonnement pour les lycéen.ne.s bloquant leurs établissements, surveillance par les drones… Nous devons refuser ce tournant que l’Etat cherche à faire prendre à notre société et empêcher la loi "Sécurité Globale". Refusons que nos droits soient attaqués par un état d’urgence permanent !





From: Global Research Newsletter [mailto:newsletter@globalresearch.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Subject: Xi Jinping’s “China First”





November 25, 2020




Xi Jinping’s “China First”

By Tom Clifford, November 25 2020


It isn’t about what happened, it’s about what will happen. Our time has come is the catchphrase, a rallying cry. The people are told they have been cheated. It won’t happen again. We are the justice seekers. Upend the global trade order, it is skewed against us. This is heady stuff.



The Vicious Circle of Violence and Obedience: Exercise the Right to Individual and Collective Resistance!

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 25 2020


Many adults react to the confused instructions of politicians like children or how primitive primitive people reacted: in the form of a “magical belief in authority”: uncritical and clouded by moods, feelings and promises of happiness. And that has consequences.



Biden’s Victory Does Not Guarantee a Progressive Agenda. We Must Fight for It.

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 25 2020


Biden has already promised to end U.S. support for the tragic war in Yemen. He should also restore humanitarian aid to Yemen and urge Saudi Arabia to negotiate an end to that conflict. It is essential that we pressure Biden to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces.



Behind the US Treasury vs. Federal Reserve ‘Rift’. Just What is the $455 Billion?

By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 25 2020


This past week the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Bank engaged in a rare public disagreement. US Treasury Secretary, Mnuchin, in a letter to Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, last week directed the Fed to return $455 billion that the Fed was holding in reserve should future lending to banks and non-bank businesses become necessary if the US economy and markets further deteriorate in 2021.



UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian’ COVID ‘Control Freaks’ in Government

By Steve Watson, November 25 2020


A British Supreme Court judge has slammed the UK government as ‘control freaks’ for attempting to control people’s lives under the guise of COVID, and labeled it “morally and constitutionally indefensible” to define what freedoms the public should and shouldn’t have.



Keeping the Empire Running: Britain’s Global Military Footprint

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 25 2020


Britain, it turns out, has a rather expansive global reach when it comes to bases, military installations and testing sites. While not having the obese heft and lumbering brawn of the United States, it makes a good go of it. Globally, the UK military has a presence in 145 sites in 42 countries. Such figures tally with Ian Cobain’s prickly observation in The History Thieves: that the British were the only people “perpetually at war.”



Return of Great Game in Post-Soviet Central Asia

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 25 2020


What emerges is that the common narrative that China is overshadowing the Russian security presence in Central Asia lacks any empirical evidence. Russia is still the only extra-regional power that maintains a military base in Central Asia (in Tajikistan) and also heads a CSTO base (in Kyrgyzstan). 



The Cunning Plot to Kill Kennedy

By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 25 2020


While the normal thing would have been all out investigations into the murder, in this particular murder the state of Texas and U.S. officials did the exact opposite. They settled for simply pinning the crime on Oswald, the purported lone nut communist ex-U.S. Marine. Here is how they pulled it off.



As Palestinian Refugees Face Severe Crisis, Canada Must Show Support for UNRWA

By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 25 2020


Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and the Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations (CCPO) are urging the Canadian government to take action in response to the crisis facing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the UN agency responsible for 5.7 million Palestinian refugees.




Cuba Successfully Halts Its COVID-19 Outbreak: A Reflection of the Socialist Revolution and the Legacy of Fidel Castro’s Vision of Health Care

By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 25 2020


The success of Cuba’s healthcare system is widely acknowledged, even among the country’s adversaries, critics and enemies. However, little credit is given to Fidel Castro’s role and vision in bringing it to fruition.











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Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Elon Musk: 6 successful traits of above average people






Confinement: « Les critères appliqués par le gouvernement ne sont pas rationnels »


par Serge Blondel


FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE - Certains des endroits les moins risqués en matière de contamination ont été fermés (commerces respectant le protocole sanitaire, ...) tandis que certains des plus propices à la contamination comme les grandes surfaces sont restés ouverts, analyse Serge Blondel. Selon l’économiste, le traitement réservé aux petits commerces est de ce point de vue particulièrement injuste.






November 26, 2020



Bribery and Corruption in the Covid-19 Era

By Kristina Pierce, November 26 2020


While the world is trying to limit the destruction caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are only starting to understand its long-term effects on governments, economies, companies and individuals. The global crisis has exacerbated existing flaws at all levels, including vulnerabilities to corruption and bribery.



World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ Plan for Big Food Benefits Industry, Not People

By Jeremy Loffredo, November 26 2020


The architects of the plan claim it will reduce food scarcity, hunger and disease, and even mitigate climate change. But a closer look at the corporations and think tanks the WEF is partnering with to usher in this global transformation suggests that the real motive is tighter corporate control over the food system by means of technological solutions.



Brave Vandana Shiva Speaks Out Against the Great Reset

By Organic Radicals, November 26 2020


She warns in a new interview that “The Great Reset is about maintaining and empowering a corporate extraction machine and the private ownership of life”.



COVID Vaccine Hesitancy Widespread, Even Among Medical Professionals

By Jeremy Loffredo, November 26 2020


Pfizer recently announced that its covid vaccine was more than 90 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Shortly after this announcement, Moderna announced that its covid vaccine was 94.5 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Unlike the flu vaccine, which is one shot, both covid vaccines require two shots given three to four weeks apart. Hidden toward the end of both announcements, were the definitions of “effective.”